

Christine老师 策马翻译 2022-10-02



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大规模失业 massive job losses
生活费 living allowance
制定宏观计划 formulating macroeconomic objectives
坚强领导 firm leadership
市场主体 market entity
退役军人 ex-service member
六稳 six priorities where stability is the sky (稳就业、稳金融、稳外贸、稳外资、稳投资、稳预期)
六保 six areas where protections are needed (保居民就业、保基本民生、保市场主体、保粮食能源安全、保产业链供应链稳定、保基层运转)(*2018年7月,中央经济工作会议首次提出“六稳”方针。2020年4月,中央又提出“六保”的新任务)
促进就业的政策 pro-job policies
稳岗 stabilize and expand employment
朝阳产业 sunrise industries
公共(卫生)突发事件 public contingency
引导预期 guide expectations/影响市场预期 de-anchor market anticipations
行稳致远,长期向好 sustained and sound growth for the long-term
减税降费 tax and fee cuts
直达机制  directly allocate funds to primary levels
引导金融企业合理让利 encourage financial institutions to make reasonable interest concessions
港人治港,高度自治 people of Hong Kong administrate HK with a high degree of autonomy
放管并重 streamline administration and enhance supervision and regulation


西班牙埃菲社      La Agencia EFE,S.A. (EFE)
日本经济研究中心 Japanese Center on Economic Research (JCER)
九二共识 1992 consensus


重中之重 of paramount importance

压力很大mounting pressure

实现更多(就业) overfulfill the target

吃苦耐劳 hard-working and resilient

民生在勤,勤则不匮 A good life hinges on diligence. With diligence, one has no fear about shortages.

共同富裕 common prosperity

切断传播渠道 stem the spread

溯源 track the origin

实事求是 a fact-based manner

宽松的货币政策 accommodative fiscal and monetary policy

大水漫灌(经济) flood China’s economy with massive liquidity

救命钱 lifeline support

规模较小 modest in terms of scale

量化宽松政策 quantitative easing

急转弯 sudden shift

阶段性的政策取消 temporary measures may be unwound

抵充影响 offset impact

防范化解各类风险 guard against and defuse various types of risks

住院费用 hospitalization bills

异地报销 inter-provincial on-the-spot reimbursement

(病人)开药 take prescription drugs

实名留言 real-name based post

烂尾 fail to deliver

一步一个脚印 take solid measures with one step at a time

断链 severance of industrial supply chains

和则两利、斗则俱伤 gain from cooperation and loss from confrontation

守信 act in good faith/ 失信 act in bad faith

基层医疗 primary-level medical care

加大(财政在某方面)力度 channel greater share

国债/地方债 bonds issued at the central/ local government

卫生院 health clinics

(社保)广覆盖、基本保证的体系 a social security system to meet people’s basic needs with a broad-based coverage

立足新的发展阶段 fully mindful of the new development stage

言简意赅 simple and succinct



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