

2016-06-08 ScalersTalk成长持续论





本小组成立的目的,是以Economist,FT,Washington Post,New York Times,Newsweek,Time等英语外刊为重点,在完成基础词汇句式分析的基础上,对外刊的写作、逻辑、文风以及领域深入剖析,以期横跨中英文化,获取更广阔视野,从而对个人成长提升,发挥关键作用。












主题:优步、低生育率、希拉里  (本周笔记推送为部分笔记,完整版仅供内部成员分享。)

Day1&2    Free Exchange, A Fare Shake        [Economist, 20160526]
Day3&4    The strange case of the missing baby        [Economist, 20160519]
Day5    Email findings threaten to hound Clinton through presidential race    [Financial Times , 20160526]

Day1 Free Exchange, A Fare Shake (I)


  • Jacking up prices may not be the only way to balance supply and demand for taxis.
    [jack up] : to increase (sth, such as a price) by a large amount
    Eg. The restaurant has jacked up its prices in recent months.

  • IT IS a familiar ritual for many: after a late night out you reach for your smartphone to hail an Uber home, only to find—disaster—that the fare will be three times the normal rate.
    [hail]: to signal to a taxi or a bus, in order to get the driver to stop

  • Extreme fare surges often lead to outpourings of public criticism: when a snowstorm para-lysed New York in 2013, celebrities, including Salman Rushdie, took to social media to rail against triple-digit fares for relatively short rides.
    [outpouring] :n.泻出;(情感等的)流露;迸发;激动的言语倾泻
    Eg. I hope that everyone can understand the outpourings and bitterness in such delicate moments as these.  我希望所有人能够理解如此敏感时刻的表白和辛酸。
    [rail against]   抱怨;责骂;嘲骂
    E.g. Then again, he also likes to rail against high prices with populist fervour. 再者,他也乐意以民粹主义的热情反对高价。

  • Even if such a technological fix proves elusive, however, local governments do not need to regulate or ban surge pricing to reduce its sting.
    [fix] n.  (尤指简单、暂时的)解决方法a solution to a problem, especially an easy or tem-porary one
    Eg.  Though there is no quick and easy fix, we can all   start by beginning to think about how we think.   虽然没有迅速容易的方法解决,可是我们都可以通过 开始思考自己的思考方式做起。
    [elusive] adj. 难找的;难以解释的;难以达到的 difficult to find, define, or achieve
    Eg.  This elusive, almost invisible quality was more than  a mere habit.   这种捉摸不透的无形品质不仅仅只是一个习惯。
    [reduce one’s sting]: 减弱效果,减少影响

  • In March 2015 it kicked in after a sold-out concert by Ariana Grande, a singer, in an arena in the middle of Manhattan. As the show came to an end, the number of people in the area opening the Uber app quadrupled in just a few minutes.
    [kick in]   开始生效(或见效)
    Eg. Reforms will kick in later this year.
    [sold-out]   售罄的;(尤指门票等)全部预售完的;满座的
    Eg. a sold-out show客满的演出
    Eg. The group will play three sold-out shows at Wembley Stadium. 这个组合将在温布利体育场举行三场座无虚席的演唱会。

  • Even without the help of algorithms, cab drivers know to converge on a venue as an event finishes; more Uber drivers than normal were surely in the area at the end of Ms Grande’s concert in expectation of the extra business.
    [converge on]   汇集;聚集;集中
    Eg.Thousands of supporters converged on London for the rally. 成千上万的支持者从四面八方汇聚伦敦举行集会。
    Eg. convergent lines/opinions   相交的线条;趋于一致的意见

  • Yet the possibility of earning a surge fare may also strengthen drivers’ incentives to anticipate and respond pre-emptively to high demand.
    [pre-emptively] 先发制人地;
    Eg. pre-emptive attack/strike对军事基地先发制人的进攻/打击
    [preemptive rights] 优先认购权
    [preference share]  优先股.

  • Ironically, the better Uber’s surge-pricing algorithm works, the less the company will need to use it, since drivers’ pre-emptive responses will tend to eliminate the demand imbalances that make surge pricing necessary in the first place.  

  • [imbalance]   失衡,不平衡,不公平;
    Eg.a global imbalance of/in power   全球权利的不平衡
    eliminate imbalance 消除不平衡
    cause/create imbalance 引起不平衡,造成失衡
    correct/redress imbalance 矫正失衡/恢复平衡

  • There are tantalising hints that Uber hopes to follow this logic to its conclusion. Mr Schneider noted that clever machine-learning tools could process Uber’s piles of data and determine when and where demand is likely to outstrip the supply of cars.
    [tantalising]   逗引性的,挑逗性的,使倍尝可望而不可即之苦的
    Eg.a tantalising story  引人入胜的故事
    Eg. the tantalizing smell of fried bacon.   诱人的煎熏猪肉的味道
    Eg. She was tantalizingly out of reach.   她可望而不可及,撩人心怀
    [outstrip]   比…大(或重要);超过;胜过
    Eg. Demand is outstriping supply.
    Eg. Their latest computer outstripes all its rivals.        他们最新型的计算机超越了所有的对手。
    有关“超过”的补充: outstrip/ exceed / outnumber

  • But they would presumably not respond as rapidly as they do to the inducement of surge fares. Eventually, however, Uber hopes to replace its human drivers with autonomous vehicles, which could be directed around the city by the company’s computers without any pecuniary incentives.
    [presumably]   很可能,大概,想必是:
    Eg.Presumably this is where the accident happened.   这大概就是事故现场。
    [inducement]   引诱;刺激;诱因;与后文的 incentives是同义词
    Eg.financial inducements to mothers to stay at home    促使母亲守在家里的财政激励措施
    Eg.Government officials have been accused of accepting inducements(=beibes) from local busi-nessmen.
    [pecuniary]   金钱的,与钱相关的
    Eg.He was trying to get a pecuniary advantage for himself.    他想为自己谋取钱财
    Eg. Pecuniary incentives / pɪ’kjuːnɪərɪ / 经济激励
    Eg. Pecuniary resources/ conditions 财力/财务状况

  • The company still has an incentive to maximise earnings, though, so it might opt to keep surge pricing even if technology made it redundant, at the risk of further public rage.
    [opt to do sth]   选择,挑选
    Eg. Many young people are opting to go on to college.   许多年轻人都选择上大学继续深造。
    [redundant]   多余的,不需要的
    Eg.The picture has too much redundant detail.
    Eg.redundant employees  受裁汰的员工

  • Surge pricing will therefore not generate a big financial windfall for Uber (or its drivers). But where public transport is thin on the ground, or where Uber has little private competition, it is a different story.
    [windfall]   意外之财;意外获得的东西;
    Eg. The hospital got a sudden windfall of $300,000.
    Eg. The government imposed a windfall tax (=a tax on profits to be paid once only,not every year) on some industries.     暴利税
    [thin on the ground]    为数不多.与之相对应的短语是[thick on the ground]   处处可见,大量存在。
    Eg. Foreingers were very thin on the ground in that country. 在那个国家外国人难得一见。

  • 其他表达
    completion rate: 完成率/打车成功率
    a big part of the transport network:交通巨头之一
    depends in part on:部分取决于
    be of some use to Uber today:对Uber有一些用
    be of some use to me:对我有些用
    wait out the surge period:在高峰期等车
    in expectation of:期待…
    relieve the crush: 减轻人群压力
    a different story:另一番景象
    in the form of:以…的形式
    appealing alternatives:有吸引力的选择
    follow this logic to its conclusion 按这个逻辑行事

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