香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC)是知名的仲裁机构,其现行有效的机构仲裁规则是2013年的。随着各仲裁机构相继修改仲裁规则,HKIAC也着手修改仲裁规则,并征求公众意见,并有专门的规则修订委员会,成员名单为Nils Eliasson (主席),Matthew Gearing QC,Cameron Hassall,Briana Young,Sarah Grimmer,Joe Liu。
Public Consultation Process on Proposed Amendments to the 2013 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules
香港国际仲裁中心(“HKIAC”)规则修订委员会(“委员会”) 拟对在 2013 年11 月 1 日生效的现行 HKIAC 机构仲裁规则(“2013 年规则”)进行修订。
The HKIAC Rules Revision Committee (the “Committee”) is considering amendments to the current version of HKIAC’s Administered Arbitration Rules, which came into force on 1 November 2013 (the “2013 Rules”).
The 2013 Rules, while maintaining the “light touch” approach of the 2008 Administrated Arbitration Rules, made important contributions to international arbitration by introducing unprecedented provisions on multi-party and multi-contract arbitrations (including joinder, consolidation and single arbitration under multiple contracts). The 2013 Rules have been well-received by users and are widely recognised as one of the market-leading sets.
自2013年以来,在 HKIAC 机构仲裁规则下提起的仲裁案件数量显著增加。该规则在实际运用中也得到良好的反响。因此委员会考虑将不对2013年规则进行全面修订。但是,在汲取了 HKIAC 实施2013年规则近四年的经验后,并考虑到香港和国际仲裁的最新发展,委员会认为对规则有必要进行部分修订。
Considering that the number of arbitrations brought under the HKIAC Administrated Arbitration Rules has grown significantly since 2013, and the 2013 Rules have been working well in practice, the Committee does not contemplate a wholesale revision. However, drawing upon HKIAC’s experience implementing the 2013 Rules for almost four years, and in light of the latest arbitration developments in Hong Kong and globally, the Committee nevertheless considers that certain amendments might usefully be made.
以下为委员会在现阶段的主要修订意见。 请点击此处查看包含了所有修订意见的规则。 如需要显示对2013年规则所有修改标记的版本,请联系 rules@hkiac.org。
The major amendments proposed by the Committee to the 2013 Rules at this stage are outlined below. Please click here for a copy of the rules which incorporates all proposed amendments. If you wish to obtain a track-change copy of the rules reflecting amendments to the 2013 Rules, please send a request to rules@hkiac.org.
我们诚邀广大用户于 2017年10月2日(星期一)前将对规则修订的意见发送至 rules@hkiac.org。 委员会随后打算在作出关于规则修订的时间和形式的最终决定前展开进一步的咨询。
Users are invited to submit comments on the proposed amendments to rules@hkiac.org by Monday, 2 October 2017. The Committee then intends to consult further before making a final decision as to the timing and form of any amendments to the Rules.
Proposed Amendments
Online Document Repository
经各方当事人同意后,提供安全的在线储存系统,保存在仲裁程序中提交的所有的书面文件。增加相应条款,将上传书面文件至在线储存系统认可为文件送达的一种方式。委员会就以下问题征求意见:当事人是否应当仅使用 HKIAC 设立的在线储存系统,还是可以在当事人各方同意和 HKIAC 许可的前提下使用自己设立的在线储存系统(如使用一方当事人代理律师事务所设立的系统)。
Provide for use of secured online repositories to store any written communications submitted in an arbitration upon all parties’ agreement. Add provisions to recognise written communications uploaded to the online repository as an alternative means of service. The Committee seeks views on whether this should be a repository established and maintained by HKIAC, or whether the Rules should permit the parties to use their own online repositories (e.g. by using systems hosted by one party's law firm), upon all parties’ agreement and subject to HKIAC’s approval.
See Articles 2.1(c), 2.2 and 2.3
Alternative Means of Dispute Settlement (e.g. "Arb-Med-Arb")
Include a provision to allow expressly parties to pursue other means of dispute settlement after the commencement of the arbitration and resume arbitration upon a party’s request. Stipulate that an arbitrator or emergency arbitrator may not participate in the other dispute settlement process if he or she may be privy to ex parte communications with any party, except with the express consent of all parties.
See Article 13.9
Multilingual Procedures
Introduce a set of default procedures on the conduct of arbitral proceedings in two or more languages, such as the language(s) to be used by the arbitral tribunal, the parties and other participants at hearings and conference calls, as well as the language(s) of all written communications.
See Article 15.4 and Schedule 5
New Grounds for Joinder
Introduce new grounds to permit the joinder of (i) an additional party that is not bound by the arbitration agreement giving rise to the arbitration, provided that all parties, including the additional party, expressly agree; and (ii) an additional party that is bound by a different arbitration agreement under the Rules, provided that a common question of law or fact arises, the rights to relief claimed arise out of the same transaction or a series of related transactions, and the arbitration agreements are compatible.
See Article 27.1(b) and (c)
Expanded provisions for single
arbitration under multiple contracts
Add a provision permitting parties to commence a single arbitration under multiple contracts, even where there is not complete identity of parties to each relevant contract. This would allow a claimant to commence one arbitration to resolve disputes arising under, for example, a head contract and related sub-contracts.
See Article 29
Concurrent Proceedings
Incorporate a provision to state expressly that the same arbitral tribunal and (possibly) different arbitral tribunals may hear multiple proceedings at the same time, or one immediately after another, or suspend any of those proceedings until after the determination of any other of them, in situations where a common question of law or fact arises and the arbitrations have not been consolidated under the Rules.
See Article 30
Third Party Funding
Add a new provision on disclosure of third party funding (“TPF”) and amend the confidentiality provisions to allow disclosure of information to a third party funder, having regard to the TPF amendments to the Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 609). The Committee seeks views on whether an express provision should be added to allow the arbitral tribunal to award costs of third party funding as part of costs of arbitration?
See Articles 34.1(d), 44 and 45.3(e)
The Committee seeks views on whether express provisions should be introduced in relation to the following:
Investment Treaty Arbitration
Whether HKIAC should issue a set of rules suitable for both international commercial and investment treaty arbitration, with provisions applicable to investment treaty arbitration possibly contained in a new schedule. The Committee invites views on what provisions should be included.
Early Determination Procedure
Whether a procedure should be introduced to allow the arbitral tribunal to determine one or more issues of fact or law in a preliminary or a separate phase, and in a summary fashion.
Nils Eliasson (主席)
Matthew Gearing QC
Cameron Hassall
Briana Young
Sarah Grimmer
Joe Liu