
CISBe In The Know - Our NEW Ventilation System

CISB 2019-06-22

At CISB, student safety is one of our biggest concerns. Our Academic, Security, Bus, Cafeteria and Operations teams are focused on providing a safe learning environment for all of our CISB Bobcats! And in Beijing, this includes our indoor air quality.

在CISB,学生们的健康和安全一直是我们最关心的问题之一. 我校的教学、安保、校车、餐厅和运营等团队,都致力于为所有学生提供一个安全的、舒适的教学环境。其中,我们一直在为改善和提高室内空气质量,做出不断改变和努力。

Over the summer, CISB added yet another layer to our air quality controls by installing a brand new air cleaning (purification) system. This new ventilation system works by collecting outdoor air and cleaning it before pumping it throughout our campus. This pressurized system helps to ensure that our entire campus is supplied with fresh, safe, clean air, while keeping the bad air outside. 

今年夏天,我校安装了一套新的空气净化系统,这套系统的名字叫做新风系统. 它是根据在密闭的室内一侧送风另一侧引风,则在室内形成“新风流动场”的原理进行设计研制的.新风系统依靠机械送风、引风,强迫在系统内形成新风流动场,从而时刻保持室内空气洁净清新,有效的阻挡外面的污浊空气.

This independent air quality system is completely automatic. Using 20 different monitors located around the school, the system will switch on and off on its own, as it continually monitors the indoor air quality. These monitors also display the current CO2, PM2.5, etc...readings for the entire community to see. Along with supplying fresh air through its noise reduced filtration, sterilization and heating process, the filtering system also prevents or removes about 99.97% of contaminated air, dust, smoke, and bacteria. 

新风系统也是一套非常智能化的系统。学校总共有20个独立的控制器,分别分布在学校的东侧西侧和中间,每个控制器不仅可以进行自动开和关系统的调节,还能实时监测空气质量情况. 在控制器显示屏幕上,我们也可以在控制器上看到CO2、PM2.5等数据的显示.另外,值得一提的是,新系统中的过滤系统,经过过滤、杀菌、加热等多项处理后。可以有效的阻止空气中的灰尘颗粒、纤维等杂质, 净化率高达99.97%. 


Our previous system remains in place, ensuring a backup system, should we ever need it. We hope that Beijing’s air quality will continue to improve, and as it does, you can rest assured that the indoor air quality at CISB is safe for everyone who studies here. 

所以,之前的安装的旧系统,我们会当作备用系统使用。CISB会一直确保为学生们提供一个健康、舒适的环境,同时,随着北京空气质量的改善,我们也希望和期待更多蓝天白云的出现 。 


    Forward Series荐刊系列:Indoor Air 环境领域Q1区,最新影响因子4.3
