[Photo provided to China Daily]
A video of a 66-year-old man called Erjiu has gone viral on Chinese social media after his nephew Tang Hao shared the man's condensed but heartstring-tugging life story on short-video platform Bilibili on Monday.唐浩在这段11分钟的视频中使用了 "衣戈猜想 "这个名字,用朴实又略带冷幽默的语言来表达二舅的经历。Using the name "Yigecaixiang", Tang uses witty storytelling in the 11-minute video to convey the experiences of Erjiu.这个因长期残疾而拄着拐杖的人被描绘成一个普通英雄,他从不向生活中的困难低头,而是努力过着充实而有意义的乡村生活。The man, who uses a cane due to a longtime disability, is portrayed as a common hero who never bows to life's difficulties, but strives instead to lead a full and meaningful village life.二舅的自强不息和坚韧不拔不仅感动了唐浩,而且也触动了数百万网友的心。Erjiu's self-reliance and tenacity not only moved Tang, but also have touched the hearts of millions of online viewers.在谈到自己的视频意外走红时,唐浩却表示“它可能吸引了很多浏览量,那是因为二舅活得好,不是我写得好。”Commenting on the unexpected popularity of his video, Tang said: “It may have attracted a lot of views, but that is because my uncle lived his life well, not because I wrote a decent story.”