
【放射时间】CT血管造影(CTA) 20年的发展之路(连载三)

器械之家 2021-12-12


原文作者:Geoffrey D. Rubin, MD

作者单位:Duke Clinical Research Institute, 2400 Pratt St

本文发表于:Radiology: Volume 271: Number 3—June 2014 radiology.rsna.org








Contributions of CT Angiography to Clinical Practice


As a result of tremendous technologic developments, CT angiography has evolved to provide important insights into cardiovascular disease diagnosis and management. While there are many applications of CT angiography that have transformed the standard for clinical care and are worthy of detailed elaboration, we have chosen to focus specifically on three areas in which CTangiography has expanded our under- standing of human vascular disease (AAS and peripheral arterial disease), in which it has guided new strategies in disease management (aortic endograft deployment and transaortic valve implantation),and in which new CT techniques offer promise for further refinements (coronary heart disease).


Acute AorticSyndromes: New Knowledge Redefining Disease Acute Acute Aortic Syndromes: New Knowledge Redefining Disease Classification


AAS refers to a spectrum of acute, life-threatening abnormalities of theaorta characterized by an abrupt onset of in- tense chest or back pain(28).


CT angiography has not only revolutionized the diagnosis and management of cases of AAS(29), but when acquired with electrocardiographic (ECG) synchronization has fundamentally advanced our understanding of these conditions(30), becoming the preeminent technique for the diagnosis,characterization, and treatment planning of AAS. In addition to overcoming ascending aortic pulsation artifacts that have resulted in both missed andspurious pathologic findings (30,31), ECG synchronization enables assessment of aortic root and coronary ostial involvement.


Motion-free images enable reliable identification of the site of the primary intimal tear, location and extent of dissection flaps, and branch-artery involvement— features important in guiding therapy (Figs 2, 3). Visualization of hitherto unknown but common pathologic features(eg, blood pools and side branch communications within an intramural hematoma [IMH]32)and theability to detect subtle lesions previously deemed inaccessible to in vivodiagnostic imaging(ie, limited dissection30,33)have allowed CT angiography to lead the way to new classifications of acute aortic lesions.

图2 45岁,男,A型急性主动脉夹层






3 升主动脉局限性内膜撕裂

(a)上方:无心电门控的CTA显示升主动脉运动伪影,模糊;下方:12小时后,心电门控 CTA示:升主动脉近端内膜皮瓣(箭头),伴随一个侵蚀边缘的局限性内膜撕裂。局限性内膜撕裂的边缘(大箭头)和主动脉壁破坏形成的突起(小箭头)清晰可见。这些微妙细节如果没有使用心电门控是不可见的。


传统的AAS分为主动脉夹层、IMH与穿透样动脉粥样硬化性溃疡(penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer,PAU)3435,现在可通过CTA分析重新定义。

The traditional "classification" of AAS into aortic dissection, IMH, and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer (PAU) (34,35) can be refined through analysis of CT angiography.


Perhaps one of the most important insights gleaned from CT angiography is that in addition toits classic description as a variant of aortic dissection, IMH may be seen in association with virtually any acute aortic abnormality, including the entirespectrum of dissection variants, PAUs, and rupturing aortic aneurysms of anyetiology (atherosclerotic, connective tissue-related, mycotic, and even posttraumatic, iatrogenic or noniatrogenic) (Fig4).





Thus, IMH might be more appropriately classified as an imaging marker of acuity associated with aortic dissection, PAU, and rupturing aneurysm rather than thecurrently in vogue characterization of IMH as a distinct "condition" of AAS(34,35). Moreover, the association of IMH with both the classic AAS conditions of aortic dissection and PAU and with rupturing aortic aneurysm introduces the question as to why rupturing aortic aneurysms are not included as AAS (30).


An alternative concept informed by observations from ECG-gated CT angiography regards AAS as a spectrum of disease manifestations caused by three main pathologic processes: group 1, aorticdissection and its variants resulting from a diseased media; group 2, PAU,which is a manifestation of advanced atherosclerosis and thus a disease of the intima; and group 3, rupturing aortic aneurysms, as the clinical presentationis indistinguishable from aortic dissection and PAU (Table)(30). Note that IMH is not part of this classification as it may be associated with any of the three main categories asan indicator of an acute process.


Group 1 lesions representing aortic dissection and its variants share a diseased aorticmedia as their common pathologic lesion. Classic dissection is characterized by the development of a flow channel or false lumen within the aortic wall, which is separated from the true lumen by a dissection membrane (Fig2).


Blood most commonly flows into the false lumen through a primary intimal tear, and re-entersthe true lumen through one or more exit tears. Regardless of the presence of an identifiable primary intimal tear, when fresh blood coagulates within a falselumen space, we refer to it as an IMH or dissection variant.


In a small number of patients with medial disease, a superficial/partial thickness tear develops (the equivalent of a primary intimal tear) without the development ofa separate flow channel or accumulation of intramural blood. These rare lesionsare referred to as limited tears or limited dissection and tend to have subtle imaging findings when compared with classic dissection (30,33,36)(Fig 3).


In patientswith medial disease, lesions can evolve rapidly, and features of aortic dissection, IMH, and limited tears can and often do overlap (Fig 5).







Group 2 lesions representing PAUs are characterized by defects in the thickened and diseased intima that penetrate through the internal elastic lamina into deeperlayers of the aortic wall, which may be associated with IMH. When associatedwith PAU, IMH generally has a worse prognosis than uncomplicated IMH associated with medial disease (dissection variant) (37).


Group 3 lesions are rupturing aortic aneurysms, occurring most frequently in the abdominal aorta (Fig 4). Signs of unstable aneurysms are fresh blood within a layerof chronic thrombus (crescent sign), intramural blood, and perianeurysmal stranding.


Virtually all structural features associated with AAS and their complications can be reliably assessed with modern CT angiography.The widespread availability of this comprehensive morphologic assessment is providing unique in- sights into the natural history of AAS, allowing refined classification schemes and better implementation of surgical and endovascular treatments.





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