为了帮助广大语言学初学者更好地掌握语言学的最新成果和研究热点,外教社特从Palgrave出版社遴选引进了这套权威、实用的“原版现代语言学丛书”,其中不少分册都是几经修订的最新版。 本套丛书对当代语言学和相关学科的基本知识做了全面简介,涉及语用学、语义学、音系学、句法理论、交际障碍等研究领域,语言简明,举例丰富,注重与学习者的互动,设置了练习题(部分含答案)、扩展阅读等辅助学习的内容。丛书既可作为语言学入门教材在高校课堂上使用,也可供感兴趣的读者自学阅读,具有很强的可读性和实用性。 相信本套丛书的引进将进一步满足广大语言学专业师生对权威、实用的语言学教材及课外阅读资料的需求,推动我国语言学教学和科研事业的长远发展。
⊙语用学 ⊙语义学(第二版) ⊙句法理论(第二版) ⊙英语句法与论证(第四版) ⊙音系学(第二版) ⊙交际障碍
This accessible and engaging text introduces the field of pragmatics, the study of the relationship between linguistic meaning and context. Assuming no prior knowledge, Siobhan Chapman surveys the development of pragmatics from the very beginning to the present day, and engages with many of the most recent debates in the field, including topics such as experimental pragmatics and (im)politeness theory.
Semantics is the study of the literal meaning of words and the meaning of the way words are combined. This engaging introduction to formal semantics assumes no prior knowledge, providing a solid understanding of a range of semantic phenomena. Truly wide-ranging in coverage, no other introductory discusses a comparable range of topics.
Syntactic Theory provides a clear and practical introduction to theory-building, hypothesis-testing and evaluation through the framework of Chomsky’s Government-Binding Theory. Initial chapters guide the student through essential topics such as X’-Theory, Transformations and elementary Binding Theory, progressing to cover more advanced issues such as Reconstruction, the light verb vP and control as movement.
Now in its fourth edition, English Syntax and Argumentation remains a student favourite. The book starts with a discussion of the basic concepts that are important in the study of syntax, and then moves on to more complex issues. Each chapter carefully explains technical terms and uses graphic illustrations alongside easy-to-follow examples and ‘hands-on’ exercises to illuminate key ideas.
Covering the entire history of generative phonology, from the Sound Pattern of English model to the Optimality Theory framework in use today, Phonology includes the latest developments in analytical and theoretical aspects of the subject.
This introductory textbook presents the full range of developmental and acquired communication disorders, including specific language impairment, dysarthria, apraxia of speech, aphasia and stuttering. Covering clinical features, diagnosis and treatment, the book is an indispensable resource for students of linguistics, and speech and language therapy.