

浙大卡特三农智库 浙大卡特三农智库 2022-06-10

近日,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院茅锐教授与合作者在《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》和《China & World Economy》发表论文,揭示疫情对农产品贸易和跨境资本流动的影响,2篇文章分别于7月20日和21日在线发表。其中,茅锐教授与卡特幸梦莹博士及浙江工业大学张晋华等发表在金融学领域知名国际期刊PBFJ上的文章,题目是“归家之路:新冠疫情对中国境外投资机构交易行为的影响(The way back home: Trading behaviours of foreign institutional investors in China amid the COVID-19 pandemic)”。茅锐教授与卡特陈志钢教授、贾梓祎博士发表在经济学领域知名国际期刊CWE上的文章,题目是“疫情冲击下进口管制措施对农产品出口的影响:对中国的启示(Impacts of import refusals on agricultural exports during pandemics: Implications for China)”。




By using foreign institutional investors' daily trading data on 958 firms in China and COVID-19 infection data of six countries, this paper aims to investigate how the pandemic has influenced foreign institutional investors' trading behaviours during the first half year of 2020. In addition to domestic returns and foreign returns, ‘pull factors’ of COVID-19 pandemic in host country and ‘push factors’ of COVID-19 pandemic in home country were used to explain net foreign inflows. We find that ‘push factors’ of COVID-19 in home country are dominant in explaining the reduction of net foreign inflows in five out of 11 sectors, and ‘pull factors’ of domestic returns are dominant in explaining net foreign inflows in most sectors. The price impact of net foreign flows differs across sectors as well. A strong negative correlation between net foreign outflows and same-day return could be identified in the Financials sector. On the flip side, positive correlation between net foreign inflows and same-day return could be identified in seven other sectors. Finally, a pattern of flight-to-liquidity was discovered, as foreign institutional investors strategically sell illiquid stocks to conserve liquidity when market uncertainty is heightened.






Pandemic outbreaks disrupt agricultural trade. The possible strengthening of import barriers to products from countries at the epicenter of a pandemic by their trade partners could aggravate this situation. This paper examines the responses of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), import refusals, and subsequent trade impacts on the agricultural exports from the developing countries that were the epicenters of four pandemics in the past two decades. Using monthly data for the period 2002–2020, we find increased import refusals and amplified trade-impedingimpacts on agricultural exports during pandemic outbreaks. Increased import refusals and the amplification of the trade-impeding effect of import refusals were especially large when China was the epicenter. We further examine possible differences in these results across products and FDA inspection methods, and the main conclusions remain robust. This paper offers a better understanding of the economic outcomes of pandemic outbreaks and provides policy suggestions for China.





 教授 | 博士生导师

茅锐博士是浙江大学中国农村发展研究院教授,“黄达-蒙代尔经济学奖”获得者,浙江省“万人计划”青年拔尖人才。目前担任中国农村发展研究院院长助理,浙大-IFPRI国际发展联合研究中心副主任,是浙江省“之江青年社科学者”、浙江大学“仲英青年学者”,同时担任International Food and Agribusiness Management Review的执行编辑与主编办公室主任。他2008年获北京大学金融和数学双学士,2013年获北京大学国家发展研究院经济学博士,曾赴美国纽约大学和威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校联合培养。他的主要研究领域为经济发展、产业转型、农产品贸易和国际金融,在《中国社会科学》《经济研究》《管理世界》《经济学(季刊)》《金融研究》《世界经济》等中文刊物与Economic Development and Cultural Change, Agricultural Economics, Food Policy, China Economic Review等英文刊物上发表论文30余篇,出版中英文学术专著6部,被《新华文摘》和人大复印报刊资料等全文转载近10次,并多次获国家与省部级领导批示或采纳。他主持了国家自然科学基金、教育部等10余项科研项目,曾获中国青年农业经济学家论坛年度学者等奖励。


浙江大学中国农村发展研究院(浙大CARD)高度重视青年人才的引育工作。2016年以来,浙大农经相继引进龚斌磊、陈帅、鄢贞、汪笑溪、史新杰、林雯六位“百人计划”研究员和钱振澜、胡伟斌两位博士。与此同时,青年教师不断成长,茅锐、梁巧和季晨分别晋升教授、副教授,龚斌磊和陈帅也先后获得浙江大学长聘制教职。青年人才的引进和培育为浙大农经学科的持续发展与繁荣提供坚实的保障。浙大农经学科坚决落实科技部、教育部等部门“破五唯”专项行动的精神,推行代表作评价制度、突出标志性成果的重要性。近年来,在Management Science、Journal of Development Economics、American Journal of Agricultural Economics、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics、《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》等国内外顶尖期刊发表了一批标志性成果,大大提升了学科在国内外的学术影响力。


成果|汪笑溪等在Nature子刊Nature Sustainability发文探讨生态财政转移支付

成果 | 史新杰研究员等在发展研究领域Top期刊《World Development》发表论文

新闻速递 | 浙江敦和慈善基金会来访卡特交流共同富裕研究

新闻速递 | 农业农村部党组成员吴宏耀一行来CARD调研共同富裕研究工作

新闻速递|卡特师生开展浙江农村调研 寻找共同富裕秘钥

