Spring is
when life's
alive in everything.
“ 牧笛在现代设计美学中加入自然美学
找到城市中静谧温馨的居家模式 "
Artistic presentation is the best form of space. It is to put the beauty of nature into the accessible space in another way and give life "oxygen" and "breath".The modern pictures spread in the space,
一寸寸的自然元素蔓延于空间中,预示着无限的生命力,旨在营造出与内部颜色对应的摩登印象和色调. 细致的工艺与舒适的色调为空间的氛围带来如诗般的浪漫感官。
Inch by inch of natural elements spread in the space, indicating infinite vitality, aiming to create a natural impression and tone corresponding to the internal color.
在餐厅区域,花艺为空间不仅增加了温馨的氛围,更是主题的色彩及材质的呼应和延续。高级的棕色与简约的白色融合,释放出雅致且不失温暖的氛围。In the restaurant area, the flower art not only adds warm atmosphere to the space, but also echoes and continues the color and material of the theme.
主卧遵循让家更舒适的想法,通过对整体布局的把控,对细节设计的反复打磨,呈现出它最美好的样子。利落的线条搭配自然纹理的木色为空间赋予自然灵气,呈现出高级、细腻、优雅的气质,打造一个充满想象力与魅力的空间。The neat lines and natural texture of wood color endow the space with natural aura, showing a high-level, delicate and elegant temperament.The master bedroom follows the idea of making the home more comfortable.
The natural elements of temperament and color used in space, quiet atmosphere spread around, people and nature attract each other, thus starting a journey of urban life.
书房延续主色调的同时搭配优雅的灰色,落地玻璃窗给予空间无尽的生活幻想。The master bedroom continues the main tone, and at the same time matches with elegant gray. The hidden curtains show the beautiful scenery outside the window.
Under the mild natural light, the whole world presents the warm sun. Through the clever collocation of different materials, the fresh breath stays in the sunshine and the space.
空间是一场贴近自然的梦,真实而柔软,将不同元素融合汇通,细节之间细腻精致,置身其间,寻觅内心的静谧祥和。Space is a dream close to nature. It is real and soft. It integrates different elements. The details are delicate and exquisite.
由毛明镜先生创立的MAUDEA 牧笛设计成立于2011年,坐落于中国上海。致力于为国内不同行业的一流企业提供国际化的建筑、景观、室内、以及产品设计服务。公司项目遍布全国,并获得诸多国内外权威设计奖项,是一家具备多元化设计经验的合伙人制设计师事务所。
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