
【展讯】蛊师个展“被复制的表情噪音”—青年艺术家陪跑计划 | 北京

三影堂 三影堂摄影艺术中心 2023-11-29







展期:2023.09.09 — 10.06(周一闭馆)





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三影堂摄影艺术中心“青年艺术家陪跑计划” 联合多位国内外资深艺术家、策展人、学者,为在艺术道路上遇到瓶颈或希望迈上职业艺术家道路且有潜力的青年创作者们,给予全年系统性的启发和帮助。蛊师作为2021首届“青年艺术家陪跑计划”入围者之一,其个展 “被复制的表情噪音”将于2023年9月9日至10月6日三影堂摄影艺术中心3.0space展出。



— 冯博一


— 王庆松


——S. A. 阿列克谢耶维奇




生活上,我们一方面有那些特别国际化、高端的东西,另一方面又很廉价和俗气;一方面是发展中比较低层次的、形而下的 ,但是它又有世界特别前沿、尖端的内容……就是这种矛盾的现象让我关注。

《复制三十分钟多巴胺 NO1》,增强粗面纸,不锈钢,背胶,2023,86x65x15cm




《复制三十分钟多巴胺 NO2》,增强粗面纸,不锈钢,背胶,2023,86x65x15cm

《被复制的表情 NO1》,增强粗面纸,2023,80x53.3cm

《被复制的表情 NO2》,增强粗面纸,2023,80x53.3cm

《被复制的表情 NO3》,数码印花,绒布,2023,119x190cm


蛊 师


入选2023英国 Aesthetica Art Prize 美学艺术奖


2022 澳大利亚悉尼 Head On 肖像摄影奖提名

2022 入选德国Der Greif.

Tokyo International Foto Awards 2022(金、银、铜)


2022,澳大利亚悉尼Head On摄影节。





2015,个人摇滚乐主题摄影展《觉 ̇无界》(愚公移山俱乐部)。

2014,摩登天空音乐节 摄影5人展。







冯 博一



王 庆松

毕业于四川美术学院,1993年至今生活工作在北京,于1996年开始影像创作。在国内外诸多美术馆和画廊举办过40多个个展,参加过光州双年展、台北双年展、悉尼双年展、上海双年展、威尼斯双年展、伊斯坦布尔双年展、基辅双年展等多个国际双年展。2019在武汉合美术馆及韩国首尔摄影美术馆举办个展。2006年获得Outreach Award in Rencontres de le Photographie,法国阿尔勒杰出摄影奖。曾组织策划长江国际影像双年展及成都“金熊猫摄影艺术奖”等展览,现担任成都当代影像馆艺术总监。


3.0 space

【3.0 space】是三影堂摄影艺术中心于2021年初成立的独立艺术空间,同时也是专属于青年艺术创作者、策展人、研究者们思想碰撞的实验发生场。旨在为了更好的激发中国当代摄影的新生力量,及将摄影艺术语言的魅力传递给更广泛的人群而搭建的平台。这里有一个空间,请发挥想象。



"Young Artist Running Program" Solo Exhibition 

Reproduced Emoji Noise

Artist: Wizard Tang

Mentors: Feng Boyi\Wang Qingsong

Duration: 2023.09.09 — 10.06 (Closed on Mondays)

Opening Guided Tour:2023.09.09(15:30-15:50)

Opening Performance:2023.09.09(15:50)

Location: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre(155A, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing)

Organizers: Three Shadows Education Program

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Deep down, humans yearn for a simple life, even in the absence of grand ideologies.

This photography project was conducted before and during the time of COVID-19 pandemic. If we take the pandemic as a turning point, the Chinese economy was flourishing prior to the outbreak. The middle-class lifestyle in the first-tier cities was dominated by consumerism, where people used to talk about shopping, and shopping crazily.


What we face in the coming decade is a lack of demand. The economy may undergo deflation before entering into stagflation, resulting in a shrinkage of wealth for the middle class.


The current state of life for the middle class in China’s major cities is a tendency to retreat from social issues. Instead, they would rather completely absorb themselves into the mundane and individual routines.

In daily life, there is a duality: on the one hand, we have access to products that are high-end and of international standard, while on the other hand, we possess those things that show to be cheap and kitschy. We witness superficial and underdevelopment aspects, yet simultaneously encounter world-class and cutting-edge elements. It is precisely this contradictory phenomenon that captivates my attention.

“Reproduction of Thirty Minutes of Dopamine NO2”, Reinforced rough paper, stainless steel, adhesive backing, 2023, 86x65x15cm

The random placement of outdated items is captured by the photographer in the hallway of residential buildings in Beijing. This is an exemplification of the ever-growing desire and fast-paced lifestyle of the middle class in the pre-pandemic era. At the same time, it provokes the photographer’s reflection upon this type of lifestyle and the uncertainty that lies ahead in the future.

‘To observe, mock, satirize, stultify, deconstruct, resist - these are the only hippie things in the true sense.’

The material desire is amplified in my photographs, with an intuitive orchestration of distorted visual collages that infuses a sense of novelty and stimulation into the everyday objects. By doing his, the mundane and outdated become fresh, the dullness caused by ubiquity is alleviated, and the dynamic between the real and imagined can thus be created.


Wizard Tang

Photographer, artist, working and living in Beijing, China. As an independent photography artist he works on commercial photography to support his own creation. He has being continued to shoot Chinese Rock and Roll music scene for more than 10 years. Many personal photography exhibitions of his have been held. Focus on materialistic consumption, youth culture, and other social phenomena and issues.


Selected for the UK Aesthetica Art Prize 2023.

Shortlisted for the 2023 Royal Photographic Society International Photography Exhibition 165.

2022 Sydney, Australia Head On Portrait Photography Award Nomination.

2022 Inducted into the German Der Greif.

Tokyo International Foto Awards 2022 (Gold, Silver, Bronze)


2022,Chengdu Contemporary Image Week (Chengdu Art Museum).

2022,Head On Photography Festival, Sydney, Australia.

2017, "Wild Things! Solo Photography Exhibition (Black Cat Theater Festival).

2016, Series of portraits "Chinese Faces" at Photokina, World Imaging Expo, Cologne, Germany.

2015, Pingyao International Photography Festival "They" Solo Exhibition.

2015, The Sixth Dali International Film Festival Invitational Exhibition "Them" Solo Exhibition.

2015, Solo rock 'n' roll themed photography exhibition "JUE ̇ No Boundaries" (Yugong Yishan Club).

2014, Modern Sky Music Festival Photography 5-person show.

2014, Solo rock 'n' roll themed photography exhibition, Weightless.

2011, works exhibited in "Mania Beatles Classic Retrospective Photography Exhibition".

(Scroll down to view)



Guest performer of sound art. A man from the galaxy, a time traveler in Beijing, exploring the frequencies of sound.


Feng Boyi

Independent curator and art critic. Dedicated to the planning, critique, and editing of contemporary experimental art in China. He is currently one of the most active independent curators and critics in China.


Wang Qingsong

Qingsong Wang graduated from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. He has been living and working in Beijing since 1993 and embarked on his video creation journey in 1996. Wang has held over 40 solo exhibitions in various museums and galleries both in China and abroad. He has participated in multiple international biennials, such as the Gwangju, Taipei, Sydney, Shanghai, Venice, Istanbul, and Kyiv Biennales. In 2019, he held solo exhibitions at the Hubei Museum of Art in Wuhan and the Photography Museum in Seoul, South Korea. In 2006, Wang was honored with the Outreach Award at the Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles, France. He has organized and curated significant exhibitions like the Yangtze River International Image Biennial and the Chengdu "Golden Panda Photography Art Award." Wang currently holds the position of Artistic Director at the Chengdu Contemporary Image Museum.

His artworks have found places in over 60 public art museums worldwide, such as the International Center of Photography and MoMA in New York, Getty Museum, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Queensland Art Gallery in Australia, Mori Art Museum in Japan, Mito Art Museum, National Museum of Fine Arts in Brazil, European Photography Center in Paris, MUMOK Museum in Austria, National Gallery of Victoria in Australia, Victoria and Albert Museum in the UK, Daegu Art Museum in South Korea, Art Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in China, Guangdong Museum of Art, and the Hubei Museum of Art.

(Scroll down to view)

3.0 space

3.0 space is an independent art space established by Three Shadows Photography Art Center in early 2021, and is also an experimental venue for young art creators, curators and researchers to collide their ideas. It is also a platform for young art creators, curators, and researchers to meet and experiment with ideas. It aims to inspire the new force of contemporary photography in China and to convey the charm of the art language of photography to a wider audience. Here is a space for your imagination.

Three Shadows Education Program

Three Shadows Education Program One of the main divisions of Three Shadows Photography Art Center, with the Beijing and Xiamen Photography Art Museums as its teaching and practice bases, regards photography as a broad and independent art form, and provides international image art education programs for audiences at different learning stages. Relying on the quality resources of universities and institutions at home and abroad, Three Shadows launches a series of programs such as experiential classes, salons, overseas study tours, creative workshops, study abroad portfolios, master classes, and so on.




