

三影堂 三影堂摄影艺术中心 2023-06-03

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- 展览时间 -



- 分享会 -

4.1 (15:30-16:10)

- 开幕导览 -

4.1 (16:20-16:50)

- 艺术家 -


- 策展人 -


- 主办 -


- 地址 -



三影堂摄影艺术中心3.0space将于4月1日至4月30日举办麦扬个展《好! Say-so。本次展览由李燕茹策展,展出麦扬多个装置系列代表作品。展览将探讨服装与穿着者之间的关系。在麦扬的作品中,服装将不再只被视为具有其原本功能性和商业价值的物品,而是将被赋予更多的象征意义,呈现出不同的身体形态和社会特性。这一形式展现了群体生活中不同个体之间的普遍性和差异性,并引起对机械性重复生活中的“好”的重新思考和定义。



怀抱(Hold Me in Your Arms)

怀抱(Hold Me in Your Arms)创作于2021年,此作品是麦扬对校园集体生活的回应。艺术家使用100件同款校服进行填充、连接和缝合,形成一种相互穿插、从上到下的垂挂形态。作品展现了个体被剥夺特性后与同化的群体之间微妙交织的关系,既有服从又有叛逆,既有交缠又有间隙。



当艺术不再局限于平面,而是以立体形式呈现在展览空间中;当艺术家通过再次创造来赋予物体思想;当作品的材料来源于生活,打破艺术与生活之间的界限;此时,美学将成为一种追求自由和激进的手段:从必须依靠身体填充的限制与约束中解放出来,成为“Unbodied Society”。

· 艺术家简介 ·


麦扬 Yang Mai 是一位艺术家和芝加哥艺术学院客座讲师,现居纽约和北京。他拥有芝加哥艺术学院硕士学位和北京服装学院学士学位,并于2021年获得了美国国家艺术基金会(National Endowment for the Arts)的奖项。他的个人展览近期在全国农业展览馆(北京,2021)、COMMON PLACE(北京,2021-22)、CUE美术馆(纽约,2020)、ChaShaMa美术馆(纽约,2021,2017)等举办。他参与的展览包括:二0一空间(北京,2021)、太和艺术中心(北京,2021)、LATITUDE画廊(纽约,2020)、纽约时装周(纽约,2018-19)、纽约艺术博览会(纽约,2018)、迈阿密艺术博览会(迈阿密,2018)、MC画廊(纽约,2018)、芝加哥设计展(芝加哥,2016)、Sage Studio(芝加哥,2016)等。他的作品曾被纽约时报、Artnet、当代艺术日报、华尔街国际杂志、中国日报、Vogue等媒体报道。

· 策展人简介 ·


策展人、摄影记者,本科毕业于意大利Libera Accademia di Belle Arti摄影专业,研究生毕业于意大利IED Istituto Europeo di Desgn策展实践专业。旅意期间以摄影师身份专注于纪实摄影,之后作为摄影记者为欧洲华文报社/中国新闻网报道意大利时事新闻;曾以当地制片人身份与艺术家蔡国强团队合作白日焰火“空中花园”,多样的经历和背景让她注意到中外文化艺术交流的重要性,从而希望通过国际展览让中国青年艺术家出现在国际的视野里。展览经验包括与 Palazzo Strozzi 基金会合作参与策展展览“Alter Eva”(意大利,2021),三影堂摄影艺术中心 3.0space 展览“艺术指北”(北京,2022)。

「 好!Say-so

- Duration -


(Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)

- Artist Talk -

4.1 (15:30-16:10)

- Opening Exhibition Guided Tour -

4.1 (16:20-16:50)

- Artist -

Yang Mai

- Curator -

Yanru Li

- Organizer -

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 3.0 space

- Location -

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

(155A, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing)

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 3.0space is pleased to present 好!(Say-so) from April 1st-30nd, a solo exhibition by Yang Mai, curated by Yanru Li. The exhibition will feature Mai's body of work and explore the relationship between apparel and wearer. In his works, clothing transcends its mundane function or commercial value and assumes a profound symbolic significance, evoking diverse physical forms and social expressions. This reveals the universality and diversity of individuals in group living and prompts a reimagination and renegotiation of the "好" in our shaped and repeated forms of life.“好”(Hao, a Chinese character that has multiple meanings, it can be referred to “Yes”, “Good”, “OK” or used as an adjective to describe something as "fine" or "satisfactory". It can be also used ironically in response to a situation where one's freedom of expression is restricted.)

From series Shhh! (嘘 !)

From series Untited(无题)

Since 2019, Mai has created two ongoing series of works: Shhh! (嘘!) and Untitled (无题). In the Shhh! (嘘!) series, garments are stitched together at the openings of the sleeves and threaded through one another to form a closed loop, which is then painted on the surface. The Untitled (无题) series consists of individual stuffed clothing of different colors and styles. By recreating various forms of garments, the artist reflects on the restrictions and control that clothing can impose on the wearer. In both works, the clothing is separated from its utilitarian function, transformed into outrageous assemblages, and presented in new body-like forms, allowing the works to assume a more liberated and independent stance.

怀抱(Hold Me in Your Arms)

怀抱 (Hold Me in Your Arms) was created in 2021 by Mai in response to the collective experience of conforming to societal norms. The artist used 100 identical school uniforms to create a hanging structure through filling, connecting, and stitching. The work symbolically reflects the fragility of our society and stages the paradoxical coexistence of conformity and rebellion that we are living in.

UpRise (站起来) uses mass-produced clothing as its medium, stacked and layered with other elements such as chairs, branches, balls, and fences, implying a sense of resistance and insecurity. Inspired by the artist's emotional outburst, these works not only represent a creative output but also serve as documentation of his entire artistic process.

From series UpRise(站起来)

Many garments begin a new life within Mai's reimagining operations, which are not limited by physical constraints. This exhibition continues Yang Mai's commitment to proposing aesthetics as a means towards radical freedom and creating an "unbodied society".

· Artist ·

Yang Mai

Yang Mai is an artist born and raised in Guangzhou, China, and currently based in New York and Beijing. Mai holds a Master’s degree from the School of Art Institute of Chicago and a Bachelor’s degree from the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. He was awarded the National Endowment for the Arts Award in 2021. Mai was featured in solo exhibitions including 怀抱 (Hold Me in Your Arms), National Agriculture Exhib. Center, Beijing, 2021; 如果我能说 (If I May Say), COMMON PLACE, Beijing, 2021-22; Good Morning, China! (早上好,中国!), CUE Art Foundation, New York, 2020, which travels to ChaShaMa, New York, 2021; and Made in China at ChaShaMa, New York, 2017; His work has been presented at 201 Art Space, Beijing; Taihe Art Center, Beijing; LATITUDE Gallery, New York; New York Fashion Week, 2018-19; Art Miami Fair, 2018; The 2016 Design Show, Chicago; Sage Studio, Chicago, 2016. His works were mentioned in The New York Times, Artnet, Artforum, Contemporary Art Daily, Vogue, and more.

· Curator ·

Yanru Li

Curator and photographer, Yanru received her undergraduate degree in Photography from the Libera Accademia di Belle Arti of Florence and her master's degree in Curatorial Practice from Istituto Europeo di Design in Italy. During her time studying and working in Italy, she focused on documentary photography and worked as a photojournalist for several Chinese newspapers. Her diverse experiences and background have led her to recognize the importance of cultural and artistic exchanges between China and European countries. Yanru hopes to provide a platform for young Chinese artists to showcase their work internationally through exhibitions. In 2021, she co-curated the exhibition "Alter Eva" in collaboration with the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation of Italy in the center of Florence. Yanru also curated "The Counter-Compass of Art" exhibition at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 3.0space.

【3.0 space】是三影堂摄影艺术中心于2021年初成立的独立艺术空间,同时也是专属于青年艺术创作者、研究者们思想碰撞的实验发生场。我们将在此呈现多样化的展览、对谈、放映等特别活动,旨在为了更好的激发中国当代摄影的新生力量,及将摄影艺术语言的魅力传递给更广泛的人群而搭建的平台。这里有一个空间,请发挥想象。



