
歌德人才奖学金项目招募 Open Call | Goethe Talents Scholarship

歌德人才奖学金项目(Goethe Talents Scholarship)由歌德学院与“流行文化”(Pop-Kultur)合作举办,将为8名来自拉丁美洲、北非以及亚洲部分国家与地区(包括中国在内)的青年音乐家提供为期十二天在音乐大都会柏林参加各类活动的机会。项目活动内容包括密集型即兴演奏会、工作室参访、在柏林创意产业中的特定公司进行短期培训、与柏林音乐委员会(Musicboard Berlin GmbH)的奖学金获得者进行交流等。此外,参与者还有机会在柏林特定的俱乐部以及“流行文化”艺术节上呈现自己的音乐作品。



Goethe Talents Pop-Kultur 2019 

© Roser Corella

Are you: 
  • a young musician, composer, singer-songwriter and/or instrumentalist between ~20 and ~30 years of age? 
  • playing an instrument of any kind (from Oud to Drums) and any musical Genre? 
  • from a transitioning or developing country?

Do you: 
  • want to use your musical talent more target-oriented? 
  • want to share your experiences in playing music in a group? 
  • want to work professionally in the music field and industry and extend your networks? 

If you have already gained some experience in your field, the Goethe Talents Scholarship will help you to reach the next level. We are particularly looking for music talents from the so called DAC-countries, including African countries, Latin America and particular Asian countries.

Teenage Granny, Goethe Talents 

Pop-Kultur 2019 © Roser Corella

Pop-Kultur Festival in cooperation with Goethe-Institut offers a variety of activities to experience the Music City Berlin in the run-up to the Festival: Studio visits, intensive jam-sessions, short traineeships in selected companies of Berlin‘s creative industries, listening sessions and meetings with scholarship holders of Musicboard Berlin GmbH and former alumni of past Goethe Talents editions, visiting concerts, as well as many other activities.

Once more, the programme offers places to 8 talents, enabling you to network across borders. In addition, you will get to perform as a group at the Pop-Kultur Festival. Additionally we try to provide a special night for your solo or collaborative performance to a public audience.

Collaborating on music will be an important part of the experience within the programme. Spending time together in a studio and club space will give the selected participants the opportunity to have a direct acoustic exchange in order to learn from and with each other. The programme is designed to help participants recognise and/or improve their own musical skills. 

Furthermore, you will be joining the Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs programme taking place on August 28th – 30th at Kulturbrauerei Berlin. International  professionals give personal insights into their work and share their  knowledge through studio visits, workshops, case studies and talks with you – lively and interactive instead of dry and read off.

The application phase starts on February 28th and ends on April 2nd, 12 
pm CEST 2024. An expert jury will select 8 talents for the sought-after spots in the program and inform the applicants until the end of May. The scholarship starts on August 22nd (arrival day) and ends on September 2nd (departure day), 2024.

2023 Goethe Talents “Silent Greens" © Nadine Moser

What you can expect...

  • The participation fee, accommodation, travel expenses, hospitality (per diem) for the period of August 22nd to September 2nd, 2024 will be covered by Goethe-Institut. 
  • We will take care of welcoming you and introduce you to the City's infrastructure, prepare daily schedules and connect you with locals. 
  • Goethe-Institut will also book and pay for flights and will assist with visa appointments. 
  • Additionally, Musicboard Berlin will give a free Festival Ticket plus access to Pop-Kultur’s networking area for professionals to all talents, organise accommodation (breakfast included), cover health insurance and public transportation within Berlin.

What we expect...

  • All participants will have to prepare a short input talk (of approx. 15 min.) in advance about their experience in the music field thus far and about the music scene in their respective country. 
  • Advanced English skills are crucial to attend the programme as there is no translation available (B2 minimum!). You will be tested in advance by a local Goethe-Institut. 
  • All participants should be aware of flexible changes and act as responsible as possible regarding group activities, timings and belongings. 
  • You need work experience in the field of music and we need proof of at least 3 projects you participated in. 
  • We expect your motivation for exchange and open-minded engagement in working with a diverse group in the field of music production and performance. 
  • You have to cover all additional expenses that might occur during your stay. 
  • All applications are for individual persons only. No accompanying persons can be sponsored or included in the programme. 
  • We expect good and fast communication and cooperation regarding flight and visa matters. The program organisers can assist with this, but you travel at your own risk and you are responsible for your own travel and visa concerns.

If you do not inform yourself on travel changes, board your booked flight or cancel the programme on short notice, you are obliged to reimburse the Goethe-Institut and Musicboard Berlin for any expenses accrued. The organising institutions are not responsible for possibly occurring inconveniences caused by airlines or any other transport companies.

Apply here: 
(click "read more")


