
B村全席 | 基石药业任命原默沙东全球肿瘤临床研发执行总监谢毅钊博士出任高级副总裁兼首席转化医学官

BioBAY 2021-12-17




2018年5月,基石药业成功完成约2.62亿美元B轮融资,打破当时中国生物医药领域史上最大单笔B轮融资纪录。目前,基石药业肿瘤管线中已有8个候选药物处于临床阶段,包括4款处于或接近关键性试验阶段的候选药物。其中,公司自主开发的中国第一个全人源全长抗PD-L1单克隆抗体CS1001正处于III期临床试验阶段,有望成为中国上市的国内首批本土开发的PD-L1抗癌药物之一。2018年6月,基石药业先后与Blueprint Medicine和Agios达成独家合作和大中华区授权许可协议,引入四个完成临床概念验证阶段的产品,包括2018年7月获得美国FDA批准上市的ivosidenib,以及已进入全球III期临床试验,预计将于2019年上半年提交美国上市许可申请的avapritinib。






Dr. Tse's Extensive Track Record in Oncology Early Clinical Development Will Strengthen CStone's Core Competence as a Clinical Development Engine and Solidify CStone's Position among Leading Innovative Biopharma Companies in China 

SUZHOU, China, December 10, 2018 – CStone Pharmaceuticals, a biopharma company focused on developing and commercializing innovative immuno-oncology and molecularly targeted drugs, announced today the appointment of Archie Tse, M.D., Ph.D., as the newly established Senior Vice President, Chief Translational Medicine Officer (CTMO), reporting to Frank Jiang, M.D., Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Tse has over 20 years of global oncology research and clinical development experience and will provide a strong addition to CStone’s senior leadership team. 

In this role, Dr. Tse will be responsible for the development of assets at the early clinical development stage up to proof of concept (POC). He will oversee the development and implementation of clinical biomarkers to support progression of CStone’s pipelines. His in-depth understanding of the global oncology space will help further strengthen CStone’s core competence and solidify CStone’s position among leading innovative biopharma companies in China.   


In May 2018, CStone successfully completed a USD 262 million financing round, which was the largest Series B funding in the history of China biopharma industry at the time. Currently, CStone has eight clinical stage assets with four at or near registration trial. CS1001, China’s first fully human, full-length anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibody developed by CStone, has initiated Phase III clinical studies, and will potentially become one of the first locally-developed anti-PD-L1 cancer drugs launched in China. In June 2018, CStone announced exclusive collaboration and license agreements with Blueprint Medicine and Agios. With these two deals, CStone in-licensed four post proof of concept assets, including ivosidenib, which received US FDA approval in July 2018, and avapritinib, which has entered global Phase III clinical studies and expects to file a US marketing application in H1 2019.

“We are thrilled to have Dr. Tse join the team and bring his profound global oncology research and clinical development experience,” said Frank Jiang, M.D., Ph.D., “Archie is highly experienced in bridging preclinical and early clinical phases to improve overall success of drug development. As CStone’s CTMO, his leadership, expertise and extensive network are critical in helping us advance toward our goal of developing innovative drugs in China and global oncology space.”     

Prior to joining CStone, Dr. Tse was the Executive Director of Global Oncology Early Development at Merck (known as MSD outside of US and Canada).  Before that, Dr. Tse served as the leader of the Oncology Team of Excellence for Strategy in Therapeutic Area at Daiichi-Sankyo. Dr. Tse is a board-certified medical oncologist trained at the US Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) where he stayed on to become a faculty as Assistant Physician and Assistant Member. In that period, he was also an Assistant Professor at the MSKCC affiliated Weill Cornell Medical School.

Dr. Tse obtained his M.D. and Ph.D. in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from the University of Southern California, United States.

“I am very impressed by CStone’s remarkably rapid progress in the establishment and clinical development of its broad oncology portfolio,” Dr. Tse said. “It is a great honor for me to join this promising company and work with its seasoned management team to drive the Company’s growth for the benefit of cancer patients in China and worldwide.”  

关于基石药业/About CSTONE

基石药业为满足癌症患者需求而生,专注于开发及商业化创新肿瘤免疫治疗及分子靶向药物。成立2年多以来,公司已集结世界级的管理团队,在临床前研究、临床开发以及商业化方面拥有丰富经验。通过内部研发与外部合作组成的双重创新来源,公司已构建起拥有14种候选药物的强大抗肿瘤药管线,包括4个为Blueprint Medicine与Agios制药独家合作和授权产品,与自研管线一起具有单一及联合疗法的巨大潜力及协同效应。在研候选药物中,4款正处于或接近关键性试验阶段。基石药业的业务模式由临床研发驱动,并同时快速建立商业化及生产能力。公司目前受到知名投资者的支持,A轮与B轮融资额皆打破当时生物医药领域融资记录,两轮融资额共计4.12亿美元。在经验丰富的团队、具有潜力的研发管线、强大的业务模式和可持续的资金支持下,基石的愿景是通过为全球癌症患者带来创新差异化肿瘤疗法,成为全球知名的领先中国生物制药公司。


CStone Pharmaceuticals is a biopharma company focused on developing and commercializing innovative immuno-oncology and molecularly targeted drugs to address significant unmet medical needs for cancer patients in China and worldwide. Since company inception more than two years ago, CStone has assembled a world-class management team that has a full spectrum of complementary skillsets from preclinical research to clinical development and commercialization. Through a dual source of innovation, comprised of internal research and external partnership, the company has built a rich oncology pipeline of 14 drug candidates with significant mono- and combination-therapy potential and synergies, including 4 assets exclusively in-licensed from Agios and Blueprint Medicine. Among CStone’s portfolio, 4 late-stage drug candidates are at or near registrational trial. CStone’s business model has a clear focus on clinical development, while at the same time, the company is rapidly developing its commercial and manufacturing capabilities. The company is backed by prestigious VC and PE funds with record-breaking amounts of equity investment, raising a combined total of USD 412 million in two financing rounds to date. With an experienced team, a rich pipeline, a robust clinical development-driven business model, and substantial funding, CStone’s vision is to become globally recognized as a leading biopharma company by bringing innovative and differentiated oncology therapies to cancer patients in China and worldwide.

For more information about CStone Pharmaceuticals, please visit: www.cstonepharma.com.



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