
10 uplifting things you can do from home

Audrey Tournier ShekouDaily 2020-02-07

As millions in China self isolate themselves over concerns of spreading the new Coronavirus, one of our long-time readers, Audrey Tournier, the founder of Slow Living (HK & China), wrote this refreshing article to help lift people's moods. Join us in taking a step back from all the virus-related news for a moment and enjoy these...


10 Uplifting Things You Can Do From Home


1. Sleep In

How many times did you dream about smashing the alarm clock against the wall and get back to sleep? I did...soooo many times when I was in the corporate world. Experience the joy of alarm clock-free mornings, and give your body a rest.


2. Pick a Free Yoga Class Online

The way we start our day is entirely up to us. Fearful WeChat moments browsing or mindful time on the mat: we do have a choice. 

We can chose to start the day with gratitude to be alive instead of worried and upset by the latest medias frenzy.

Here are 2 of my all-time favorite free yoga YouTube channels for beginners:

  • Yoga with Kassandra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFlC3OAnEmY

  • Yoga With Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXU591OYOHA


3. Cook Something New

Tempted to burst into tears because Ole runs out of chocolate chips? Why not take this as a fun challenge instead, and try one of those cool websites like www.supercook.com that generates recipes according to ingredients you have left in your fridge!


4. Read

Ferret into your boxes, there has to be a book you haven't read yet, or want to re-read! Other free hacks:

  • Do free book swap event with friends

  • Take a 1 month FREE trial on Amazon or Audible (I love audible, and we can chose freely which country store we want)

  • Join our FREE PDF book swap WeChat group (pm me to be added)


5. Do a Life Moodboard

Imagine your dream life (instant mood booster), grab some old magazines, some colorful pens and go for it! Cut, paste, draw, write.... If like me, you don't like paper, do it on Pinterest. I have moodboard for each year since 2013. You can also do it with your kids or friends. Then pin it on your fridge and look at it often! Be grateful once you start manifesting some of your moodboard elements!


6. Do a Gratitude Jar

Cut twenty or more small pieces of paper. On each one, write something you truly feel grateful for: your kids, your health, your apartment, your pet... Fold each of them carefully and place them l into a "gratitude jar". Whenever you feel crushed by life, blind-pick one and read it out loud. Do this with your kids, so each of you have their own gratitude jar!


7. Feel Your Breath

I know this one sounds counter-intuitive, but trust me on this one: very few of us actually breathe fully. Conscious breathing instantly calms the mind and the heart. You can simply sit somewhere comfy, place your hands on your abdomen, and observe the natural movement of your breath in your belly for few minutes.

If you want to go the next step, you can try one of the breathing techniques (called Pranayama) from yoga: there are quite a few ones, with different purposes: anxiety relief, energy, concentration... for anxiety, try alternate nostril breathing, here is a free video explaining how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VwufJrUhic (and yes... this shit really works!


8. Learn a New Skill

Binge-watching Netflix is an option, but how about giving your glass-fiber internet connection a higher purpose? Nowaday it is possible to enroll for FREE diplomas through MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). I graduated in positive psychology with the university of North Carolina, in how to do your website in a weekend, and in public speaking with the university of Michigan...all remotely from the comfort of my sofa (and FeiFei on my lap)! Check out www.mooc.org extensive list!


9. Spend Time with Your Loved Ones

Being in a situation we can't control is quite a humbling experience. Life gives us the opportunity to slow down, appreciate those who live with us, love them, and be with them. Play with your kids. Pet your cat / dog. Share kind words with your Ayi. Video-wechat-call the ones who are far from you. When you feel miserable, think of us back then in 2003 during SARS with shitty 56K modems and inability to call our loved ones for weeks.


10. See the Good

Life is what we make it. Always dwelling, blaming, victimizing is an incorrect use of our energy, creating all sorts of tensions and ailments in the body-mind. We are alive. We have internet. We have foods. We are healthy. Let us be a source of joy and comfort for anyone coming in contact with us. The world needs it.



Audrey Tournier is the founder of Slow Living (HK & China), a company focused on organic skincare, aromatherapy products and mindful living. WeChat contact: atournier

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