

蔡一鸣 思飞学术 2021-03-17

We have the intercultural research series (跨文化研究论丛),started by SISU Intercultural Institute, which has up to now published fivebooks and will expect more in the future. The five books that have come out are:Intercultural Perspectives on ChineseCommunication, Identity and Intercultural Communication (1): Theoretical andContextual Construction, and (II):Conceptual and Contextual Applications, Value Frameworks at the TheoreticalCrossroads of Culture, and InterculturalAdaptation (I): Theoretical Explorations and Empirical Studies. These booksare all edited by renowned scholars like Steve Kulich, Michael H. Prosser, DaiXiaodong (戴晓东) and Weng Liping(翁立平). Exploring intercultural issues from differentperspectives, this series has shown clearly what the field of interculturalresearch has accomplished so far and where it is heading.

Another bookseries that I want to recommend is SFLEPIntercultural Communication Series (外教社跨文化交际丛书). This series is mainly comprised of theoriginal edition of LICE books published by Multilingual Matters introducedthrough the good efforts of Prof. Jia Yuxin (贾玉新). Thisseries has enabled scholars worldwide to find a platform for investigating,describing and reflecting upon the ways in which language teaching andlearning, and intercultural education have changed in recent times. This seriesalso contains two sub-series: Foreign Language Education Series and theOriginal Works Series. You can see the book list here, and many famous scholarssuch as Yu Weihua (余卫华), Wu Xueyin(吴雪颖), JiaXuerui and Jia Xuelai(贾雪睿、贾雪莱) have written the reading guidance for usto ensure readers’ best readability.

Another bookconcerning intercultural studies that I want to share with you is Culture, Cultures and Intercultural Communication:A Cross-Disciplinary Reader, edited by Professor Chen Lin, which welldemonstrates the characteristics and methodologies of cross-disciplinaryresearch in intercultural transmission and communication.

SFLEP attachesgreat importance to academic research and publications. As a professional teamin academic publishing, we have published a large number of high quality bookscovering linguistics, literature, translation, pedagogies, interculturalcommunications, etc. which have exerted far-reaching influence in the foreignlanguage teaching and research circle in China.

For more details please visit us at sflep.com! Bon voyage!


