
成果|史新杰研究员独作论文在Health Economics在线发表

浙大卡特三农智库 浙大卡特三农智库 2022-06-09

近日,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院史新杰研究员独立撰写的论文"Moving out but not for the better: Health consequences of interprovincial rural-urban migration in China"被健康经济学权威期刊Health Economics 录用并在线发表。

◇ 文章摘要:


Using panel data from a survey conducted by the Research Center for Rural Economy, this study overcomes the selection bias associated with most health status measures by incorporating dialect proximity as an instrumental variable to evaluate the causal effects of interprovincial migration on individuals' health status in China. The results indicate that, compared to an absorbed category, which includes intraprovincial migration and non-migration, interprovincial migration worsens health (measured by the self-reported health status score) by 3%. It is also found that, compared to intraprovincial migrants, interprovincial migrants are more likely to report a lower SHS score, whereas the health effect differences between interprovincial migrants and non-migrants are insignificant. The study identifies two potential mechanisms that explain this result: (i) The increase in income following migration may improve interprovincial migrants' health, and (ii) the exposure to hazardous working environments worsens health to a significant extent. This finding is also linked to the following gender-related finding: Compared to women, men are more likely to be employed in heavy industries with hazardous working environments; the negative effects of interprovincial migration on the health status are stronger for men than for women migrants, suggesting that the industry effect dominates.

◇  原文链接:


◇ 作者简介:


史新杰,获得澳大利亚国立大学经济学博士与浙江大学管理学博士,现为浙江大学“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师,任教于浙江大学公共管理学院农经系、浙江大学中国农村发展研究院(CARD)。史新杰博士的研究重点关注农村经济社会转型发展的一系列议题,主要包括:(1)农村的要素配置(农村劳动力流动和土地流转)对农业生产、收入、消费等方面产生的影响;(2)农村人口人力资本积累(农民工、留守人口的营养健康与教育相关议题);(3)收入不平等、贫困与机会不平等。其成果发表于《管理世界》、Health EconomicsWorld Development 等国内外期刊。



观点|【中国人口科学】黄祖辉 叶海键 胡伟斌:推进共同富裕:重点、难题与破解

卡特三农学术论坛之202期通告 主讲人:陈志钢教授等

