店主川井拓也在推特上写道:“写作咖啡馆只允许面临写作截稿日期压力的顾客进入,目的是营造店内专注和紧张的氛围。感谢您的理解。”“The Manuscript Writing Cafe only allows in people who have a writing deadline to face!” owner Takuya Kawai tweeted. “It’s in order to maintain a level of focus and tense atmosphere at the cafe! Thank you for your understanding.” 这家咖啡馆最近才开业,按使用时间收费,每30分钟150日元(约合人民币7.86元),并配有USB端口、电脑支架和免费无线网络。苦苦挣扎的写作者们也可以自带食物和饮料,或者外送到咖啡馆,因为店里仅供应咖啡和水。但在写作方面,这家咖啡馆的要求是非常严格的。 The cafe, which only opened a few days ago, charges patrons by time used (it operates at a rate of 150 yen or $1.32 per 30 minutes), and is equipped with USB ports, computer stands, and free Wi-Fi. Struggling writers can also bring their own food and drinks, or have it delivered there since coffee and water are the only things available, but it’s pretty strict when it comes to the actual writing. “写作咖啡馆”欢迎翻译、文案人员、小说家和校对员等各类文字工作者,但对所有客人一视同仁。顾客进入咖啡馆时,必须在前台写下他们计划写多少字,以及预计在什么时候完成。每小时都会有一名工作人员来检查进度,并施加预先定好的压力,帮助顾客推进工作。 Although the Manuscript Writing Cafe actually accepts a wide range of writers, from translators and copywriters to novelists and proofreaders, the rules are the same for everyone. When entering the cafe, patrons must write down at the reception desk how many words they plan to write and by what time they plan to finish. Every hour, a member of the staff will come by to check on their progress and apply a predetermined pressure level to help move things along. 例如,选择“S”套餐,咖啡馆的工作人员会更积极地督促你完成工作,而“M”套餐则更温和。For example, opting for the “S” course will have the cafe staff more aggressively pushing you to get the work done, while the “M” course involves a more mild approach. 然而,写作咖啡馆最疯狂的规则是,在达到预先定下的目标之前,顾客不得提前离开,直到关店。目前尚不清楚这家咖啡馆是如何执行这一规定的,但此举目的是防止顾客设定一个他们无法实现的雄心勃勃的目标。 However, the craziest rule of the Manuscript Writing Cafe is that writers are not allowed to end their session until reaching their declared goal or until the place closes down for the day, whichever comes first. It’s not clear how the cafe enforces this rule, but it is meant to keep patrons from declaring ambitious targets that they won’t be able to meet. 写作咖啡馆的经营空间实际上是一间名为Koenji Sankakuchitai的录音和广播工作室。咖啡馆只有在工作室不开放时才营业,所以你无法每天都光顾。然而,店主保证会提前通知咖啡馆的下一个开放日期。The space in which the Manuscript Writing Cafe operates is actually a recording and broadcasting studio called Koenji Sankakuchitai. The cafe itself is only open when the studio isn’t, so you won’t be able to go every day. However, Takuya Kawai makes sure to always announce the next date that the cafe will be open. 虽然有些人觉得这家咖啡馆很有趣,但也有人觉得太有压力了。 While some found it intriguing, others said that it was too much pressure. 一位网友评论道:“如果是我,我将无法离开这家店,最终不得不住在那里。”“If it were me, I would no longer be able to leave the store and would end up having to live there,” one person commented.