从8月1日起,雪碧宣布将放弃标志性的绿色瓶子包装。据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,可口可乐公司表示,为了对环境更加负责,自8月1日起,雪碧将把北美地区绿色瓶包装改为透明塑料包装,从而结束了绿瓶沿用60多年的历史。Starting Aug. 1, the Coca-Cola Co., which produces Sprite, will package the lemon-lime drink in clear plastic bottles in North America, the company announced Wednesday.可口可乐公司表示,目前的瓶子含有无法循环利用的绿色聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET),而从瓶子中去除颜色可以提高回收材料的质量。Sprite's current plastic contains green polyethylene terephthalate (PET), an additive that can't be recycled into new bottles, a key initiative for the company as it looks to reduce plastic waste.回收后,透明的PET瓶子可以重新制成瓶子,有助于推动塑料的循环经济。“透明的PET雪碧瓶子回收后可以重新制成瓶子,有助于推动塑料的循环使用。”帮助可口可乐改善回收利用效果的塑料集团R3CYCLE首席执行官朱利安·奥乔亚在一份声明中说。"When recycled, clear PET Sprite bottles can be remade into bottles, helping drive a circular economy for plastic." Julian Ochoa, CEO of R3CYCLE, a plastic group helping Coca-Cola improve its recycling, said in a statement.该公司表示,雪碧瓶子上的标志和包装设计也会进行改造,但其熟悉的绿色色调仍用于雪碧标签。Customers will also notice a revamped logo and packaging design on the Sprite bottles that aims to provide a more "consistent look and voice around the world," the company said. The well-known green hue will still be used on Sprite labels.据悉,可口可乐其他使用绿色瓶子的饮料,也将在未来几个月内更换为透明包装。这家饮料巨头经常因制造破坏环境的塑料垃圾而受到批评。2020年,可口可乐公司被环保公司Break Free From plastic评为全球第一大塑料污染企业。其标志和品牌常常出现在公园和沙滩的废弃塑料中。The beverage giant has often been criticized for contributing to environmentally damaging plastic waste. In 2020, the company was named as the world's No. 1 plastic polluter by the environmental firm Break Free From Plastic.
瓶子换成透明色,会更环保吗?环保组织表示,雪碧瓶的问题不在于颜色,而在于材料:一次性塑料。Environmental organizations say the problem with Sprite bottles is not the color, but the material: single-use plastic.
根据可口可乐2019年向艾伦·麦克阿瑟基金会提供的数据,该公司每年生产的塑料瓶超1000亿个,是世界上最大的一次性塑料废物生产商之一(one of the world's largest producers of single-use plastic waste)。PET重量轻、食品安全、可回收,但和其他塑料一样,PET需要数百年才能分解。