也许经历了这次疫情,你还能保得住饭碗,但不知道你能否经得住自动化浪潮的考验?世界经济论坛预测,到2025年,半数工作将由机器处理,人类的许多工作岗位会消失,但也会产生很多新的工作岗位。图片来源:Unsplash世界经济论坛的一份报告预测,到2025年,半数工作任务将由机器处理,这一转变可能会加剧不平等。Half of all work tasks will be handled by machines by 2025 in a shift likely to worsen inequality, a World Economic Forum report has forecast.世界经济论坛称,“机器人革命”会在全球创造9700万个工作岗位,但也会导致同样多的工作岗位消失,这将使一部分人群面临风险。 The think tank said a "robot revolution" would create 97 million jobs worldwide but destroy almost as many, leaving some communities at risk.世界经济论坛指出,行政管理和数据处理方面的常规或体力工作受自动化的威胁最大。Routine or manual jobs in administration and data processing were most at threat of automation, WEF said.不过,护理、大数据和绿色经济领域将出现新的就业岗位。But it said new jobs would emerge in care, big data and the green economy.世界经济论坛的研究涵盖了世界最大的300家公司,这些公司雇佣了世界各地约800万人。The Forum's research spanned 300 of the world's biggest companies, who between them employ eight million people around the world.超50%的受访公司老板表示,他们希望加速公司部分岗位的自动化,而43%的老板认为可能会因为技术发展进行裁员。More than 50% of employers surveyed said they expected to speed up the automation of some roles in their companies, while 43% felt they were likely to cut jobs due to technology.世界经济论坛称,新冠大流行病加速了新技术的采用,因为公司期望降低成本并采用新工作方式。但是论坛警告称,员工现在面临着来自“自动化加速和疫情导致的经济衰退”双重威胁。WEF said the pandemic had sped up the adoption of new technologies as firms looked to cut costs and adopt new ways of working. But it warned workers now faced a double threat from "accelerating automation and the fallout from the Covid-19 recession".fallout[ˈfɔːlaʊt]: (不良)后果,副作用,余波图片来源:Unsplash世界经济论坛常务董事萨迪亚·扎西迪称:“这些因素深化了各劳动力市场存在的不平等,逆转了2007-2008全球金融危机以来有所改善的就业局面。”"[These things have] deepened existing inequalities across labour markets and reversed gains in employment made since the global financial crisis in 2007-2008," said Saadia Zahidi, managing director at WEF.“在这个艰难时刻,这种双重破坏给员工设置了又一道障碍。针对这个变化进行前瞻性调整的机会窗口期正在快速关闭。”"It's a double disruption scenario that presents another hurdle for workers in this difficult time. The window of opportunity for proactive management of this change is closing fast."世界经济论坛表示,目前约三分之一的工作任务由机器处理,人类做其余的工作,但是到2025年二者位置将会颠倒。WEF said currently around a third of all work tasks were handled by machines, with humans doing the rest, but by 2025 the balance would shift.顾问、决策、推理、交流和互动等依靠人类技能的工作岗位需求量将会增加。绿色经济领域的工作岗位以及工程和云计算等领域的工作岗位需求量也会“暴增”。Roles that relied on human skills such as advising, decision-making, reasoning, communicating and interacting would rise in demand. There would also be a "surge" in demand for workers to fill green economy jobs, and new roles in areas like engineering and cloud computing.但是世界经济论坛表示,数百万常规或体力工作岗位会随着技术发展被替代,其中收入最低、技能含量最低的工人受影响最大。But it said millions of routine or manual jobs would be displaced by technology, affecting the lowest paid, lowest skilled workers the most.世界经济论坛称,数百万人需要重新接受技能培训来应对改变,而政府则必须为下岗员工提供“更强大的安全网”。It said millions would need to be re-skilled to cope with the change, while governments would have to provide "stronger safety nets" for displaced workers.