
中英双语 |《可持续发展的亚洲与世界》2021年度报告概要

博鳌亚洲论坛 策马翻译 2022-10-02













Executive Summary of the 2021 Annual Report of

Sustainable Development: Asia and the World


To address common challenges facing mankind and improve the lives of people on the planet, the UN set out Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, calling for relentless and concerted efforts around the globe to promote prosperity and economic opportunity, greater social well-being, and protection of the environment. Nevertheless, the pace has been far from satisfying globally, owing to insufficient national actions, the decline in official assistance and disruption to the private flows in many developing countries.

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has taken a myriad toll on people's lives and health, the world economy, and social stability, which has further widened the UN SDG gap. The uneven containment of the pandemic, rolling out of the vaccines, and unbalanced recovery of the economy posed great risks of dividing nations, enlarging inequality, and hampering inclusive growth. It may also trigger more geopolitical tensions and make global governance more complicated, further weakening the world's resilience to future shocks. How to reboot the world economy and fill the widening gap to achieve the SDG goals? The world is looking to a new norm and pattern of sustainable growth, rather than going back into the old days.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has exposed the weaknesses in healthcare system and deficiency in key infrastructures, and underscored the importance of digital transformation and urgency of tackling climate change and environmental challenges. Through analysis of development situation in China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and other selected countries in Asia, this report finds out that healthcare, infrastructure, green transformation, and digital deficits are bottlenecking sustainable recovery in Asia. With limited fiscal and other resources, priorities shall be given by government on narrowing these four deficits with synergized efforts, thus releasing growth potential and helping realize multiple sustainable development goals.

On healthcare deficit: Due to the lack of financial capacity or proper scheme, shortage of medical resources is a huge obstacle for many Asian economies, and to distribute vaccines with speed in such a populous continent is a daunting task. We should improve the access, fairness, and responsiveness of the health care system, invest more in public health infrastructures, strengthen the reserve dealing with public health emergencies, develop the health industry with opportunities for digital health, and improve micro-level governance.

On infrastructure deficit: Hard and soft infrastructure need to be more resilient to bolster economic activities and supply chains within the region. Develop more infrastructures targeting dealing with environmental risks and climate change, enhance investment in digital infrastructures. Further cross-border infrastructure connectivity and support innovative constructions. Build an equitable, fair, non-discriminative market environment, firmly implement free trade arrangement including the newly signed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, seize the advantages of new technologies and business models like e-commerce and automation.

On green deficit: With the rapid economic development, carbon dioxide emissions of Asian countries are growing. Many of them are facing severe environmental and climatic risks, along with challenges of adaptation and mitigation. Announcements made by leaders of China, Japan, Republic of Korea, and other Asian economies on carbon neutrality in 2020 are most welcome. Concrete blueprints are needed in industry transformation, technology advancement, and finance adaptation and mitigation. Governments should set proper incentive mechanisms to direct green transformation for various sectors, and decompose the mechanisms into local government level. Create more job opportunities related to the green economy, set out more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions, and further support research and innovation regarding climate change.

On digital deficit: Digital inequality exists across the Asian economies, with the top digital companies highly concentrated geographically. How to narrow down the digital gap among Asian economies is one of the biggest challenges faced by Asia. Governments may accelerate digital transformation under the physical barriers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Much space exists for improvement in digital technology applications. We need to push social governance and city construction towards intelligence and digitalization. Enhance the development of digital financial inclusion, and create a fair, competitive environment for digital economy stakeholders.

Based on our enterprise survey on sustainable development, half of the business owners are neutral about the prospect of the global recovery, while 60% are optimistic about Asia. Quick move in vaccination and steady ease of lockdown measures, easing of trade friction, stabilization of global value chain, and technological innovation ranked the top 4 main driving forces for global recovery, while in those for Asia recovery, regional trade integration, reinforcing cross-border infrastructure connectivity including through BRI, Connecting Euro-Asia ranked 2 and 3, next to pandemic containment. BFA members and partners have been contributing to the course of achieving SDGs, especially in proactively transforming their business to new energy, new infrastructure, new retail, and low carbon emission sectors. The specific cases of the Hyundai Motor Group, Merck, and JD Technology, demonstrated how the enterprises are aligning their businesses with the SDGs, through healthcare support, green transformation, and technology innovation.

For sustainable recovery, businesses should act with awareness. It is not only social responsibility for global citizens, but also a precondition for their own sustainability. It is critical to their medium- and long-term strategies. Firms should seize opportunities and prevent risks in transitioning toward new economic sectors that are necessary for sustainable development. Make innovation and R&D the primary productive forces; promote the innovative applications of information, digital, smart, and low-carbon technologies. Make full use of business opportunities in healthcare and green industries, attracting ESG investment. Introduce risk prevention arrangements to address the physical and capital risks posed by climate change, moving toward a green global value chain. Strengthen employee training on infectious disease prevention, digital skills, and green lifestyles. Offer a mix of in-office and remote work to create more flexible jobs.

To achieve the goal of "build back better" put forward by UN Secretary General António Guterres, the international society needs to hold firm in multilateralism, make concerted efforts to address the negative impacts brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, narrow the four development deficits, and tackle "global governance deficit". The world should prioritize vaccination, distribute vaccines equally, and establish mutual health data recognition arrangements, laying solid foundations for economic accelerated recovery. Push the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Paris Agreement, facilitating the realization of Nationally Determined Contributions. Promote the connectivity and effectiveness of regional and international agreements and initiatives, including the Belt and Road Initiative. Advance the implementation of free trade agreements, and increase their standards gradually. Encourage cooperation in technology and innovation, promoting digital economy. Global governance platforms and international organizations will have a vital role to play.

Under the pandemic, Asian countries have, by all means, reinforced their health care system, stabilized the global supply chain, and led trade and investment recovery. Many regional initiatives were brought out to fight against the pandemic, enhance transportation connectivity, facilitate green transformation and shape up digital economy by the regional cooperation platforms, such as ASEAN+3, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the GCC, and international organizations including the ADB, AIIB, etc.

Asia will be a major engine for global sustainable recovery. It is working hand in hand with other countries and regions to win the battle against the pandemic, trim development deficits, and promote economic integration. Asian countries must further strengthen their cooperation with other developing countries in experience sharing and capacity building. Asia is also going to play an active role in reshaping international rules and order, and promote construction of a community of shared future for mankind.



【双语全文】王毅:迎难而上 为国担当 奋力开启中国特色大国外交新征程


