
【展讯】张吉祥个展——这个世界,与你无关 | 三影堂无界项目

三影堂厦门 三影堂摄影艺术中心 2021-10-17




展期:2021年4月17日 - 5月16日
开幕:2021年4月17日  15:00




《彼岸》带着一些绚烂又迷离的色彩,呈现着一个无序、混杂,甚至有些荒诞的世界。在这里,身体既是群山与流水,也是宏大的宇宙,它是整个世界的基调。与此同时,身体也是每一个放逐欲望的个体, 他们渺然一身,并立于肉身构成的天地之间。

Selected From “Beyond the Mountains ”Series

《见山》以蒙太奇的方式进行禅意式的表达,与作品《彼岸》采用同样的原始照片素材,却在时隔一年创作中体现了截然不同的心境。这组作品将身体的局部虚化,忽视了现实世界物件的轮廓,摆脱了表象的束缚。张吉祥在创作时表现手法提取了唐代山水,浮世绘及枯山水等文化内在的精神象征元素,使得个体仿佛完全融入山水之间,张吉祥将它形容为“无言群山的呢喃,回荡而后消散在世界的尽头。” 1。这种强烈的抽离感,让观看达到更深层的理性。
Selected From “Beyond the Mountains ”Series

注:1 张吉祥展览专访。
Selected From “Beyond the Mountains ”Series


张吉祥,BRUNO ZHANG, 1987,用相机画画的人。曾漂泊海外,现暂居广州。



Bruno Zhang Solo Exhibition —— The World is None of Your Business

Artist:Bruno Zhang
Curator:Xiao Ruiyun
Art Director:  Teng Qingyun

Organizer: Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre
Duration:  Apr 17, 2021– May 16, 2021
Opening:Apr 17, 2021 15:00

Venue: No. 301, Building 2, Xinglinwan Business Center, Jimei District, Xiamen
(Enter from the large platform connecting Building 1 and Building 2)


Text/Xiao Ruiyun

The body and the landscape are the main imagery of Bruno Zhang's works, and also the symbolic and spiritual world he constructs. Zhang’s series such as The Other Side and Beyond the Mountains take advantage of the reproducibility and alterability of digital images to dismantle the outline of the figurative body and then reorganize it on canvas to present a non-inevitable and abstract world. This is Zhang's attempt to construct a new imagery expression from the original image to re-creation.
Selected From "Red" Series

With splendid and disorienting colors, The Other Side presents a disorderly, chaotic, and even somewhat absurd world. Here, the body is both the mountains and the flowing water, as well as the grand universe. It is the fundamental of the whole world. At the same time, the body is also the individual who indulges in his or her desires, standing in the world made of flesh. Beyond the Mountains is a Zen-like expression in the form of montage. Similar to The Other Side, it builds upon original photo materials, but it is created a year later embodying a very different state of mind. This series blurs some body parts, ignoring the contours of real-world objects and freeing them from the constraints of appearances. The expressions in Zhang's works extract the spiritual and symbolic elements inherent in different cultures such as Tang Dynasty landscapes, Ukiyo-e and Karesansui, making the individual seem to be completely integrated into the landscape, which Zhang describes as "the murmur of the wordless mountains, echoing and then dissipating at the end of the world."1 This strong sense of detachment allows the viewer to reach a deeper level of rationality.
Selected From "Red" Series

We also hope to present Zhang's early creative practice in this exhibition. The series such as Red and Threshold Value start from model portraits and extract the surface of everyday life. He keenly captures visual emotions, including the flowing colors, the forms of objects, and even fragmented texts. These materials in different dimensions could be considered as Zhang’s initial creative collection.
The title of the exhibition, "The World Is None of Your Business", is like Zhang’s mumbling, which speaks of the contradiction between the mainstream and the margins and maps out the common life dilemma and spiritual crisis people are facing nowadays. The exhibition will present the subtleties of the world, such as the sounds surrounding it. We can also see the mysterious serial number on each work, which is the mark of Zhang's physical state left on the frame when he created it. The audience can also leave their own personal marks to complete the last three experimental works together, reconnecting in this world that is “none of your business.”
1 Interview with Bruno Zhang.

Selected from “the Other Side” Series

 About Artist 

Bruno Zhang, born in 1987, is a man drawing with cameras. He ever wandered abroad and lives in Guangzhou now.

Bruno Zhang majored in and graduated from traditional oil painting, he was fully obsessed with the photography world after owning the first camera of his life.

In 2013, Bruno Zhang studied at the Accademia di Belle arti di Brera in Milan for a master degree in photography. However, he founded traditional photography technology was not what he pursued, and by which he couldn't set up a surreal world in his mind, so he rebelled and escaped. He gradually fathomed the charm of digital art over the years and decided to investigate thoroughly and explore more possibilities to apply comprehensive and distinctive traditional artistic means for purpose of building a non-exact identical world.






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