
Atelier Tristan Auer | 中世纪极简主义美学

资深编辑/Chenhui 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


住宅位于巴黎郊区的圣克劳德(离巴黎市中心9.6公里)这是法国最富有的住宅区之一,以14世纪的城堡圣克劳城堡为中心,该城堡曾是法国统治者的府邸,由Wilson Associates的Atelier Tristan Auer设计,精致优雅的内饰和业主对艺术品的品味,同时为儿童提供适合成长的生活环境。

Located in the Parisian suburb of Saint Cloud (9.6 kilometres from the centre of Paris) - one of the most exclusive and wealthiest residential areas in France with a rich history centered around the 14th century Chateau de Saint-Cloud which was once the residence of several French rulers - this family house has been meticulously renovated by Atelier Tristan Auer, Wilson Associates, to reflect both the refined elegance that the area’s status demands and the owners’ eclectic taste in art while also providing a comfortable and adaptable environment in which to raise their small children.

首席设计师Tristan Auer与Wilson Associates合作开发自己的同名工作室,完成了包括卡地亚、Hotel du Louvre和Hotel Les Baines的室内设计。这次将这座建于20世纪初的500平方米的三层楼别墅改造成一座现代住宅,将时尚气息与中世纪极简主义美学相结合。

Lead designer Tristan Auer - whose previous work before heading his own eponymous studio in collaboration with Dallas-based interior design firm Wilson Associates includes designing boutiques for Cartier and interiors for the Hotel du Louvre and Hotel Les Baines - has managed to transform this three-story, 500 square-meter villa built in the early 20th century into a modern residence that combines a Belle époque ambiance with a mid-century, minimalist aesthetic.

从人字形木质地板过渡至黑白拼接的大理石地面,以地面材质的不同划分功能区,精心修复的石膏檐口,室内装饰回归过去,而折中主义的家具选择和房主的时髦艺术收藏展现出现代感性。最大的挑战就是把房主的收藏毫无违和的融入室内设计中,书房书架上的宇航员头盔,浴室悬挂不对称的装饰画, 二楼空间来放置收藏的摩托车与花园中的景色相互映衬。

Fitted with salvaged and restored parquet floors in a chevron pattern, juxtaposed with areas of black and white marble tiles, and immaculately restored plaster cornices, the interiors hark back to the past while the eclectic furniture selection and the homeowner’s funky art collection display a modern sensibility. With the latter presenting the greatest challenge, the designers’ approach was to thoughtfully place them all over the house, from the study room, where an astronaut’s helmet is placed in a one of the wood-clad niches, to the bathroom, where framed photos hang asymmetrically above the bathtub, and the upper floor landing where a real motorcycle is proudly displayed on a black metal base against views of the garden.

房主在艺术上的折中品味进一步体现在家具选择中,包括在跳蚤市场中发现的那些最佳品藏,如Silvera、Kunl和MioTi等品牌沙发和相邻咖啡桌的定制产品。起居室软装使用到家具品牌Thierry Lemaire。悬挂式壁炉由Dominique Imbert设计,给客厅一个复古的视觉体验,浴室洗漱台墙面和浴缸使用大理石材质达到完美的平衡。

The homeowners’ eclectic taste in art is further reflected in the furniture selection that includes vintage finds discovered in flea markets, products by established brands like Silvera, Knoll and Minotti, and bespoke pieces like the teal-colored, five meter sofa and adjacent coffee table in the living room by Thierry Lemaire, furniture designer for Fendi. Other unique pieces include the suspended, rotating fireplace designed by Dominique Imbert which gives the living room a retro-futuristic touch, and the handmade stone bathtub in the master bathroom, perfectly balanced by the glass and chrome walk-in shower on the other side.

艺术家伦纳德巴特勒在儿童房的手绘插图、更衣室的墙壁和门上布列塔尼的樱花树枝彩绘,中央楼梯上方的天花板照明由James Turrell设计,进一步增强了室内设计的艺术灵感。从上层可以欣赏艾菲尔铁塔的壮观景色,每间客房都放置着艺术作品,并且定制的音响系统无形中融入了建筑布料中,这个量身定做的住所是每个人的梦想。

The artistic sensibility of the interiors is further enhanced by artist Leonard Butler’s hand-painted illustrations in the children’s room and Art et Breton’s cherry blossom branches intricately painted on the dressing room’s walls and doors, as well as the ceiling lighting above the central staircase inspired by a work of art by James Turrell. With spectacular views of the Eiffel Tower from the upper floors, art in every room and a bespoke sound system that is invisibly incorporated into the building fabric, this tailor made residence is every aesthete’s dream.

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