
Blood Drive- Donors Assemble!



In China, there are lots of people, but not many have Rh-Negative Blood. Only 3 out of 1000 Chinese people have it. That's why it's called "panda blood". But in Europe, 15% of people have Rh-Negative blood.

China depends a lot on foreign donors to get enough Rh-Negative blood. Without their help, it would be hard to meet the demand.

If you're thinking about donating for the first time, don't worry. Listen to the story of someone who started as a beginner but became a regular donor for inspiration.

I was a bit nervous. This thick and cold needle seemed strong enough to hurt my arm, but at the same time I was feeling very proud and happy since I was thinking that my blood can save another’s life. As long as I keep fit, I will continue doing this good cause for our society.


What You Will Need!

Passport/CHN ID

AGES 18-55yrs ONLY

Up to 60yrs if you have donated in Beijing in last 3 years

Photo Also Accepted



Before donation, try eating a iron rich breakfast such as cereals, eggs, meat, poultry or fish. Fruit such as strawberries and watermelon are also nonheme iron rich, so are legumes such lentils or even tofu. 
Avoid alcohol, fatty foods, iron blockers and aspirin.
02Form Registeration

Donors are first invited to fill out a blood donation form detailing your information and health condition.


Nursing Consult & Blood Donation

Next step is to have your blood pressure taken and a sample of your blood tested for eligibility. Then sit down and try to relax for the next 15mins or so while your blood is collected.

04MCF Book Fair

When heading for a donation, don't forget to browse the book collection for a little light reading while you give blood. If you wish to purchase the book (price range 5-100rmb), all book sale proceeds go to the cultural and healthcare needs of disadvantaged children.

05Blood Donation Gifts

In addition to the feeling of joy for doing something great for the Beijing community, donors will go home with hand cream, a free professional photo on the day and a gift card from the blood donation center, while supplies last.


COVID-19 & Flu

As COVID-19 vaccinations are still on-going, this is an important question for all. 

Q: How long after vaccination am I eligible to donate blood? 

A: 48Hrs after vaccination you may donate as long as you are symptom free and feeling well.

Q: How many days must I recover from COVID-19 or the flu before I can donate?
You can donate after 7 days.



Q: How long after getting a tattoo can you donate blood in China?
A: One year after getting a tattoo.



Q: Is there a minimum weight to be eligible for blood donation?

A: Yes, you must be over 45kg (female), or 50kg (male).



Q: Pregnant women CANNOT donate, but how long postpartum are you eligible again to donate?

A: 6 weeks after giving birth, if you have the energy and time, you are eligible.



Those aged 18-55yrs (up to 60yrs if you’ve donated in Beijing in last 3yrs), healthy, without infection, fever or health conditions that would be advised against donating, are eligible for blood donation. Check with the nurse on the day if you are eligible to give blood, if not, just enjoy the book fair and stock up on your reading material!

OASIS International Hospital


Beijing, Chaoyang District 

Jiuxianqiao North Road, No.9

Event Time

Saturday, February 24th 9am-12pm

Registration helps us better organize supplies, materials and prepare refreshments for you. We appreciate your assistance and support. 



Blood Drive- Donors Assemble!


