
Esrawe Studio | 独到的日式匠心之作

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


Héctor Esrawe

Héctor Esrawe于1968年出生在墨西哥城。他于1992年毕业于伊比利亞美洲大學(UIA),並获得工业设计师的头衔。於2003年在Esrawe Studio公司担任独立设计师,开始了自己的职业生涯。並曾在伊比利亞美洲大学担任设计教授四年。並且与Cristobal Riestra,Agé Salajõe和Brian Thoreen與Roberto DíazSesma和Isaac  Bissu一起在墨西哥城创立MASA设计机构,他們在艺术,设计和建築方面的背景反映了MASA在其边界上的设计展示。

Tori Tori Santa Fe

Tori Tori Santa Fe是墨西哥城著名日本连锁餐厅的第五个项目,位于最现代化的地区,拥有现代感十足的写字楼。当地的跨学科设计工作室Esrawe从武士盔甲和日本文字中汲取灵感,将日本工艺与几何抽象结合起来,创造出一个完全现代、简朴但又不失诗意的空间。

Located in Santa Fe, Mexico City’s most modern district teeming with gleaming glass and steel office towers, Tori Tori Santa Fe is the eponymous Japanese eatery’s fifth outpost in the city. Local cross-disciplinary design practice Esrawe Studio drew inspiration from Samurai armours and Japanese writing characters, marrying Japanese craftsmanship with geometric abstraction to create a space that is squarely contemporary and rather austere, and yet subtly poetic.


Situated on the ground floor of a commercial building, the vast, 720-square-metre venue, which also includes a “grab-and-go” shop with Japanese food and snacks, is swathed from floor to ceiling in a monochrome palette of black hues. The dark interiors are punctuated by holm oak custom-made furniture, which the Studio also designed, and other holm oak details, the most impressive of which are two suspended monumental structures whose design evokes the geometrical structure of traditional Samurai armours.

两个木结构的设计利用了场地的高度差。背面的圆柱形设计悬挂在餐厅的铁板餐桌上方,食物在客人面前的铁板上烹饪,并隐藏了油烟机,而直线形的通风柜则是商店中的焦点。还设计了独立式的木制搁板,用于将购物区与旁边的寿司吧分隔开来,而一面浅浮雕几何形状的墙则受到汉字字符(日本汉字书写系统)的启发, 空间的长度创造出装饰性极强的背景。

The two wooden structures were designed to take advantage of the double-height ceiling on the front and back of the venue. The cylindrical design, at the back, is suspended above the restaurant’s main teppanyaki table, where the food is cooked on iron plates in front of the guests, and hides the necessary extraction hood, while its rectilinear counterpart is the focal point of the shop in the front. Free-standing wooden shelving that the Studio also designed is used to separate the shopping area from the sushi bar that runs alongside it, while a wall of bas-relief geometric forms inspired from Kanji characters (a system of Japanese writing using Chinese characters) that runs the length of the space creates a decorative backdrop.


Despite the monochromatic black colour palette, the restaurant, which also includes a terrace with additional teppanyaki tables and a private dining room, enjoys plenty of daylight, courtesy of the floor-to-ceiling glazing, while come night time concealed lighting creates a more intimate ambience. Day or night, the masterfully illuminated suspended structures remain the focal points of this innovatively sophisticated venue.



主创设计 | Héctor Esrawe
室内设计 | Esrawe Studio
家具设计 | Esrawe Studio
项目负责 | 平成 Carmona
设计团队 | 哈维尔·加西亚·里维拉,莉莲·贝当古,罗伯托·冈萨雷斯,克里斯蒂娜·马尔加恩,法比安·达维拉,恩里克·托瓦尔,亚伯拉罕·卡里略,维维安娜·孔特雷拉斯,凡妮莎·奥尔特加
呈  现 器 | Luis Frausto Correa
外部顾问 | Casa Lux,HF Arquitectos,Grupo Bimer,高科技服务,Figueroa y del Buen,Alusa,Ansul,CTC Ingenieros,JoaquínCeballos,CecilioRodríguez,OscarRodríguez
项目照明 | Luz en Arquitectura
园林绿化 | 较高的椎骨
建      筑 | Cinemex

Esrawe Studio

Esrawe Studio是位于墨西哥城的多学科设计工作室。服务内容涵盖为酒店,和住宅项目也包含家具设计,室内设计和建筑解决方案。

Esrawe Studio is a multidisciplinary design studio located in Mexico City. Our aim is to develop furniture, interior design and architectural solutions for hospitality, cultural and residential projects.


Our team consists of highly experienced industrial designers, architects, production technicians and graphic designers who make sure that each one of the studio’s projects is optimally crafted from conceptualization to the finishing details. The studio’s creative essence is present throughout the entire process; a process perfected every day to offer new innovative concepts.


At Esrawe, design is a living process of dialogue, linking the users with their surroundings. It is all about feeling the evolution of design, which stems from an understanding of basic physical and emotional needs of a given moment, and in each context.


The studio breaths of dedication, passion and persistence, focusing on fine details and quality, always pushing boundaries and taking on new challenges.

Esrawe Studio 推 荐 案 例

Grupo Arca Showroom



DINZ 近 期 热 文


勒 · 柯布西耶 / 最后的建筑

OMA / 度假酒店变身社区文化空间
BCHO / 在地平线之下,拥抱大海

   Studio XM / 极简静谧的“私密庇护所”

