DreamShard: Generalizable Embedding Table Placement for Recommender Systems |
RecZilla: Algorithm Selection for Recommender Systems |
APG: Adaptive Parameter Generation Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction |
Generalized Delayed Feedback Model with Post-Click Information in Recommender Systems |
Cache-Augmented Inbatch Importance Resampling for Training Recommender Retriever |
Graph Convolution Network based Recommender Systems: Learning Guarantee and Item Mixture Powered Strategy |
Infinite Recommendation Networks: A Data-Centric Approach |
Revisiting Injective Attacks on Recommender Systems |
Diversified Recommendations for Agents with Adaptive Preferences |
Debiased, Longitudinal and Coordinated Drug Recommendation through Multi-Visit Clinic Records |
GBA: A Tuning-free Approach to Switch between Synchronous and Asynchronous Training for Recommendation Models |
Recommender Forest for Efficient Retrieval |
The trade-offs of model size in large recommendation models : A 10000 × compressed criteo-tb DLRM model (100 GB parameters to mere 10MB) |
Contrastive Graph Structure Learning via Information Bottleneck for Recommendation |
Tenrec: A Large-scale Multipurpose Benchmark Dataset for Recommender Systems |
Incorporating Bias-aware Margins into Contrastive Loss for Collaborative Filtering |
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