US household wealth declined for the first time in two years in the first quarter of 2022 as a drop in the stock market overwhelmed continued gains in home values, a Federal Reserve report on Thursday showed.美联储公布的季度全国资产负债表显示,美国家庭净资产从去年年底创纪录的149.8万亿美元下滑至149.3万亿美元。
Household net worth edged down to $149.3 trillion from a record $149.8 trillion at the end of last year, the Fed's quarterly snapshot of the national balance sheet showed.下降的原因是尽管房地产价值攀升了1.7万亿美元,企业股票价值却下降了3万亿美元。本季度股票价值跌幅更大。
The drop was driven by a $3 trillion fall in the value of corporate equities - a plunge that has worsened in the current quarter - while real estate values climbed another $1.7 trillion.这是自2020年第一季度以来美国家庭财富首次出现下降。
It was the first decline in household wealth since the first quarter of 2020.