卡迪夫大学在对噩梦的最新研究中发现,总是做从高处坠落的梦意味着做梦者在日常生活中有挫败感。 In their latest study on nightmares, Cardiff University found a recurring dream about falling from a height could mean someone feels frustrated in their daily lives.涅塔•温斯坦博士告诉《每日邮报》网站说:“我们发现总是反复做带有负面情绪噩梦的人,在日常生活中也会感到更无能、被孤立,或者遭受来自他人的压力。”'We found that people whose recurring dreams were felt to have more negative emotions in them also felt more incompetent, isolated, or pressured by others in their daily life,' Dr Netta Weinstein told MailOnline.温斯坦博士说,在应对生活中的挑战时寻求支援,有助于减少这种噩梦反复发生。Dr Weinstein said that finding help for challenges in life could help to alleviate recurring dreams.
温斯坦博士说,反复梦见失败的人一般都是那些经常有挫败感的人。 Dr Weinstein said that recurring dreams in which people experience failure were also common among those who frequently felt frustrated.先前的研究显示,那些在真实生活中感受到压力的人更可能会梦见在考试或会议等重要事情前没做好准备。Research has previously shown that those who feel under pressure in real life are more likely to experience a dream in which they are unprepared for something important like an exam or a meeting.新西兰奥特亚罗瓦梦之网总裁玛格丽特•波瓦特告诉《Stuff》杂志说:“我曾当过老师,所以我典型的压力梦就是整个教室失去控制。我感觉无力控制局面,或感到无助。”'I used to be a teacher, so my typical stress dream was about the whole classroom getting out of control. I would be feeling powerless or helpless to manage a situation,' Margaret Bowater, president of the Dream Network Aotearoa New Zealand, told Stuff.她说,这种梦暗示着你没能达标,可能是失宠,也可能是没能达到自己或他人的期望值。She said the dream is a metaphor for falling short, possibly falling out of favour, or maybe not living up to the expectations of yourself or others.
波瓦特告诉《Stuff》杂志说,那些在梦中感觉被困住的人很可能在真实生活中也有这种受困的感觉。Those who feel trapped in their dreams likely feel trapped in real life, Ms Bowater told Stuff.她说:“你的梦试图向你展示或重复某些发生在你身上的事情。梦通常用具体的意象来反映抽象的感觉。”'A dream is trying to show, or repeat, something back to you,' she said. 'It's usually using concrete imagery for something that is not necessarily a concrete thing to say.'
温斯坦博士说,经常梦见被攻击说明你在日常活动中有挫败感。 Dr Weinstein said frequently being attacked in your dreams may show you are frustrated in your day to day activities.英国解梦专家伊恩•华莱士说,梦见被追赶或被攻击是全世界最常见的梦,无论是哪个国家、信仰或文化。According to UK dream expert Ian Wallace, being chased or attacked is the most common dream from all around the world, regardless of country, creed or culture.梦见被动物追赶说明你在清醒的生活中感到难以抑制的本能的冲动。Being chased by an animal indicates there is an instinctive impulse that you are finding hard to contain in waking life.如果梦见一个妖怪在追赶你,反映出你有强大的天分但是难以发扬和完善。When a monster is pursuing you, it reflects that you have a raw and powerful talent but are finding it challenging to evolve and refine it.如果梦见一个男人、女人或一伙人在追赶你,这暗示着你有机会表现某种独特的才能,但可能会因此而逃离某些与之相关的责任。If a man, woman or a gang is chasing you, then you have the opportunity to assert a particular talent but may be running away from some of the responsibilities involved in displaying your abilities.来源:中国日报网英语点津(陈丹妮)编辑:董静审核:富文佳 王旭泉