The combination of mind and nature can
produce wisdom and imagination
— 梭洛
沉 · 浸
Relationship between human beings and nature
空间中弥漫着对自然事物的热爱及对静谧生活的向往。通过灰白的布艺沙发,混合木质墙面的色调来体现空间自然和谐的氛围,素雅简约又不失精致稳重。沉浸其中,细细探索原木空间之美。The space is filled with love for natural things and yearning for peaceful life. Through the gray cloth sofa, mixed wood wall tone to reflect the natural and quiet atmosphere of the space, simple and elegant, but also delicate and stable.
融 · 合Raise the temperature of the whole hom大面积落地玻璃的巧妙运用,使家人在每一层都可以互动,空间内植入绿色植物,自然和谐的融合,使家人、自然、都增加了交流,提升了整个家的温度。The ingenious use of large area ground glass enables thefamily members to interact on each floor. Green plants are planted in thespace. The natural and harmonious integration increases the communicationbetween the family and nature.精心设计的感觉就像是拥有一个自由的工作室,虽然完全与外界隔绝,但是眼前的自然景象一目了然,不仅悄悄然延展了空间,更是为艺术创作打造了自然的平静感。The feeling ofcareful design is like having a free studio. Although completely isolated fromthe outside world, the natural scene in front of us is clear at a glance. Itnot only extends the space quietly, but also creates a natural sense of calmfor artistic creation.惬 · 意Enjoy this touch of nature卧室的墙上画满了草木,睡梦中颇有被簇拥在法国油画中的意境。生活气息与自然的气息相结合。推开窗门,极致自然景观的视角,搭配整体柔和的天然之美,是卧室空间的最大亮点。The walls of the bedroom are covered with plants andplants. In my sleep, I have the artistic conception of being surrounded byFrench oil paintings. The breath of life is combined with that of nature. 窗前的阳光透过窗帘的缝隙随意点洒在房间每一寸角落,给自己沏上一杯沁人心脾的茶,从浮躁的快节奏生活中抽离,用心感受一份惬意,一份自然,一段属于自己的时光。The sunlight infront of the window sprinkles on every inch of the room through the gap of thecurtain, making a cup of refreshing tea for yourself, and taking away from theimpetuous fast-paced life, you can feel a comfortable, natural and time of yourown.儿童房以米色调为基调,配以色彩跳跃活泼的装饰,展现孩子的青春活力。温暖如光,让孩子自由的随光奔走,一派美好温馨的画面。Children's room withrice tone as the keynote, with color jump lively decoration, show the youth ofchildren. Warm as light, let the children free to run with the light, abeautiful warm picture.
秩 · 序 A ceremonial workspace整体空间利用深浅不一的原木元素,利用木质台阶分隔开左右两边的空间,利用有限空间创造一个小型阅读区域,带有自然纹理的木质结构运用,使空间少了几分硬度,多了几分温度,让整个空间增加了有秩序的艺术氛围。The whole space uses the log elements of different depth,uses wooden steps to separate the left and right sides of the space, uses thelimited space to create a small reading area, and uses the wood structure withnatural texture.将艺术装置和自然美学转化成一种无声的设计语言。并轻描淡写的运用几件装饰点缀,更显得锦上添花。It transforms artistic installation and naturalaesthetics into a silent design language. And the use of a few pieces of lightdecorative embellishment, it is even more icing on the cake.
追 · 寻A hobby full of achievement
绘花为趣,与草木为伍,属于自己的画室充满了大自然的灵气,当自己的创作变成一副栩栩如生的画像,当自己的兴趣有了一份成就感,配以空间内充满艺术感的墙面画,一切都是这么井井有条,对于生活的幸福感大概来源于此。Painting flowers forfun, with plants, belonging to their own studio is full of the aura of nature,when their own creation into a vivid portrait, when their interest has a senseof achievement, with the space full of artistic wall paintings, everything isso orderly.悠闲的生活始终需要一个怡静的内心,乐天豁达的观念和尽情欣赏大自然的情怀。Leisure life always needs a happy and open-minded idea of peace of mind and enjoy the feelings of nature.
由毛明镜先生创立的MAUDEA 牧笛设计成立于2011年,坐落于中国上海。致力于为国内不同行业的一流企业提供国际化的建筑、景观、室内、以及产品设计服务。公司项目遍布全国,并获得诸多国内外权威设计奖项,是一家具备多元化设计经验的合伙人制设计师事务所。
牧 笛 设 计 近 期 案 例
新城 云昱东方 阜阳体验中心
联发万科 海上明月 体验中心万科 · 翡翠东第
万科 方圆 南通 精装样板间
Esrawe Studio / 独到的日式匠心之作
Formafatal / 超越想象的度假天堂