
托福口语 | 任性大法巧破独立口语三选一

程菲娇 藤门海外 2021-03-12

两年前,托福独立口语考试task1出现了一种新题型,叫做三选一类型的话题。之前的task1,是没有任何选项的,要求考生自己表达观点,比如talk about animportant place. 或者是describe a book,并给出支持性的理由。三选一类型考题出来之后,整个考试也变得比较有趣了。很多学生喜欢这种类型,因为对他们来说,独立口语最难的就是要去思考和给出理由和论点。当然,也有同学一通抱怨,因为有的题目三个选项,没有一个是他们想选择的,每个话题都不好答题!多年口语教学经验,在独立口语的破题思路上,程老师今天跟大家讲解一个方法,叫做“任性法”。顾名思义,答题的论点展开,可以非常任性,主观地去表达自己的观点,并加以解释就可以了,题目也会变得非常好下手,而且内容可以非常的充分。



Which of the followingactivities would you be more interested in doing?

teaching children, teachingadults to use computers or cleaning city park?


 其实这道题很多同学三个选项都比较有理由,比如所谓的万能理由relax, make friends.都是老师课堂讲过套路,学生觉得可以拿来随便用的,其实不然。比如对于这道题目,如何跟小孩交朋友?扫个公园也想交朋友?是不是太牵强,离题千里的感觉?


 那么我们的“任性法”是什么呢?就是可以任性的说,我选它因为我擅长,因为我喜欢,因为我高兴!举个例子,如果选择教小孩,那么理由1,因为我擅长,我从小就教我的little sister,我有很多和孩子相处的经验和方法。2,我擅长,因为我在大学专业就是教育学(其实不是真的),那么教孩子对我来说就是小事一桩了。什么乐于分享知识share my knowledge, 获得成就感achieve a sense ofaccomplishment这些词组就随便用啦。再比如,如果选择cleaning city park.1,因为我擅长,从小就帮爸妈做gardening job, working in the backyard。2,因为city park在户外,作为学生的我,可以更好的去放松,去飞翔,去奔跑(夸张点没问题)。所以你们看,论点展开是不是特别的容易?而且重点是一点都不牵强。


 Sample 1

 Well, personally speaking,I prefer to teach children in school. I have a couple of reasons. first of all,you know, I am really good at working with children. Well, this is because Iused to teach my little sister. from which I have gained many experiences andmethods to keep children interested in class and I know how to work with themperfectly. Which means, teaching children would be something really easy andI'm sure I’ll do a pretty good job. What’s more, you know, I am a sophomore incollege and my major is education. I love to share my knowledge with young kidsand teach them new things. Not only because I can get much teaching experience,but also I can get a sense of accomplishment while helping them.



 Well,from my perspective, I prefer to clean the city park. and I have two reasons.Firstly, you know, I have a lot of cleaning experience and I know how to dothis job. Well, this is because, since I was a little girl, I would help myparents doing some gardening job and working with plants in our back yard. I havehad lots of experience and I know how to do it well. what’s more, cleaning thecity park would be a great way for me to do some outdoor activities. You know,as a high school student, I usually spend the whole day sitting in theclassroom. So, being outdoors can help me to relax and release my pressure.This is why I would choose to clean the city park.



干货分享 | 那些年,被ETS坑过的题之-细节题


作者:藤门学院教学中心北京教学部 -程菲老师


