

三影堂厦门 三影堂摄影艺术中心 2023-06-03

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  王文楷个展 —— 无尽尽眠  



展期:2023年5月13日 - 2023年6月18日
开幕:2023年5月13日 15:00



Eyecandy series



Somnia series


Somnia series


Day for Night series



The White House series


王文楷,1996年生,现居纽约和上海,毕业于纽约大学艺术学院 (NYU Tisch Shcool of the Arts)。他的作品往往关注于现实重构与超现实之间的并行;多次获得A类、B类国际电影节电影奖;同时作为新锐摄影师参加过多个国际摄影展,作品在意大利PHmuseum Photo Festival、纽约亚洲博物馆、日本半山摄影展、54 Museum Gallery等展出;美国摄影基金2020 Lens Culture Exposure Award新人奖获得者, 2022 PhMuseum Photography Grant提名获得者。

 Endless Somina 
 Wenkai Wang's Solo Exhibition 

Curator: Xiao Ruiyun 
Art Director: Teng Qingyun 

Organizer: Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre
Duration: May 13, 2023 - Jun 18, 2023
Opening: May 13, 2023 15:00

Venue: 3rd Floor of Building 2, Xinglinwan Business Center, Jimei District, Xiamen

"Endless Somnia" constructs a triple space that gradually guides the audience from reality to the realm of dreams. Within this enigmatic trance, flickering, noisy, overlapping, and floating images are compressed into a vast chaos that seems to represent the zero-degree moment of time, yet slowly unfolds in sequence.


Eyecandy series

In "Eyecandy", Wang Wenkai humorously captures the "eyesore" of consumer culture in society. The bright-colored images, resembling sweet but cloying "Eyecandy", create a dizzying effect from the exhibition entrance, reproducing absurd realities in a clever visual language.


Eyecandy series

"Somnia" represents the boundary between reality and dreams. Wang creates his work through an altered state of consciousness that mirrors shamanic ecstasy mindset, mimicking a feeling of apocalyptic, fatigued afternoon nap, where he felt a peculiar sense of impending doom. Viewing nature as an organism, he believes that imagination serves as a tool for awareness, rather than an illusion-making mechanism. This includes entering a "Platonic" cave, cracking open eggshells, exploring a "safe house" for self-discovery, dancing in the air amid thundering skies and bursting fireworks, and more. Through poetic graphic narration, the exhibition leads the audience on a journey through time and space, presenting a logic of return, overlap, and linear expansion.


Somnia series

Although photography is commonly considered a faithful restoration of memory, Wang repeatedly splits and recombines graphics in various ways, relying on self-destructive impulses to maintain the fluidity of memories. The album presents a much longer journey of consciousness. In the "Day for Night" series, which flickers in dim light, Wang creates realities or illusions through lighting, mirroring the moments of lucid dreaming.

The White House series

Roland Barthes believed that photography represents a ghostly presence of "death". At its inception, due to slow shutter speeds, photographs were often blurred and used as evidence for supernatural phenomena by spiritualists. People even believed that taking a photo could capture the image of a ghost. In "The White House", based on the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, Wang constructs a new story framework, restoring a witchy stage space with cinematic sets and lighting. Actors explore this given space freely, following the script. The projection of images and waving drapery within the stage space create a sense of drifting thoughts. The interior space invites the audience to interactively paint, contributing to a work of art with different states of consciousness, similar to how surrealist painters collaborated on the same work in the past.

Text/Xiao Ruiyun


Wenkai Wang, born in 1996, originally from China, is a New York and Shanghai based filmmaker and photographer. Wenkai earned his BA degree in Film&TV at NYU Tisch School of The Arts, United States. The works of Wenkai Wang are often results of juxtaposing staged reality with an unlikely cast of the surreal. Wenkai’s work has been recently included in the 2022 PhMuseum Grant Finalist, 2020 Lens Culture Exposure Award.




