近日,美国亚特兰大的一起连环枪击案造成8人死亡,其中6人为亚裔女性,这一事件引发了全美亚裔的恐慌。疫情暴发以来,亚裔美国人的处境急剧恶化。加州大学的研究发现,推特上反亚裔标签使用量大增,起因就是特朗普去年3月发表的一条关于“中国病毒”的推文。People gather at New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine during a
"Service of Prayer and Witness Against Anti-Asian Violence" in the wake
of the Atlanta spa shootings, in New York City, US, March 23, 2021.
REUTERS/Brendan McDermid一项研究发现,美国前总统特朗普关于“中国病毒”的第一条推文引发了推特上反亚裔标签使用量的剧增。Then-President Donald Trump's first tweet about a "Chinese virus" triggered a rise in anti-Asian hashtags on Twitter, a study has found.Screenshot from Twitter这项研究发现,2020年3月16日的这条推文对于反亚裔标签数量大增负有直接责任。该研究是美国加州大学旧金山分校的研究人员开展的,由同行评议后于3月17日发表。The peer-reviewed study, published Wednesday by researchers at the University of California at San Francisco, found that the March 16, 2020, tweet was directly responsible for a major increase in anti-Asian hashtags.之后,特朗普又在推特上和公开场合反复多次使用“中国病毒”这个词,一直到他任期结束。在他发布那条推文时,世界范围内确诊新冠肺炎病例15.3万例,美国数个州已经采取了紧急措施。Trump went on to use the term repeatedly on Twitter and in person through the end of his presidency. At the time of his tweet, there were 153,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, and several US states had introduced emergency measures.研究人员分析了去年3月9日至23日期间使用#covid19或#中国病毒标签的近70万条推文。研究报告称,推特上半数使用了#中国病毒标签和五分之一使用了#covid19标签的人流露出反亚裔情绪。The researchers analyzed nearly 700,000 tweets that used either "#covid19" or "#chinesevirus" from March 9 to March 23. They said half of the tweets that used "#chinesevirus" and 20% of tweets that used "#covid19" showed anti-Asian sentiment.研究人员写道:“对比2020年3月16日的前后两周,和#中国病毒相关的反亚裔标签比#covid19相关的反亚裔标签显著增加。”"When comparing the week before March 16, 2020, to the week after, there was a significantly greater increase in anti-Asian hashtags associated with #chinesevirus compared with #covid19," they wrote.去年6月,特朗普在一次集会上公开使用了“中国病毒”和“功夫流感”这种词。伴随这些用词而来的是美国亚裔人群所遭受种族歧视的增加。The use of terms like "Chinese virus" and "kung flu," which Trump publicly said at a rally in June, have come alongside a rise in racist sentiment toward Asians in the US.益普索去年4月底开展的一项调查发现,超30%的美国人表示曾目睹有人将新冠疫情归咎于亚裔人群。圣贝纳迪诺市加利福尼亚州立大学仇恨和极端主义研究中心的一项研究发现,2020年针对美国亚裔人群的攻击增加了150%。An Ipsos survey conducted in late April found that more than 30% of Americans said they had witnessed someone blaming people of Asian descent for the coronavirus pandemic. A study by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino found that attacks against Asians in the US increased by 150% in 2020.去年7月,亚裔美国人推进正义协会的主席杨重远告诉内幕网称,功夫流感等用词导致了针对亚裔的辱骂和身体伤害。Last July, John C. Yang, the president of Asian Americans Advancing Justice, told Insider that terms like kung flu resulted in physical and verbal abuse toward Asians.杨重远指出:“这类包含种族成见的词被用来污蔑亚裔人群,将全世界本应集体声援的医疗问题归咎于这一人群。”"That term plays on a racist stereotype in itself and is being used to stigmatize a community regarding a medical issue that all of the world should be rallying around," Yang said.“我们不应该用那些离间和伤害群体的字眼,我们现在所处的卫生危机带来的伤害已经够大的了。”"We should not be trying to find terms that alienate communities and harms communities even further than the health crisis that we are already in."针对亚裔美国人暴力事件激增,美国国会上周四(3月18日)举行了听证会。众议员格蕾丝·孟表示,特朗普和其他共和党人士对着“美国各地的亚裔美国人后背开了一枪”。At a congressional hearing on Thursday into the rising violence against Asian Americans, Rep. Grace Meng said Trump and other Republican Party figures had put a "a bull's-eye on the back of Asian Americans across this country."上周二(3月16日)一名持枪白人在亚特兰大地区开枪杀死了8个人,其中6人为亚裔。反亚裔暴力问题因此再次登上了媒体头条。The issue of anti-Asian violence made headlines again last week after a white gunman shot dead eight people, six of whom were Asian, in the Atlanta area on Tuesday.