
Python 爬虫下一代网络请求库 httpx 和 parsel 解析库测评

The following article is from Python Web与Django开发 Author 大江狗

Python 网络爬虫领域两个最新的比较火的工具莫过于 httpx parsel 了。

httpx 号称下一代的新一代的网络请求库,不仅支持 requests 库的所有操作,还能发送异步请求,为编写异步爬虫提供了便利。parsel 最初集成在著名 Python 爬虫框架 Scrapy 中,后独立出来成立一个单独的模块,支持 XPath 选择器, CSS 选择器和正则表达式等多种解析提取方式, 据说相比于 BeautifulSoup,parsel 的解析效率更高。
今天我们就以爬取链家网上的二手房在售房产信息为例,来测评下 httpx 和 parsel 这两个库。为了节约时间,我们以爬取上海市浦东新区 500 万元 -800 万元以上的房产为例。

requests + BeautifulSoup 组合

首先上场的是 Requests + BeautifulSoup 组合,这也是大多数人刚学习 Python 爬虫时使用的组合。本例中爬虫的入口 url 是https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/a3p5/, 先发送请求获取最大页数,然后循环发送请求解析单个页面提取我们所要的信息(比如小区名,楼层,朝向,总价,单价等信息),最后导出csv文件。如果你正在阅读本文,相信你对Python 爬虫已经有了一定了解,所以我们不会详细解释每一行代码。
# homelink_requests.py# Author: 大江狗 from fake_useragent import UserAgent import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import csv import re import time

class HomeLinkSpider(object): def __init__(self): self.ua = UserAgent() self.headers = {"User-Agent": self.ua.random} self.data = list() self.path = "浦东_三房_500_800万.csv" self.url = "https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/a3p5/"
def get_max_page(self): response = requests.get(self.url, headers=self.headers) if response.status_code == 200: soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') a = soup.select('div[class="page-box house-lst-page-box"]') #使用eval是字符串转化为字典格式 max_page = eval(a[0].attrs["page-data"])["totalPage"] return max_page else: print("请求失败 status:{}".format(response.status_code)) return None
def parse_page(self): max_page = self.get_max_page() for i in range(1, max_page + 1): url = 'https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/pg{}a3p5/'.format(i) response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') ul = soup.find_all("ul", class_="sellListContent") li_list = ul[0].select("li") for li in li_list: detail = dict() detail['title'] = li.select('div[class="title"]')[0].get_text()
# 2室1厅 | 74.14平米 | 南 | 精装 | 高楼层(共6层) | 1999年建 | 板楼 house_info = li.select('div[class="houseInfo"]')[0].get_text() house_info_list = house_info.split(" | ")
detail['bedroom'] = house_info_list[0] detail['area'] = house_info_list[1] detail['direction'] = house_info_list[2]
floor_pattern = re.compile(r'\d{1,2}') # 从字符串任意位置匹配 match1 = re.search(floor_pattern, house_info_list[4]) if match1: detail['floor'] = match1.group() else: detail['floor'] = "未知"
# 匹配年份 year_pattern = re.compile(r'\d{4}') match2 = re.search(year_pattern, house_info_list[5]) if match2: detail['year'] = match2.group() else: detail['year'] = "未知"
# 文兰小区 - 塘桥, 提取小区名和哈快 position_info = li.select('div[class="positionInfo"]')[0].get_text().split(' - ') detail['house'] = position_info[0] detail['location'] = position_info[1]
# 650万,匹配650 price_pattern = re.compile(r'\d+') total_price = li.select('div[class="totalPrice"]')[0].get_text() detail['total_price'] = re.search(price_pattern, total_price).group()
# 单价64182元/平米, 匹配64182 unit_price = li.select('div[class="unitPrice"]')[0].get_text() detail['unit_price'] = re.search(price_pattern, unit_price).group() self.data.append(detail)
def write_csv_file(self): head = ["标题", "小区", "房厅", "面积", "朝向", "楼层", "年份", "位置", "总价(万)", "单价(元/平方米)"] keys = ["title", "house", "bedroom", "area", "direction", "floor", "year", "location", "total_price", "unit_price"]
try: with open(self.path, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf_8_sig') as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel') if head is not None: writer.writerow(head) for item in self.data: row_data = [] for k in keys: row_data.append(item[k]) # print(row_data) writer.writerow(row_data) print("Write a CSV file to path %s Successful." % self.path) except Exception as e:             print("Fail to write CSV to path: %s, Case: %s" % (self.path, e))
if __name__ == '__main__': start = time.time() home_link_spider = HomeLinkSpider() home_link_spider.parse_page() home_link_spider.write_csv_file() end = time.time() print("耗时:{}秒".format(end-start))
注意:我们使用了 fake_useragent, requests和BeautifulSoup,这些都需要通过 pip 事先安装好才能用。
现在我们来看下爬取结果,耗时约 18.5 秒,总共爬取 580 条数据。

requests + parsel 组合

这次我们同样采用 requests 获取目标网页内容,使用 parsel 库(事先需通过 pip 安装)来解析。Parsel 库的用法和 BeautifulSoup 相似,都是先创建实例,然后使用各种选择器提取 DOM 元素和数据,但语法上稍有不同。Beautiful 有自己的语法规则,而 Parsel 库支持标准的 css 选择器和 xpath 选择器, 通过 get 方法或 getall 方法获取文本或属性值,使用起来更方便。
# BeautifulSoup的用法 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') ul = soup.find_all("ul", class_="sellListContent")[0]
# Parsel的用法, 使用Selector类 from parsel import Selector selector = Selector(response.text) ul = selector.css('ul.sellListContent')[0]
# Parsel获取文本值或属性值案例 selector.css('div.title span::text').get() selector.css('ul li a::attr(href)').get() >>> for li in selector.css('ul > li'): ... print(li.xpath('.//@href').get())
注:老版的 parsel 库使用extract()extract_first()方法获取文本或属性值,在新版中已被get()getall()方法替代。
# homelink_parsel.py # Author: 大江狗 from fake_useragent import UserAgent import requests import csv import re import time from parsel import Selector
class HomeLinkSpider(object): def __init__(self): self.ua = UserAgent() self.headers = {"User-Agent": self.ua.random} self.data = list() self.path = "浦东_三房_500_800万.csv" self.url = "https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/a3p5/"
def get_max_page(self): response = requests.get(self.url, headers=self.headers) if response.status_code == 200: # 创建Selector类实例 selector = Selector(response.text) # 采用css选择器获取最大页码div Boxl a = selector.css('div[class="page-box house-lst-page-box"]') # 使用eval将page-data的json字符串转化为字典格式 max_page = eval(a[0].xpath('//@page-data').get())["totalPage"] print("最大页码数:{}".format(max_page)) return max_page else: print("请求失败 status:{}".format(response.status_code)) return None
def parse_page(self): max_page = self.get_max_page() for i in range(1, max_page + 1): url = 'https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/pg{}a3p5/'.format(i) response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) selector = Selector(response.text) ul = selector.css('ul.sellListContent')[0] li_list = ul.css('li') for li in li_list: detail = dict() detail['title'] = li.css('div.title a::text').get()
# 2室1厅 | 74.14平米 | 南 | 精装 | 高楼层(共6层) | 1999年建 | 板楼 house_info = li.css('div.houseInfo::text').get() house_info_list = house_info.split(" | ")
detail['bedroom'] = house_info_list[0] detail['area'] = house_info_list[1] detail['direction'] = house_info_list[2]
floor_pattern = re.compile(r'\d{1,2}') match1 = re.search(floor_pattern, house_info_list[4]) # 从字符串任意位置匹配 if match1: detail['floor'] = match1.group() else: detail['floor'] = "未知"
# 匹配年份 year_pattern = re.compile(r'\d{4}') match2 = re.search(year_pattern, house_info_list[5]) if match2: detail['year'] = match2.group() else: detail['year'] = "未知"
# 文兰小区 - 塘桥 提取小区名和哈快 position_info = li.css('div.positionInfo a::text').getall() detail['house'] = position_info[0] detail['location'] = position_info[1]
# 650万,匹配650 price_pattern = re.compile(r'\d+') total_price = li.css('div.totalPrice span::text').get() detail['total_price'] = re.search(price_pattern, total_price).group()
# 单价64182元/平米, 匹配64182 unit_price = li.css('div.unitPrice span::text').get() detail['unit_price'] = re.search(price_pattern, unit_price).group() self.data.append(detail)
def write_csv_file(self):
head = ["标题", "小区", "房厅", "面积", "朝向", "楼层", "年份", "位置", "总价(万)", "单价(元/平方米)"] keys = ["title", "house", "bedroom", "area", "direction", "floor", "year", "location", "total_price", "unit_price"]
try: with open(self.path, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf_8_sig') as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel') if head is not None: writer.writerow(head) for item in self.data: row_data = [] for k in keys: row_data.append(item[k]) # print(row_data) writer.writerow(row_data) print("Write a CSV file to path %s Successful." % self.path) except Exception as e: print("Fail to write CSV to path: %s, Case: %s" % (self.path, e))

if __name__ == '__main__': start = time.time() home_link_spider = HomeLinkSpider() home_link_spider.parse_page() home_link_spider.write_csv_file() end = time.time() print("耗时:{}秒".format(end-start))

现在我们来看下爬取结果,爬取 580 条数据耗时约 16.5 秒,节省了 2 秒时间。可见 parsel 比 BeautifulSoup 解析效率是要高的,爬取任务少时差别不大,任务多的话差别可能会大些。

httpx 同步 + parsel 组合

我们现在来更进一步,使用 httpx 替代 requests 库。httpx 发送同步请求的方式和 requests 库基本一样,所以我们只需要修改上例中两行代码,把 requests 替换成 httpx 即可, 其余代码一模一样。
from fake_useragent import UserAgent import csv import re import time from parsel import Selector import httpx

class HomeLinkSpider(object): def __init__(self): self.ua = UserAgent() self.headers = {"User-Agent": self.ua.random} self.data = list() self.path = "浦东_三房_500_800万.csv" self.url = "https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/a3p5/"
def get_max_page(self):
# 修改这里把requests换成httpx response = httpx.get(self.url, headers=self.headers) if response.status_code == 200: # 创建Selector类实例 selector = Selector(response.text) # 采用css选择器获取最大页码div Boxl a = selector.css('div[class="page-box house-lst-page-box"]') # 使用eval将page-data的json字符串转化为字典格式 max_page = eval(a[0].xpath('//@page-data').get())["totalPage"] print("最大页码数:{}".format(max_page)) return max_page else: print("请求失败 status:{}".format(response.status_code)) return None
def parse_page(self): max_page = self.get_max_page() for i in range(1, max_page + 1): url = 'https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/pg{}a3p5/'.format(i)
# 修改这里把requests换成httpx response = httpx.get(url, headers=self.headers) selector = Selector(response.text) ul = selector.css('ul.sellListContent')[0] li_list = ul.css('li') for li in li_list: detail = dict() detail['title'] = li.css('div.title a::text').get()
# 2室1厅 | 74.14平米 | 南 | 精装 | 高楼层(共6层) | 1999年建 | 板楼 house_info = li.css('div.houseInfo::text').get() house_info_list = house_info.split(" | ")
detail['bedroom'] = house_info_list[0] detail['area'] = house_info_list[1] detail['direction'] = house_info_list[2]

floor_pattern = re.compile(r'\d{1,2}') match1 = re.search(floor_pattern, house_info_list[4]) # 从字符串任意位置匹配 if match1: detail['floor'] = match1.group() else: detail['floor'] = "未知"
# 匹配年份 year_pattern = re.compile(r'\d{4}') match2 = re.search(year_pattern, house_info_list[5]) if match2: detail['year'] = match2.group() else: detail['year'] = "未知"
# 文兰小区 - 塘桥 提取小区名和哈快 position_info = li.css('div.positionInfo a::text').getall() detail['house'] = position_info[0] detail['location'] = position_info[1]
# 650万,匹配650 price_pattern = re.compile(r'\d+') total_price = li.css('div.totalPrice span::text').get() detail['total_price'] = re.search(price_pattern, total_price).group()
# 单价64182元/平米, 匹配64182 unit_price = li.css('div.unitPrice span::text').get() detail['unit_price'] = re.search(price_pattern, unit_price).group() self.data.append(detail)
def write_csv_file(self):
head = ["标题", "小区", "房厅", "面积", "朝向", "楼层", "年份", "位置", "总价(万)", "单价(元/平方米)"] keys = ["title", "house", "bedroom", "area", "direction", "floor", "year", "location", "total_price", "unit_price"]
try: with open(self.path, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf_8_sig') as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel') if head is not None: writer.writerow(head) for item in self.data: row_data = [] for k in keys: row_data.append(item[k]) # print(row_data) writer.writerow(row_data) print("Write a CSV file to path %s Successful." % self.path) except Exception as e: print("Fail to write CSV to path: %s, Case: %s" % (self.path, e))
if __name__ == '__main__': start = time.time() home_link_spider = HomeLinkSpider() home_link_spider.parse_page() home_link_spider.write_csv_file() end = time.time() print("耗时:{}秒".format(end-start))
整个爬取过程耗时 16.1 秒,可见使用 httpx 发送同步请求时效率和 requests 基本无差别。

注意:Windows 上使用 pip 安装 httpx 可能会出现报错,要求安装 Visual Studio C++, 这个下载安装好就没事了。
接下来,我们就要开始王炸了,使用 httpx 和 asyncio 编写一个异步爬虫看看从链家网上爬取 580 条数据到底需要多长时间。

httpx 异步+ parsel 组合

Httpx 厉害的地方就是能发送异步请求。整个异步爬虫实现原理时,先发送同步请求获取最大页码,把每个单页的爬取和数据解析变为一个 asyncio 协程任务(使用async定义),最后使用 loop 执行。
# 异步 - 使用协程函数解析单页面,需传入单页面url地址 async def parse_single_page(self, url):
# 使用httpx发送异步请求获取单页数据 async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: response = await client.get(url, headers=self.headers) selector = Selector(response.text) # 其余地方一样
def parse_page(self): max_page = self.get_max_page() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Python 3.6之前用ayncio.ensure_future或loop.create_task方法创建单个协程任务 # Python 3.7以后可以用户asyncio.create_task方法创建单个协程任务 tasks = [] for i in range(1, max_page + 1): url = 'https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/pg{}a3p5/'.format(i) tasks.append(self.parse_single_page(url))
# 还可以使用asyncio.gather(*tasks)命令将多个协程任务加入到事件循环 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) loop.close()
from fake_useragent import UserAgent import csv import re import time from parsel import Selector import httpx import asyncio

class HomeLinkSpider(object): def __init__(self): self.ua = UserAgent() self.headers = {"User-Agent": self.ua.random} self.data = list() self.path = "浦东_三房_500_800万.csv" self.url = "https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/a3p5/"
def get_max_page(self): response = httpx.get(self.url, headers=self.headers) if response.status_code == 200: # 创建Selector类实例 selector = Selector(response.text) # 采用css选择器获取最大页码div Boxl a = selector.css('div[class="page-box house-lst-page-box"]') # 使用eval将page-data的json字符串转化为字典格式 max_page = eval(a[0].xpath('//@page-data').get())["totalPage"] print("最大页码数:{}".format(max_page)) return max_page else: print("请求失败 status:{}".format(response.status_code)) return None
# 异步 - 使用协程函数解析单页面,需传入单页面url地址 async def parse_single_page(self, url): async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: response = await client.get(url, headers=self.headers) selector = Selector(response.text) ul = selector.css('ul.sellListContent')[0] li_list = ul.css('li') for li in li_list: detail = dict() detail['title'] = li.css('div.title a::text').get()
# 2室1厅 | 74.14平米 | 南 | 精装 | 高楼层(共6层) | 1999年建 | 板楼 house_info = li.css('div.houseInfo::text').get() house_info_list = house_info.split(" | ")
detail['bedroom'] = house_info_list[0] detail['area'] = house_info_list[1] detail['direction'] = house_info_list[2]

floor_pattern = re.compile(r'\d{1,2}') match1 = re.search(floor_pattern, house_info_list[4]) # 从字符串任意位置匹配 if match1: detail['floor'] = match1.group() else: detail['floor'] = "未知"
# 匹配年份 year_pattern = re.compile(r'\d{4}') match2 = re.search(year_pattern, house_info_list[5]) if match2: detail['year'] = match2.group() else: detail['year'] = "未知"
# 文兰小区 - 塘桥 提取小区名和哈快 position_info = li.css('div.positionInfo a::text').getall() detail['house'] = position_info[0] detail['location'] = position_info[1]
# 650万,匹配650 price_pattern = re.compile(r'\d+') total_price = li.css('div.totalPrice span::text').get() detail['total_price'] = re.search(price_pattern, total_price).group()
# 单价64182元/平米, 匹配64182 unit_price = li.css('div.unitPrice span::text').get() detail['unit_price'] = re.search(price_pattern, unit_price).group()
def parse_page(self): max_page = self.get_max_page() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Python 3.6之前用ayncio.ensure_future或loop.create_task方法创建单个协程任务 # Python 3.7以后可以用户asyncio.create_task方法创建单个协程任务 tasks = [] for i in range(1, max_page + 1): url = 'https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pudong/pg{}a3p5/'.format(i) tasks.append(self.parse_single_page(url))
# 还可以使用asyncio.gather(*tasks)命令将多个协程任务加入到事件循环 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) loop.close()

     def write_csv_file(self): head = ["标题", "小区", "房厅", "面积", "朝向", "楼层", "年份", "位置", "总价(万)", "单价(元/平方米)"] keys = ["title", "house", "bedroom", "area", "direction", "floor", "year", "location", "total_price", "unit_price"]
try: with open(self.path, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf_8_sig') as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel') if head is not None: writer.writerow(head) for item in self.data: row_data = [] for k in keys:                         row_data.append(item[k]) writer.writerow(row_data) print("Write a CSV file to path %s Successful." % self.path) except Exception as e: print("Fail to write CSV to path: %s, Case: %s" % (self.path, e))  if __name__ == '__main__': start = time.time() home_link_spider = HomeLinkSpider() home_link_spider.parse_page() home_link_spider.write_csv_file() end = time.time() print("耗时:{}秒".format(end-start))
现在到了见证奇迹的时刻了。从链家网上爬取了 580 条数据,使用 httpx 编写的异步爬虫仅仅花了 2.5 秒!!

爬取同样的内容,采用不同工具组合耗时是不一样的。httpx 异步+parsel 组合毫无疑问是最大的赢家, requests 和 BeautifulSoup 确实可以功成身退啦。
  • requests + BeautifulSoup: 18.5 秒
  • requests + parsel: 16.5 秒
  • httpx 同步 + parsel: 16.1 秒
  • httpx 异步 + parsel: 2.5 秒

- EOF -

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