卡特三农学术论坛之223期通告 主讲人:胡子寒博士
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◇ 腾讯会议号:
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◇ 题目:
How Competition Shapes Peer Effects: Evidence from a University in China (Siyu Chen and Zihan Hu)
◇ 摘要:
Competition is widely used to motivate efforts and increase performance. However, in many domains, performance is aided by cooperation between agents in addition to their own efforts. In this case, competition may impose costs on cooperation since the chance of winning is decreasing in the success of peers. Education is a natural setting where peer interactions and help from others enhance individual performance. This paper uses administrative data from a university in China to examine how competition changes peer effects and peer interactions. Exploiting randomly assigned roommates, we find that high-ability students have detrimental effects on their high-ability roommates' academic performance. More importantly, this negative peer effect increases significantly along multiple competition intensity dimensions within a dorm room. The follow-up survey we conduct reveals that this is likely driven by competition discouraging help and interactions among roommates.
◇ 主讲人简介:
胡子寒,康奈尔大学经济系在读博士生,预计2023年毕业。他硕士(2014-2017)毕业于新加坡国立大学经济学系,本科(2009-2014)毕业于北京大学元培学院发展经济学方向。他的研究领域为劳动经济学和发展经济学。已见刊的代表成果发表在资源与环境经济学国际领域顶刊Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2019),并多次获得康奈尔各项奖学金和优秀论文奖;曾在AEA、SOLE、NEUDC、ASHEcon等重要会议上报告文章。他的博士导师是Ravi Kanbur教授,Michael Lovenheim、Douglas Miller和Michele Belot等著名教授也是他的导师组成员。