Chinese and US flags flutter outside the building of an American company in Beijing. [Photo/Agencies]美国商务部工业和安全局6月12日宣布,将43家实体增列入出口管制清单,这表明美国近日试图和中国修复关系的姿态只不过是作秀。The US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security announced it was adding 43 new entities to its Entity List on Monday, showing that the gestures Washington has made recently to supposedly try and mend ties with Beijing have been nothing but a put-on.列入清单的43家公司不仅包括31家中国实体,而且针对来自10个国家的43家实体的管制理由也与中国有关。和以往一样,美方没有提供任何证据来支持这些指控。
Not only are 31 of the 43 companies from China, but also the causes it gave for all the 43 entities from 10 countries in total being targeted are related to China. Although as usual nothing has been offered to support the allegations.这些“指控”是美方惯常使用的“长臂管辖”,没有任何合法性。自特朗普政府以来,已有约600家中国高科技实体被添加入实体清单。清单标榜的保护“国家安全”只是美国搞经济胁迫的一个借口。
The “charges” are typical US long-arm jurisdiction without any legitimacy. About 600 Chinese high-tech entities have been added to the Entity List since the previous Donald Trump administration. The list purportedly protecting “national security” is simply an excuse for the US’ economic coercion.鉴于过去数月来美国一直试图炒作中国“经济胁迫”威胁全球的论调,这一不断扩大的实体清单表明了哪个国家才是经济胁迫的发明者、专利持有者和执行者。
Considering the US has been trying to hype up China’s “economic coercion” as a global threat for the past months, the founding of the ever-growing list shows which country is the inventor, patent holder and executor of economic coercion.美国商务部副部长唐·格雷夫斯关于这一新举措的言论表明,美国商务部认为实体清单是他们“能运用的最有力的政策工具之一”。
As US Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves’ remarks about the latest move indicate, the US Commerce Department regards the Entity List as “one of the most powerful policy tools we have at our disposal”.此前,美国商务部期待与中国商务部进行会谈,在征得中方同意后,双方会谈在美国举行。在中美商务部长5月25日的会谈中,双方同意建立沟通渠道,就具体经贸关切和合作事项保持和加强交流。
In the meeting between Chinese and US commerce ministers on May 25, which the US side had looked forward to and managed to arrange at last on its soil after obtaining the Chinese side’s consent, the two sides agreed to build communication channels so as to keep and strengthen exchanges on concrete trade concerns and cooperation matters.然而,美方此次非常过分地以中国相关“问题”为由,将来自中东、东南亚、欧洲和非洲的9个国家(均为中国的重要合作伙伴)的12家公司列入清单。这一举动应该让全世界看清美国宣扬所谓的“基于规则的秩序”、“竞争”和“去风险”的真实意图。
However, the great lengths the US side has gone to this time — targeting the other 12 enterprises from nine countries in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa, all important partners of China, as well for China-related “issues” — should have driven home to the rest of the world the true meanings of the “rules-based order”, “competition” and “de-risking” that Washington is pushing for.通过切断所有拒绝加入反中国阵营的国家的一切退路,到底是谁在为自己的狭隘目的胁迫世界显而易见。
By cutting off all means of retreat for even those refusing to jump onto its anti-China wagon, it is crystal clear who is coercing the world for its own narrow ends.美国现在认为,为了维护自身霸权地位,将经贸科技问题武器化来损害全球产业和供应链,是世界在这场地缘政治游戏中必须付出的代价。
The US now regards the harm it is causing to global industry and supply chains by weaponizing trade and technology as a price the world has to pay for its geopolitical game to maintain its hegemony.只要美国继续将本国安全建立在他国不安全的基础上,这将一直会是对抗和冲突的根源。
As long as the US continues to base its own security on the insecurity of others, it will remain a source of confrontation and conflict.