
WBL Studio与历史建筑的对话

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


WBL发现一个可以实践他们想法的新家园。这座废弃的建筑物,斑驳的墙和地毯被鸽子屎覆盖着的地毯。 正如建筑师所希望的那样,他们一直在寻找一种恰到好处的空间。 这座已有百年历史的建筑完全符合他们的预想。

Williams Burton Leopardi (WBL) found the new home for their practice on a wander to the pub one day. The building, derelict and in need of some love, was covered in pigeon poo with stained walls and carpets. They had been looking, as architects are want to do, for a space that feels just right. The 100-year-old state heritage listed Darling Building has fitted the bill perfectly. 


The Adelaide based practice wanted to create the perfect studio for themselves. It was to be a home away from home, a place where the majority of their time is spent, a space to be inspired and to inspire their clients and collaborators. They wanted to reflect the values of their work. They wanted it to juice up those creative vibes so they could create. 


Often it’s the bones of a building that speak to you. The way the light filters through the windows. A detail here. A feeling of expansion when you imagine pulling a wall down there. The old building started to not just speak, but to sing to them. “We contrasted the gritty exposed building fabric with delicate and carefully detailed insertions, with a limited budget, the studio was opened up to maximise the wonderful light. Modest insertions of steel framed glazing, recycled 1920’s partitions and found objects set the scene, but not a salvaged aesthetic,” said the architects. 


“Repair was celebrated, understanding that an object or space can more beautiful for having been broken, the ashes of gold throughout a nod to the Japanese art of kinsugi,” said the architects.


Their design process is both interactive and reclusive, knowing that inspiration can happen at the most opportune and random moments. The planning and layering of their space caters for this. 


Internally, there are framed views of the connected spaces – from the front meeting rooms you look out to the cityscape. The light well allows an outlook to the sky and a window to the developing Adelaide Skyline. 


WBL believe in small details, details that can make life memorable and inspiring. Their work builds connection through celebrating life’s daily rituals, creating environments that are distinctive to people and place, made intelligently and from the heart. 


The end result is something breathtaking. It is beautifully detailed, reminiscent of a cool, inner-city hotel or a sophisticated wine bar. But it is the overarching warmth that the space exudes that makes this studio so special. It’s a space you might feel comfortable in to curl up on the couch and read a book. A space you might feel inspired to create within. It is indeed a home away from home, but no ordinary home. Each space has been carefully articulated and impeccably realised. It’s the type of space you wished you could live in as well as work in, making for a brief that’s been meticulously well filled.


WBL Studio 




WBL Studio 


David Burton / Director


For those who believe small details can make life memorable and inspiring, our work builds connection through celebrating life’s daily rituals, creating environments that are distinctive to people and place, made intelligently and from the heart.


Whilst some prioritize process or physical conditions or outcomes, we focus on what makes spaces meaningful to the people who inhabit them, spending time to shape our clients physical environments into personal experiences that evoke memories and inspire new stories.


We do this by providing a seamless amalgam of architecture and interior design enhanced by close collaboration with our clients.


We are imaginative, inspiring and grounded. We embrace our city and this unique edge our location fosters. We adopt a crafted approach that draws on everything that is beautifully Adelaide.


We shape spaces into places that make life extraordinary.

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版权 /  Williams Burton Leopard

