The ongoing economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have taken a bite out of Americans' savings.西北互助银行最新的2022年规划与进展研究显示,美国的人均储蓄额从2021年的73100美元(约合人民币48.8万元)下降到2022年的62086美元(约合人民币41.4万元),下降了15%。而60%的美国成年人表示,疫情给他们的财务状况带来了“非常严重的打击”。
The average amount of personal savings dropped 15% from $73,100 in 2021 to $62,086 in 2022, according to Northwestern Mutual's recent 2022 Planning & Progress study. And 60% of US adults say that the pandemic has been "highly disruptive" to their finances.这项年度研究由哈里斯民意调查公司在今年2月8日至2月17日期间进行,数据来自2381名美国成年人。
The annual study was conducted by The Harris Poll between Feb. 8 and Feb. 17 of this year, with data pulled from responses from 2,381 American adults.近四分之三的受访者表示,疫情让他们养成了更好的理财习惯。
Nearly three-quarters say that they have also adopted better financial habits because of the pandemic.受访者养成的健康理财习惯包括减少生活开支、还清债务和增加投资。事实上,17%的受访者表示,他们现在定期重新审视自己的财务计划,而14%的受访者表示,他们已经增加了储蓄和养老储备金。
Among the healthy money habits that respondents picked up are spending less money on living costs, tackling debt and increasing investments. In fact, 17% of respondents said they now regularly revisit their financial plans, while 14% said they have increased their savings and retirement contributions.