On October 14th, 2023, a grand international cultural festival occurred at the Yuquanlu Campus of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), marking a resounding success.
This event united students from over 30 countries and regions spanning Asia, Europe, and Africa, spotlighting the incredible diversity and global cultural richness. More than 3,000 Chinese and international faculty and students participated with zeal, electrifying the atmosphere.
国际文化节精彩瞬间Highlights of International Cultural Festival
The “passport” issued by the ICF, UCAS, a key to unlock the gates of wanderlust, helps you embark on this global journey. Each page is a destination to explore, and each stamp an invitation bestowed.
游客在展台用“护照”打卡盖章Visitors stamping their “passports” at the stand
The opening ceremony draws the crowd together to the center of the lawn.International students bring forth enthusiastic opening dances, igniting the entire crowd with energy and passion.
尼泊尔留学生Dibya和Ambika Ghimire表演传统舞蹈Traditional dance by Nepalese students Dibya and Ambika Ghimire卢旺达留学生Ritha、Claire、Rosette、Philbert、Aphrodis和Muyizere表演传统舞Traditional dances by Ritha, Claire, Rosette,Philbert, Aphrodis and Muyizere of Rwanda 中国科学院大学党委常委、副校长杨国强出席并致辞,欢迎各位师生和校友于国科大建校45周年之际参加国际文化节。他介绍了学校在读外国留学生情况,回顾了学校在共建“一带一路”倡议提出十周年期间于留学生教育领域的重要成就,鼓励各国青年人相互学习、增进了解、为构建“人类命运共同体”努力做出贡献。 Yang Guoqiang, Vice President of UCAS, honored the gathering with his attendance and inspiring words. He warmly invited all teachers, students, and alumni to partake in the International Cultural Festival in honor of the 45th anniversary of UCAS. Yang delved into the current state of international students at UCAS, acknowledged the institution's significant strides in international student education over the past decade—aligning with the 10th anniversary of "the Belt and Road Initiative"—and called upon young minds worldwide to engage in collective learning, deepen mutual understanding, and champion the vision of "a global community of shared future."
Speech by Yang Guoqiang, Vice President of UCAS
Amidst the applause and cheers of the audience, representatives from different countries presented distinctly vibrant performances.
Chinese song Waiting by International student Mike
留学生Jude和Bloom表演非洲歌曲《How Are You My Friend》
African song How Are You , My Friend by Jude and Bloom
印度留学生Pranami Goswami表演歌曲
A song by Indian student Pranami Goswami
Autumn Night Thoughts on the guzheng by Chinese student Meng Youwen
Flavors of Fusion
美食最能占领味蕾从而打动你的心。试吃当地食物是了解一个国家及其文化最直接的方式。每个摊位都呈现了其特有的美食,来自不同文化背景的厨师们独具匠心地将传统与创新融入到烹饪中。 Capturing one's stomach is the first step to capture the heart. Food is one of the most direct ways to understand a country and its culture. Each stall displays its own specialty dishes, where chefs with diverse cultural backgrounds infuse their unique traditions and creativity into the cuisine. 丹麦美食Danish Cuisine 来自乌克兰的一名同学身着乌克兰传统服饰,头戴花环,独当一面的她亲手准备的美食深受好评。参与的同学在她的摊位前争相驻足,她一手加盖旅行印章,一手烹饪,忙得不亦乐乎。“我今天早上太忙了,同学们络绎不绝,但我不得不请他们先去其他地方转转,过一会儿再来。” A student from from Ukraine takes charge of a booth single-handedly. She wears a flower wreath on her head and dresses in traditional Ukrainian attire. The Ukrainian dishes she personally prepared are highly praised. Passersby line up in front of the booth and she gives stamps and serves food all by herself. "I've had such a busy morning. People kept coming and I had no choice but to tell them to look around and come later." 乌克兰留学生制作美食Ukrainian students making food
Enchanting Encounters
Amidst the bustling stalls, enchanting realms of cultural immersion await, inviting you to join the diverse activities.
In front of the booth of Pakistan, girls bring forth the folk art of mehndi, adorning people's hands with different fascinating patterns using henna as their pigment, attracting crowds of admirers.
"Mehndi is commonly seen at weddings and festivals. Almost all of us can draw this. I started this about ten years ago, so there are various patterns in my mind that just come to me when I start to draw."
At the booths of Kenya, handmade necklaces and bracelets are for sale. The inspiration for their color combinations were drawn from the flags of different countries, showcasing the inclusivity of cultures.
"These are all handmade by ourselves, and each bracelet takes approximately an hour to make." said the student from Kenya.
The songs on the stage never stop. At the beginning of each song, the group of people who requested it come up to lead the dance, and soon more and more people join in, freely swaying and twisting, expressing themselves.
巴基斯坦留学生Yousef、Touseef、Ali和Adeel表演传统舞Traditional dances by Yousef, Touseef, Ali and Adeel of Pakistan 一位来自斯里兰卡的同学在舞台上翩翩起舞,舞步轻盈明快,观众们随着她的节奏鼓掌欢呼。“我十年前开始跳舞,其实我并不是那么有天赋,但跳舞是我的兴趣,这就足够了。” A dancer from Sri Lanka graces the stage with light and agile steps, with the audience cheering and clapping in rhythm for her. "I have been dancing for ten years. I'm not very talented but dancing is my interest and that's enough." 斯里兰卡留学生Ojithma表演传统舞Traditional dance by Sri Lankan student Ojithma 即使没有舞台,舞蹈的步伐也从未停止。音乐点燃了激情,同学们与节奏共鸣,舞蹈的身影随处可见。随着同学们加入其中,圈子也变得越来越大。 Even without a stage, the dance moves never ceases. As the music ignites and the rhythm resonates, circles of dancers form everywhere, growing larger as more people join in. 来自世界各地的同学共聚于此,相互介绍自己,并热切地邀请彼此合影留念。在秋日的阳光下,每个人的脸上都洋溢着微笑。 People from all around the world gather, introduce themselves to each other and eagerly invite one another for group photos. Under the caress of autumn sun, smiles adorn the faces of everyone. 留学生与观众合影Group photo of international students and audience留学生合影Group photo of international students互动环节留学生答对获得小熊奖品An international student who got the right answer during the interactive session and won the bear prizes 现场回响着欢声笑语,音乐和舞蹈余音袅袅。此次国际文化节见证了世界各地的同学们共同度过的美好时光,给参与者留下了深刻的印象。这是一场文化交流的盛宴,展示了多元团结焕发的力量。 With the echoes of laughter, music, and dance lingering in the air, the International Cultural Festival left an indelible mark on the participants. It was a celebration of cultural exchange, a testament to the power of unity, and a vibrant tapestry of shared experiences. “文明因交流而多彩,文明因互鉴而丰富”,国际文化节作为一个促进文化交流的平台,给外国留学生提供了一个展示本国风采的机会,让中外师生们在互动交流中感受平等、包容、开放的文化氛围。在这里,国科大中外师生一起见证各国文化的多彩交织,一起建立跨国友谊,一起喊出“国科大,生日快乐!”。每一个笑容、每一次互动,都是一次国际友好情谊的表达。无论来自何方,都共同演奏出一首美妙的交响曲,共同将友谊与文化传承的火炬传递。 "Civilization flourishes with dialogue, and richness emerges from shared learning." The International Cultural Festival served as a beacon for cultural exchange, allowing students to embrace and express their identities. It crafted a setting where Chinese and international faculty and students reveled in a mutual, inclusive, and open cultural exchange. UCAS became a stage where all faculty and students witnessed the harmonious blending of diverse cultures, forging cross-border friendships and joyously cheering, "Happy birthday to UCAS!". Each smile and interaction epitomized the spirit of global friendship. Regardless of origin, the symphony of cultures can unite us, passing the torch of friendship and shared cultural heritage.
活动合影A Group photo of the event
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University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) officially began admitting international students in 2004. Since the inception of "the Belt and Road Initiative" in 2013, UCAS has made remarkable strides in nurturing international students. Currently, there are 2,004 international students from 99 countries, studying at 96 UCAS colleges and CAS institutes for 100 majors. Those include 1,271 doctoral candidates and 710 master's students.