
双语全文 | 习近平在气候雄心峰会上的讲话

中国日报 上海策马翻译 2022-10-02




Building on Past Achievements and Launching a New Journey for Global Climate Actions



中华人民共和国主席 习近平

Statement by H.E. Xi Jinping

President of the People’s Republic of China

At the Climate Ambition Summit

12 December 2020



Your Excellency Secretary-General António Guterres,

Dear Colleagues,


It gives me great pleasure to join you in this Climate Ambition Summit. Five years ago, world leaders showed utmost political resolve and wisdom and adopted the Paris Agreement on climate change. Since then, the implementation of the Paris Agreement has received extensive international support and participation. At present, the international landscape is evolving more rapidly and COVID-19 is triggering deep reflections on the relationship between man and nature. The future of global climate governance is drawing greater attention. In this context, I wish to make three proposals:


First, we need to close ranks and make new advances in climate governance that features cooperation and win-win. In meeting the climate challenge, no one can be aloof and unilateralism will get us nowhere. Only by upholding multilateralism, unity and cooperation can we deliver shared benefits and win-win for all nations. China welcomes all countries’ support for the Paris Agreement and their greater contribution to tackling climate change.


Second, we need to raise ambition and foster a new architecture of climate governance where every party does its part. Following the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, all countries need to maximize actions in light of their respective national circumstances and capabilities. At the same time, developed countries need to scale up support for developing countries in financing, technology and capacity building.


Third, we need to boost confidence and pursue a new approach to climate governance that highlights green recovery. Mountains and rivers green are mountains of silver and gold. It is important to encourage green, low-carbon ways of life and production, and seek development opportunities and impetus from green development.


China has made important contributions to adopting the Paris Agreement and has made active efforts toward implementing it. I announced in September that China would scale up its nationally determined contributions and adopt more vigorous policies and measures. We aim to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.


Today, I wish to announce some further commitments for 2030: China will lower its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by over 65 percent from the 2005 level, increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25 percent, increase the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level, and bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts.


China always honors its commitments. Guided by our new development philosophy, we will promote greener economic and social development in all respects while pursuing high-quality development. We will take solid steps to implement the targets just announced, and contribute even more to tackling the global climate challenge.




As a Chinese poem reads, “Heaven does not speak and it alternates the four seasons; Earth does not speak and it nurtures all things.” Earth is our only and shared home. Let us build on past achievements, work together to make steady progress in implementing the Paris Agreement, and launch a new journey for global climate actions.


Thank you.


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