今年前8个月,我国外贸总值达27.3万亿元,同比增长10.1%,对东盟、欧盟和美国等主要贸易伙伴进出口贸易总值均实现较大幅度的增长。专家指出,我国外贸在下半年将会保持两位数的增速,并有望成为我国今年经济增长的一个主要动力。 A containership is berthed at Yangshan Port in Shanghai in April. [Photo by Zhu Xingxin/China Daily]专家9月7日称,得益于政府的扶持政策和机电产业链强大的韧性,未来数月中国外贸有望实现稳定增长。China's foreign trade is expected to expand steadily in the coming months, driven by the government's supportive policies and the resilience of its industrial chain in electromechanical industry, experts said on Wednesday. 海关总署的数据显示,8月份我国外贸总值3.71万亿元,同比增长8.6%;前8月我国外贸总值达27.3万亿元,同比增长10.1%。In August, the value of China's foreign trade in goods grew 8.6 percent year-on-year to 3.71 trillion yuan ($531.6 billion), and the figure reached 27.3 trillion yuan in the first eight months of this year, up 10.1 percent year-on-year, according to the General Administration of Customs. 专家称,尽管8月的外贸同比增速相比7月的16.6%有所放缓,但这是由于受到去年高基数以及全球需求减弱的影响。我国外贸在下半年将会保持两位数的增速,并有望成为我国今年经济增长的一个主要动力。Though the growth rate in August was slower compared with July's 16.6 percent year-on-year growth, due to the high base last year and a weakening in global demand, the experts said, China's foreign trade will be able to maintain double-digit growth in the second half of the year, and is expected to be a major driver of its economic growth this year. 国际贸易经济合作研究院国际市场研究部副主任白明指出,由于感染奥密克戎新变种病毒的病例在越南激增,扰乱了该国面向外国客户尤其是劳动密集型制造业的供应链,第四季度许多全球订单可能会回流到中国。"Many global orders are likely to flow back to China in the fourth quarter as infections with Omicron's new sub-variants have soared in Vietnam, disturbing its supply chain for foreign customers, especially in labor-intensive manufacturing," said Bai Ming, deputy director of international market research at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing. 白明还表示,区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)等多边和双边自由贸易协定将成为有助于中国外贸稳定增长的实用工具。"And bilateral and multilateral free trade deals, such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement, will be practical tools for China to put its foreign trade growth on a firmer footing," Bai added. 中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所研究员苏庆义指出,欧洲和韩国生产材料和能源价格的飞涨以及国际海运运费的下降将确保未来数月我国产品的全球需求量持续增加。The surging cost of production materials and energy prices in Europe and South Korea, as well as declining international shipping freight costs, will ensure global continued demand for Chinese products in the coming months, said Su Qingyi, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of World Economics and Politics in Beijing. 海关数据显示,前8个月,我国对最大贸易伙伴东盟的进出口贸易总值达到了4.09万亿元,同比增长14%;对欧盟的贸易总值达3.75万亿元,同比增长9.5%。China's trade with member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations — its largest trading partner — soared 14 percent on a yearly basis to 4.09 trillion yuan between January and August. In addition, its trade with the European Union rose 9.5 percent to 3.75 trillion yuan. 前8个月,我国对美国的贸易总值为3.35万亿元,同比增长10.1%;与RCEP其他14个成员国之间的贸易总值同比增长7.5%。The total trade value between China and the United States grew 10.1 percent year-on-year to 3.35 trillion yuan. China's foreign trade with the other 14 RCEP members rose 7.5 percent from January to August, Customs data showed. 商务部发言人束珏婷表示,国家的扶持政策,比如加快与更多国家的自由贸易协定的谈判进程,以及鼓励包括跨境电商在内的外贸新业态,将会进一步促进出口。The country's supportive policies, such as accelerating the negotiation of free trade agreements with more countries and encouraging new trade formats including cross-border e-commerce, will further boost exports, said Ministry of Commerce spokeswoman Shu Jueting. 前8个月,我国出口计算机、汽车和智能手机等机电产品8.75万亿元,同比增长9.8%,占出口总值的56.5%。Exports of electromechanical products, such as computers, vehicles and smartphones, rose by 9.8 percent year-on-year to 8.75 trillion yuan between January and August, accounting for 56.5 percent of the nation's total export value. 光大银行分析师周茂华认为,今年前8个月两位数的外贸增速反映出我国制造业的蓬勃发展和供应链的完整性。Zhou Maohua, an analyst at China Everbright Bank, said the double-digit foreign trade growth in the first eight months of the year reflected China's thriving manufacturing sector and its complete supply chain. 周茂华指出,我国的出口结构仍在持续优化,机电产品出口保持较高景气度。"China's export structure has been notably optimized, with the exports of electromechanical products proportionately increasing in foreign trade," said Zhou. 他表示,我国劳动密集型产品的出口增长也展现出我国在这一领域的竞争力,在许多海外市场通胀高企的情况下依然保持较高的性价比。He said the export growth of China's labor-intensive products also demonstrates that the country's competitiveness in this sector, which has remained cost-effective despite high inflation in many overseas markets. 海关数据显示,前8个月我国出口劳动密集型产品2.81万亿元,同比增长14.1%。China's exports of labor-intensive products surged 14.1 percent year-on-year to 2.81 trillion yuan in the first eight months, according to Customs data. 中国国际贸易促进委员会贸易投资促进部部长冯耀祥表示,中国对外贸易的强劲表现将助推国家经济增长,稳定2022年下半年的就业市场。The strong performance of China's foreign trade will help to bolster the country's economic growth and stabilize its job market in the second half of 2022, said Feng Yaoxiang, director of the trade and investment promotion department at the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Beijing.