Canada already has far stricter gun ownership laws than the United States. Photo/Reuters加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多表示,加拿大应立法全面禁止手枪买卖。Canada should introduce a total ban on the buying and selling of all handguns, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said.特鲁多政府计划推出一项新法案,限制私人对各类短枪的所有权。 His government is proposing a new law that would freeze private ownership of all short-barrelled firearms.该法案不会完全剥夺私人对手枪的所有权,但是会立法禁止私人购买手枪。 The legislation would not ban the ownership of handguns outright - but would make it illegal to buy them.就在特鲁多提出该法案几天前,邻国美国得克萨斯州的一所小学发生了一起致命枪击案,导致21人死亡。 Mr Trudeau's proposal comes days after a deadly shooting at a Texas primary school, in the neighbouring US, killed 21 people.5月30日呈交加拿大国会的这一法案禁止在全加任何地方买卖、运输和进口手枪。The bill, which was presented to Canada's parliament on Monday, makes it impossible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns anywhere in the country.特鲁多告诉记者称:“除了用枪从事射击运动和打猎,加拿大的任何人在日常生活中都没有理由用到枪。” "Other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives," Mr Trudeau told reporters.他指出:“正如我们所看到的,枪支暴力愈演愈烈,对此我们的职责就是持续采取行动。” "As we see gun violence continue to rise, it is our duty to keep taking action," he said.It marks the most ambitious attempt yet by his government to restrict access to firearms.该法案将规定步枪弹匣更改配置,每个弹匣一次最多只能容纳5发子弹。 The bill would also require rifle magazines to be reconfigured so they can hold no more than five rounds at a time.此外,涉嫌家暴或刑事骚扰的枪支所有者将被吊销持枪许可证。 And it would take away firearms licences from gun owners involved in domestic violence or criminal harassment.和美国不同,枪支所有权并没有被写进加拿大宪法,但是枪支在加拿大仍然很普遍,尤其在加拿大的乡村地区。 Unlike in the US, gun ownership is not enshrined in Canada's constitution, but firearms are still popular, especially in rural parts of the country.加拿大对枪支所有权的规定本来就比美国更严格,每年记录在案的枪击事件也更少。 Canada already has stricter rules on gun ownership than its southern neighbour and records fewer firearm incidents every year.举例而言,加拿大规定,所有枪支都必须闭锁并清空弹匣,任何想购买枪支的人都必须接受广泛的背景调查。 For example, all guns must be kept locked and unloaded and anyone wishing to buy a firearm must undergo extensive background checks.但是近年来有人呼吁实施更严格的控枪法规,尤其是在发生了多起致命枪击案之后。 But there have been calls in recent years to tighten gun legislation there even further, especially following a number of deadly shootings.2020年4月,一名持枪者假扮警察在新斯科舍省多地扫射导致22人死亡,这是加拿大有史以来最致命的枪击案。 In April 2020, a gunman posing as a police officer killed 22 people during a shooting spree in Nova Scotia - the deadliest in Canada's history.几天前,特鲁多刚宣布了一项针对1500种军用武器和攻击性武器的即时生效的禁令。Within days, Mr Trudeau announced an immediate ban on 1,500 different kinds of military-grade and assault-style weapons.新法案将把加拿大国内合法拥有的手枪数量限制在现有水平内。 The new bill would effectively limit the number of legally-owned handguns in Canada to present levels.