秋天的叶子很美,但是如果要你花钱去买,你愿意吗?英国一家超市近日开始出售成束的叶子,6英镑的定价足以买一束鲜花,这是风雅还是抢钱?Photo: Twitter英国高端超市维特罗斯近日遭到社交媒体用户的炮轰,因为该超市出售成束的“秋叶”,每束定价6英镑(约合人民币53元)。UK-based supermarket Waitrose has been slammed by social media users for selling bouquets of “autumn seasonal foliage” at £6 apiece. 该超市将各种树叶用透明的塑料箔纸包起来,扎成花束的样子。这款树叶产品的照片近日在社交媒体上被疯传,因为产品价格(6英镑)而引发了争议。考虑到现在这个季节树叶在大街上随处可拾,可以理解为什么有些人会指责维特罗斯超市售卖免费的东西来赚钱。Photos of various tree leaves packaged in transparent plastic foil and arranged as flower bouquets went viral on social media lately, sparking controversy because of the product’s price, six British pounds. Considering tree leaves can literally be picked up from the street this time of year, it’s understandable that some people went after Waitrose, accusing the supermarket of trying to make money by selling something that is actually free. 一名推特用户写道:“一包真叶子??我可以卖给你满满一垃圾袋的叶子,只收10便士。”"A bag of actual leaves?? I’ll sell you a bin bag of leaves for 10p,” one Twitter user wrote. 另外一名用户评论道:“这也许是一帮喝醉酒的人在周一晨会上想出来的创意。”"This has got to be from the drunk Monday morning meeting category of ideas,” someone else commented. 显然,这种奇异的“叶束”出现在维特罗斯超市的货架上是迎接秋天的一种方式,上面还贴着标签,鼓励顾客“把窗外风景带进家门”。Apparently, the bizarre foliage bouquets appeared on Waitrose supermarket shelves as a way to welcome autumn, and featured a sticker urging customers to “bring the outdoors inside”. 官方的产品描述写道:“把窗外风景带进门,用新鲜采摘的时令花草来装饰你的家。我们的优质花草都来自栽培专家,并在运送途中温柔呵护,使其美丽持久。”"Bring the outdoors indoors and brighten up your home with freshly picked flowers that reflect the colors of the season,” the official product description read. “We source the best blooms from expert growers, and handle them gently on their journey to our stores so they look beautiful for longer.”Photo: Twitter尽管人们对这款秋季主题产品的反馈普遍是负面的,但是这家英国超市解释道,决定对一捆树叶收费6英镑是受消费者的需求启发。Despite the generally negative feedback to its autumn-themed product, the British supermarket explained its decision to charge £6 for a bunch of tree leaves by claiming that it was inspired by a demand from shoppers. 维特罗斯超市的一名发言人告诉《太阳报》说:“我们目睹了人们对秋叶的强烈需求,我们的顾客喜欢把秋天的树叶和时令鲜花混合在一起装饰自己的家。”"We’ve seen a really strong demand for autumn foliage – our customers love using these to mix in with their seasonal flowers to brighten their homes,” a Waitrose spokesperson told The Sun.Actual leaves. Outside on the street, is below. Inside, £6 for the pleasure — Sharon Hanley (@sharonlhanley) September 20, 2020 真叶子。在门外,大街上,它就在脚下。在室内,花6英镑买个开心。 ——沙伦·汉利@sharonlhanley,2020年9月20日有趣的是,有些人似乎在为这包树叶的价格辩护,表示这显然是“高质量的叶子”。这也许是真的,但考虑到你可以用同样甚至更低的价格买到花束甚至葡萄酒,这还是有抢钱的感觉。Interestingly, there were those who seemed to somewhat justify the price tag of this bag of leaves by saying that it was obviously “high quality foliage”. That may be true, but considering you could buy flower bouquets or even bottles of wine for that same price or less, it still seems like a money grab. 这不是英国商店和超市第一次因为以过高的价格出售免费的东西而上新闻头条了。前有伦敦的一家时尚服饰店出售14美元(约合人民币95元)一根的彩绘原木,后有工艺品商店Botanique售价22美元的树枝。This isn’t the first time that English shops and supermarkets make news headlines for selling free things at exorbitant prices. First, there is a posh shop in London, that sold painted logs for $14 apiece, and there was artisan shop Botanique and its $22 chopped tree branches.