
合美术馆 | 展览推荐 —— 艾未未:在赫施霍恩的踪迹

2017-08-04 小合 合美术馆


Ai Weiwei: Trace at Hirshhorn


Chief Curator 总策展人: Stéphane Aquin

时间:June 28, 2017 — January 1, 2018


地点:Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden



One of China’s most provocative living artists, Ai Weiwei (b. Beijing, 1957) has spent nearly four decades exploring the relationships between art, society, and individual experience. His work, as prolific as it is eclectic, encompasses a wide range of media, including sculpture, installation, photography, film, painting, and architecture. 



Ai Weiwei began seeking to incite change through his art in the late 1970s, and as his work has developed, he has become increasingly committed to his guiding principle of promoting human rights and freedom of expression for all.  



“If there is no free expression,

the beauty of life is lost.

Participation in a society is not an artistic choice,

it’s a human need.”







Ai Weiwei’s monumental installation Trace portrays individuals from around the world whom the artist and various human rights groups consider to be activists, prisoners of conscience, and advocates of free speech. Each of these 176 portraits comprises thousands of plastic LEGO® bricks, assembled by hand and laid out on the floor. The work foregrounds Ai Weiwei’s own experiences of incarceration, interrogation, and surveillance. In 2011, he was detained by the Chinese government for eighty-one days and then prohibited from traveling abroad until 2015.  In 2012, the Hirshhorn opened Ai’s first major US retrospective, Ai Weiwei: According to What?, which he was unable to attend.  

艾未未史诗般的作品《Trace》(踪迹)描绘了来自世界各地的人权活动家、良心犯和言论自由倡导者。这176幅画像中的每一幅都由数千个塑料乐高积木搭建,手工组装并铺在地板上。作品凸显了艾未未亲身经历的囚禁,审讯及监控。2011,他被中国政府扣留了八十一天,然后被禁止到国外旅行,直到2015岁。 2012年赫施霍恩为艾未未举办美国首个回顾展“Ai Weiwei: According to What?"(艾未未:凭什么?)但他未能出席。


赫施霍恩博物馆 Chief Curator 总策展人Stéphane Aquin先生

“We are all prisoners in some way

of our own understanding of the world”



#Weiwei-isms 未未主义#  

艾未未在其Instagram发布他与因透露政府机密而遭到囚禁的美军变性士兵Chelsea Manning女士(切尔西·曼宁)的合影赞叹:你是这样美!Photo/ Ai Weiwei with Ms. Chelsea Manning:You are so beautiful!

Originally commissioned in 2014, Trace first opened as part of @Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz, a site-specific takeover of the former Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary in San Francisco, a collaboration between the nonprofit FOR-SITE Foundation, the National Park Service and the Golden Gate Park Conservancy.  Like Ai Weiwei, the individuals represented in Trace have been detained, exiled, or have sought political asylum because of their actions, beliefs, or affiliations. The subjects were chosen by Ai Weiwei and reflect his response to information provided by Amnesty International and other human rights organizations, as well as his own independent research. Trace includes individuals from more than thirty countries, the majority of whom are from Asia and the Middle East, signifying Ai’s familiarity with the region. A full list can be found on FOR-SITE’s website.

《Trace》首次于2014年在旧金山阿尔卡拉茨监狱原址举办的展览“@Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz”展出。该项目合作方为非营利for-site基金会,国家公园服务机构和金门公园管理机构。与艾未未一样,《Trace》作品的肖像个体都是被拘禁的,被流放的,或因他们的行为、信仰,受牵连寻求政治庇护的。这些个体是由艾未未挑选,由大赦国际和其他人权组织推荐,以及他自己的独立研究的结果。《Trace》包括来自三十多个国家的个体,其中大多数来自亚洲和中东,这表明艾未未对该地区非常了解。176位人权英雄的完整名单可以在for-site网站找到。https://www.for-site.org/project/ai-weiwei-alcatraz-trace/


《Trace》首次于2014年在旧金山阿尔卡拉茨监狱原址展出。展览“@Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz”的策展人Cheryl Haines 女士(左)与艾未未在赫施霍恩博物馆

Following NPR report by Elizabeth Blair, NPR News, Washington. 

AI WEIWEI: When I had the chance to make this show, I'm still in self - detention myself

BLAIR: How you feeling about seeing this for the first time?AI: It's like sometimes I feel like a newly born baby. Everything's so fresh.

BLAIR: The art that Ai Weiwei is coming to fresh is spread out on the floor. One hundred and seventy-six portraits arranged in groups, almost like vibrantly colored quilts. The people in them are from all over the world - Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, the United States, China and elsewhere. Each of them have been detained, exiled or sought political asylum.

AI: They lost their freedom because they love freedom. They love freedom for other people and they love freedom for their nation.


美国国家公共电台NPR记者Elizabeth Blair采访艾未未时,他说:当我有机会做这个展览时,我还在自我囚禁中。Blair问他第一次亲临展览现场的感受时,艾说我就像个刚出生的婴孩,一切如此新鲜。看着那些陈列在地面上来自沙特,俄国,伊朗,美国,中国及其他地方的或身陷囹圄或流亡他乡寻求政治庇护的良心犯的肖像作品。



“To be a so-called political artist

is first of all to be human.

Surviving is political”






Vox.com的报道标题为“Ai Weiwei has become a symbol of dissidence worldwide. It shows in his art.”(艾未未已经成为全球异见的标杆,他的异见就是他的艺术)Vox这样结束这篇报道“Now Ai has brought his art, and his politics, to Washington.” 现在艾未未带着他的艺术带着他的政治去了华盛顿。

“The world is not changing,

If you don’t shoulder the burden of responsibility.”



#Weiwei-isms 未未主义#


Among 176 portraits of Human Rights Defenders of 《Trace》,there are 38 Chinese activists and  prisoners of conscience.《Trace》共176幅肖像作品其中有38位中国人权活动家和良心犯。

“You cannot take freedom for granted.

It is always at the cost of someone before you”




As part of this installation, Ai Weiwei has created a new 360-degree wallpaper installation entitled The Plain Version of the Animal That Looks Like a Llama but Is Really an Alpaca. At first glance, the pattern looks merely decorative, but a closer inspection reveals surveillance cameras, handcuffs, and Twitter bird logos, which allude to Ai Weiwei’s tweets challenging authority. Together, the massive works span nearly 700 feet around the Hirshhorn’s second floor Outer Ring galleries.

作为这个装置的一部分,艾未未创造了一个新的360度的墙纸作品:《The Animal That Looks like a Llama but is Actually an Alpaca》(一只看上去是驼羊其实是羊驼的动物)的普通版。墙纸乍一看以为仅仅是装饰,但仔细看却能发现监控摄像机、手铐和推特鸟标志,意即艾未未推特挑战权威。史诗般的长达700英尺装置作品占据了博物馆二楼整个外环廊。


“Whenever humans lose their courage,

it’s always followed by all kinds of tragedies. ” 


各种悲剧接踵而来 。

#Weiwei-isms 未未主义#

"I think artist and activist is the same thing.

As an artist, you always have to be an activist."   





“Throughout his distinguished career, Ai has redefined the roles of both an artist and an activist,” Melissa Chiu, the Hirshhorn’s director, said in a statement. “With this new presentation, visitors will experience a special focused consideration of Ai’s most influential and critically acclaimed recent works.” 

“在他杰出的职业生涯中,艾未未重新定义了一个艺术家和活动家的角色” 赫施霍恩博物馆和雕塑园”馆长Melissa Chiu女士在一份声明中这样说,“这次新的展览将为参观者带来一次特别体验,体验艾未未最有影响力及最受欢迎的作品”。


图为艾未未与赫施霍恩博物馆馆长Melissa Chiu女士 Photo/ Ai Weiwei with Ms. Melissa Chiu, the Hirshhorn’s director

Ai Weiwei: Trace at Hirshhorn has been made possible through generous support from the Sidney E. Frank Foundation, Peggy and Ralph Burnet, and Ken Grossinger and Micheline Klagsbrun. The Museum received additional funding from the Hirshhorn International Council and the Hirshhorn Collectors’ Council.

“艾未未:在赫施霍恩的踪迹” 赞助方为Sidney E. Frank 基金会, Peggy and Ralph Burnet, and Ken Grossinger and Micheline Klagsbrun。 博物馆还收到赫施霍恩国际委员会及赫施霍恩收藏家委员会的额外资助。


赫施霍恩博物馆隶属史密森尼博物院(Smithsonian Institution)史密森尼是世界最大的博物馆体系。图为艾未未与史密森尼博物院第13任秘书长David J. Skorton先生 Photo/ Ai Weiwei with Mr. David J. Skorton, 13th Secretary of the @smithsonian

Ai joins the Hirshhorn’s 2017–18 schedule of a diverse group of contemporary artists whose work reflects global conversations that shape history, politics, and culture, including Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, German artist Markus Lüpertz, Swiss artist Nicolas Party, and American artists Yoko Ono, Theaster Gates, and Mark Bradford.

艾未未参加了赫施霍恩博物馆2017–18计划。 参与该计划是一组各具风格的当代艺术家,他们的作品体现了有关历史,政治,文化的全球对话,包括日本艺术家Yayoi Kusama,(草间弥生)、德国艺术家Markus Lüpertz(马库斯·吕佩尔茨),瑞士艺术家Nicolas Party(尼古拉斯·帕提),和美国艺术家Yoko Ono(小野洋子), Theaster Gates(西斯特·盖茨)和Mark Bradford(马克·布莱德福特)。



“It’s a beautiful game

I think it’s important for people

To think about building together”





This is already a busy season for Mr. Ai on the East Coast. On June 7, his surveillance-themed installation “Hansel and Gretel” — created with the Pritzker Prize-winning architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron — opens at the Park Avenue Armory’s vast drill hall. And this fall, Mr. Ai will build more than 100 fences and fencelike sculptures around New York City for the massive public art project “Good Fences Make Good Neighbors.”

今年艾未未在东岸有点忙。艾未未刚于6月7日在纽约公园大道军械库与瑞士建筑师赫尔佐格与德梅隆共同上演的一出有关监控主题的巨型装置秀“Hansel&Gretel”(糖果屋)。今年秋天,艾未未即将在纽约安装100个围墙装置,上演另一出大型公共艺术装置秀“Good Fences Make Good Neighbors”(好篱笆促成好街坊)。

图片及文字由木木编译分享自Instagram aiww,hirshhorn, Cherylhaine, darrylleung, wangfenfen 及赫施霍恩博物馆官网及以下媒体报道链接,若中文译文与英文有冲突请参照英文原文。本文素材来源致谢:MelanieWang

