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三影堂摄影艺术中心即将荣幸呈现“时光褶皱——陈大志作品展”。本次展出的作品具体分为“象外 ”、“间隔 ”、“平行之外”、“寻觅”和“藏地记忆”等五个部分。概括地说,是从自然景观、人的活动到精神世界这三个方面展示陈大志通过摄影所要追求与想要呈现的东西。在陈大志本人,这三个方面其实就是他的现世认识世界的过程,也是他通过摄影这一精神实践所逐渐了悟世界的过程。

“时光褶皱”这个标题,被赋予了从时间和空间维度思考摄影以及精神视觉化的契机。陈大志通过对于过去一段时间里积累的作品的梳理,其根本努力,就是要打通“影像”、“媒介”与 “精神”这三者之间的无论是由技术的还是文化的所产生的阻隔,将这三者在时间与空间中的关系一元化,也同时通过将一个又一个单元中的现实影像的打开,呈现藏身于时光皱褶中的精神隐秘从而将摄影家个人的内在精神与主观可视化。


中国山东省荣成市人。南京理工大学工学学士、中国人民大学新闻硕士。做过软件工程师、记者、主编、报社社长、投资公司总裁等多个职业,后独立创业做企业 管理。2009 年开始从事摄影创作,其独创的“反向区域曝光法”(LinearSystem)把 中国水墨的笔法、墨法呈现于摄影技术中,从而在摄影作品中体现出具中国文化气息的 视觉效果,把自郎静山一脉而起的中国画意摄影推向一个新的高度,并荣赝第 11 届中 国摄影金像奖(艺术创作类)。在此之后,又充分利用这个创新技法积极探索扩展到各种题材,使其作品具有强烈个人语言风格和独特的艺术感染力。


展览作品 Featured Works

《象外 6》, 宣纸(手工托裱),实木框,爱普生艺术微喷

Concretization 6, Rice paper (mounted manually), wooden frame, Epson Giclee

《象外 1》,宣纸(手工托裱),实木框,爱普生艺术微喷

Concretization 1, Rice paper (mounted manually), wooden frame, Epson Giclee

《寻觅1》,胶片,深灰铁框,efi GS2000 UV喷涂

Searching 1, Film, dark-grey iron frame, efi GS2000 UV spray

《象外 14》, 宣纸(手工托裱),实木框,爱普生艺术微喷

Concretization 14, Rice paper (mounted manually), wooden frame, Epson Giclee

《藏地记忆 3》,胶片,深灰铁框,efi GS2000 UV喷涂

Memory in Tibet 3, Film, dark-grey iron frame, efi GS2000 UV spray

《藏地记忆 5》,胶片,深灰铁框,efi GS2000 UV喷涂

Memory in Tibet 5, Film, dark-grey iron frame, efi GS2000 UV spray

《平行之外 7》:胶片,不锈钢框

efi GS2000 UV喷涂

Outside the Parallel 7, Film, stainless steel frame,

efi GS2000 UV spray


Time Pleat

Chen Dazhi Solo Exhibition

Organizer: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

Curator: Gu Zheng

Opening: 15:00, May 25, 2019

Duration: May 25 – June 23, 2019 (10:00-18:00 Closed on Mondays)

Location: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre (155A Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015)

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre is delighted to present the Chen Dazhi solo exhibition:“Time Pleat”. All works exhibited fall into five parts – “Outside the Concretization,” “Interval,” “Outside the Parallel,”“Searching,” and “Memory of Tibet.” Generally-speaking, they display what Chen desires to pursue in terms of the natural landscape, human activity, and the spiritual world. For Chen, these aspects constitute his perception of the world and also his understanding of the world through the spiritual practice of photography.

The title Time Pleat evokes photography and the visualization of spirits across the dimensions of time and space. Chen’s ultimate aim is to dispel the barriers between image, medium, and spirit that arise from technology or culture and unify them. He presents the spiritual secrets hidden in the time pleat through the unfolding of realistic images, visualizing his own inherent spirit and subjectivity.

About The Artist

Chen Dazhi was born in Rongcheng, Shandong Province, China in 1966. He received a Bachelor of Engineering from Nanjing University of Science and Technology and a master’s degree in journalism from Renmin University. Before starting his own business, he worked as a software engineer,a newspaper reporter and editor, the president of a newspaper office, and the president of an investment company. He began his career in photography in 2009.


Chen’s Linear System technique infuses the spirit of ink wash painting and Chinese culture into photography. His early experiments with the technique received great acclaim and led him to give full play to the Linear System and expand it to include a range of subject matter, giving his images a strong personal style and unique artistic appeal.

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