
成果|郑淋议独作论文在Energy Economics在线发表

浙大卡特三农智库 浙大卡特三农智库 2023-10-24

近日,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院特聘副研究员郑淋议独立撰写的学术论文Impact of off-farm employment on cooking fuel choices: Implications for rural-urban transformation in advancing sustainable energy transformation在能源经济学领域SSCI期刊Energy Economics在线发表。Energy Economics为SSCI一区期刊,最新影响因子为9.252,在ECONOMICS大类中排名为9/381。

◇ Abstract:

Off-farm employment is a prominent manifestation of rural-urban transformation in developing countries, and it theoretically plays a critical role in rural sustainable energy transformation. Exploiting the nationally representative household-level panel data from the China Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS), this study employs a multi-dimensional fixed-effects (MDFE) model, an inverse probability weighted regression adjustment (IPWRA) technique and a propensity score matching (PSM) approach to investigate the impact of off-farm employment on cooking fuel choices. The results show that off-farm employment exerts a positive and significant impact on the probability of adopting clean fuels for cooking, with specific reductions in biomass and coal and increases in electricity and gas. Furthermore, this effect is mainly realized by reducing the amount of available labor, the number of family meals, and increasing kitchen equipment purchases. However, the relationship between off-farm employment and cooking fuel choices varies considerably across the region, village and household groups. Off-farm employment mainly benefits the eastern, central and western regions of China, villages in plain areas, with brick-concrete houses and ethnic Han Chinese, households with children or the elderly, with poor health and more females, while it is less beneficial for others. The study highlights the important policy implications of rural-urban transition for sustainable energy transition through the creation of off-farm jobs.

◇ 文章概要:


◇ 原文链接:

Zheng L. Impact of off-farm employment on cooking fuel choices: Implications for rural-urban transformation in advancing sustainable energy transformation.

Energy Economics, 2023, 118, 106497, 



◇ 个人简介:


郑淋议,浙江大学与威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校联培博士,2022年9月起任教于浙江大学公共管理学院农业经济与管理系,现为浙江大学公共管理学院特聘副研究员。他的主要研究方向为土地制度与土地经济学、城乡发展与共同富裕。先后主持和参与省部级及以上项目10余项,荣获浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖、钱学森城市学金奖提名奖、AAEA China Section Best Paper Award、CAFEM征文优秀青年作者等荣誉性奖励10余项,并以独立作者和合作身份在《经济学家》、《中国农村经济》、《中国社会科学报》、Energy Economics、China Agricultural Economic Review、Land Use Policy等刊物公开发表成果20余篇,同时被人大复印资料、中国国研网等全文转载多篇。


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