想要躲过中年发福的魔咒,并不是绝无可能的。新研究发现,只要多吃全谷物食品,多吃坚果、鸡肉、海鲜和酸奶,就可以帮助你在中年保持身材,还能降低你的血糖和血压水平。[Photo/Pexels]新研究指出,人到中年多喝粥可以防止发福。美国波斯顿塔夫茨大学的研究人员监控了3000名55岁左右的中年人发现,那些每天吃三份全谷物食品的人腰围比其他人小两英寸(约5厘米),而且血压和血糖水平也更低。Eating porridge in later life can help you avoid the dreaded middle-aged spread, according to a new study. Researchers from Tufts University in Boston monitored 3,000 people in their mid-50s and found that those who ate three servings of wholegrains a day had waist sizes two inches less than those who didn't consume the same amount, as well as lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels.美国研究人员认为,燕麦片、黑面包、糙米这些全谷物食品对于防止中年发福很关键。The US researchers believe the wholegrains found in oats, as well as brown bread and brown rice, are the key to midlife weight loss.研究报告的作者之一尼古拉·麦基翁称:“我们的研究结果显示,吃全谷物食品不光能帮我们在中年时期保持身材或减肥,对健康还有其他益处。”"Our findings suggest that eating wholegrain foods as part of a healthy diet delivers health benefits beyond just helping us lose or maintain weight as we age,” says Nicola McKeown, one of the study's authors.“事实上,数据显示,多吃全谷物食品的人长期来看血糖和血压水平更稳定。上了年纪后控制住这些风险因素有助于防止心脏病发作。”"In fact, the data suggests that people who eat more wholegrains are better able to maintain their blood sugar and blood pressure over time. Managing these risk factors as we age may help to protect against heart disease.”塔夫茨大学的凯莉·萨威基表示:“全谷物食品有助于人们保持身材和防范风险因素可能有以下几个原因。全谷物食品所含的膳食纤维可以产生饱腹感,而全谷物食品所含的镁、钾和抗氧化物可能有助于降低血压。”Caleigh Sawicki of Tufts University says: “There are several reasons that wholegrains may work to help people maintain waist size and reduce increases in the other risk factors. The presence of dietary fibre in wholegrains can have a satiating effect, and the magnesium, potassium and antioxidants may contribute to lowering blood pressure.“其中,可溶性膳食纤维尤其有助于防止饭后血糖飙升。”"Soluble fibre in particular may have a beneficial effect on post-meal blood sugar spikes.”该研究的作者还发现,坚果、鸡肉、海鲜和酸奶也可以防止人们中年发福。The study’s authors also found that nuts, chicken, seafood and yoghurt are among the foods you should be eating to avoid putting on weight as you age.[Photo/Pexels]研究人员在16年间调查了美国12万男性和女性的膳食情况。他们发现,富含红肉、白面包、土豆和甜食的膳食与体重增加有关,而坚果、去皮鸡肉、海鲜和酸奶则都可以帮助中年人减肥。The researchers examined the diets of 120,000 men and women in the US over 16 years. They found that those with diets that were high in red meat, white bread, potatoes and sweets were associated with more weight gain, while nuts, skinless chicken, seafood and yoghurt can all help people lose weight as they get older.研究还观察了某些同时摄入的食物是否和人们的体重增减有关。The study also looked at whether eating certain foods as part of the same meal contributed to people's weight.研究人员发现,在吃红肉等与增重有关的食物时,如果和蔬菜一起吃,体重就不会增加那么多。Eating foods linked with weight gain, such as red meat, with vegetables mitigated the weight gain.研究人员还发现,尽管奶酪和牛奶等乳制品本身与体重增减无关,但是如果吃乳制品的同时吃富含淀粉和糖的食物就会导致人们发胖。Although dairy products such as cheese and milk didn't contribute to weight gain or loss themselves, when they were served with foods high in starches and sugar they were linked to weight gain.