
首发 | 众舍设计 · 传达理性逻辑与感性变化之间的冲突与融合

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


「 POLY VOLY(wuhan)Creative office 」 

2021  BY  ZS · DESIGN

       POLY VOLY
Rever / triptych of lune三谷

1. 保利 沃利 

POLY VOLY是一家致力于持续创造颜值、功效、体验极致结合的高品质个护产品和服务的新兴时尚品牌,旗下拥有triptych of lune三谷和Rever两大颜值洗护/身体护理品牌,其中Rever跻身天猫浴盐类目第1位;三谷洗发水位列洗护套装单品排名TOP3,小红书类目排名NO.1、天猫新锐代表品牌等。品牌产品力优异的市场表现以及市场需求的激增都让企业高层更愿意尝试把新鲜、大胆的想法表达于品牌的各个方面,其中办公空间对外及对内的输出形象如何呈现显得尤为重要。

Poly Voly is an emerging fashion brand that is committed to continuously creating high quality personal care products and services combining appearance level, efficacy and extreme experience. It owns TRIPTYCH OF LUNE three valley and REVER two major appearance level health care/body care brands, among which REVER ranks the first in Tmall bath bath category. Sangu Shampoo ranked Top3 in the single products of washing and care suit, No.1 in the category of Little Red Book, and representative brand of Tmall new talent, etc. The excellent market performance of brand products and the surge of market demand make the enterprise executives more willing to try to express fresh and bold ideas in all aspects of the brand, in which how to present the external and internal output image of office space is particularly important.

在本次的POLY VOLY全新办公室设计策略上,契合品牌“创造+体验”理念之外,也试图在空间中融合抽象元素与“矛盾景象”,使其在空间中通过外部的视觉感官体验与内部的品牌内核本质产生微妙链接。

In this Poly Voly new office design strategy, in line with the brand "create + experience" concept, but also try to integrate abstract elements and "contradictory scene" in the space, so that it in the space through the external visual sensory experience and the internal core of the brand essence of subtle link.


Through the combination relationship and combination form of materials in the space, the contradictions of spatial elements are highlighted layer by layer to interpret the diversified positioning of the brand. At the same time, the differentiation of the two main space forms is deliberately made to convey the conflict and integration between rational logic and perceptual thinking.

2. 融汇 


基点 -


Team hopes to office space as a carrier to convey the design their own cultural spirit, to create its own brand personality and attitude, space elements in constructing and straight piece of abstract symbols, by extracting associated with brand name products form the edges and the feminine form in space, the collision with the vision to create strong dramatic spatial experience.


The two main Spaces are well-organized and hard volumes and sensual curved forms, which attempt to describe the brand identity derived from the spatial representation, and at the same time simplify the complexity of the internal structure and equipment of the space, presenting in the space in an eye-grabbing minimalist shape.

3. 轨迹 

A ·  lOCUS


An excellent office space for an enterprise brand is the location where the designated goals and tasks are completed according to the plan. In the traditional sense, the office blocks the sight and sound sources of different Spaces by establishing partitions of different departments. Small partitions in each interval are the expression of order in boring office space. Therefore, in this design, we hope to break the traditional sense of closed order and create a relatively free office environment as far as possible.

The multi-layer curve modeling is inserted into the space through different working areas. Through the interaction between the curve modeling on the top surface and the use space at the bottom, the brand elements in the concrete form are presented in an abstract form and given sensory stimulation, and the red theme of the brand color system is added to extend the visual breadth of the space.


The overall background color of the space is given priority to by a purer black and gray tone. The black sculpture-like block runs across each functional area to provide a background to meet the needs of employees in different use scenarios, just like an "actor" performing a special play under the spotlight of the stage.


Space to add more interesting, in addition to the dark grey background color, add a with red color is extracted by brand, tripping over space, design of deliberately Edward reserves, high saturation, color and form an open dialogue relations, at the same time use the diffuse reflection to build artificial light, the light in the space of the flow and change.


The overall background color of the space is given priority to by a purer black and gray tone. The black sculpture-like block runs across each functional area to provide a background to meet the needs of employees in different use scenarios, just like an "actor" performing a special play under the spotlight of the stage.


Space to add more interesting, in addition to the dark grey background color, add a with red color is extracted by brand, tripping over space, design of deliberately Edward reserves, high saturation, color and form an open dialogue relations, at the same time use the diffuse reflection to build artificial light, the light in the space of the flow and change.

4. 峡谷

B ·  Canyon


How to make the most of the space and reduce the presence of the infrastructure in the space is an important aspect of design consideration. Starting from linear elements, this area uses a unified design language to integrate the relationship between the facade and the ceiling, simplifying the external structure while also bringing a sense of form that is almost square to the space. At the same time, combined with the combination of office furniture, so that the overall spatial relationship has been unified and balanced.


The combination of horizontal base lighting and custom-made soft film lighting system brings basic lighting that meets office needs and provides peaceful and bright indoor light for the public area.


As the concept of emphasis on the theme of the region at the same time different from the other type space curve elements, integrated into the line this element bedding face cutting, the space local join soft soft light film, hale and moderate, sexual and emotional, dialogue, integration of different elements, let a space under the minimalist appearance, the show "valley", rich texture and exquisite level.


The use of low saturation space, pure material hope to express a sense of quiet in the space, skin color color use is also extracted from the brand tone, jump out of the background color and can be integrated with the office atmosphere.


项目地点 | 武汉市洪山区保利国际中心
Location | Poly International Center, Hongshan District, Wuhan
室内面积 | 1000平方米
Net Area | 1000㎡
室内设计 | 众舍设计事务所
Interior Design | ZONES DESIGN
设计总监 | 王辉
Director | Hui Wang
项目团队 | 王辉、 戴奇伟、李伟军、赖倩
Design Team | Hui Wang、Qiwei Dai、Weijun Li、Qian Lai、Tianli Zhang、Qing Liu
设计时间 | 2020.02- 2020.05
Design Period | 2020.02 -2020.05
施工时间 | 2020.06-2020.09
Construction Period | 2020.06- 2020.09
施工团队 | 壹辰(武汉)装饰设计工程有限公司
General Contractor | Yichen(wuhan)Construction and Decoration Co., Ltd.
办公家具 | 斯纳戈(武汉)实业有限公司、HAY、sorthome
Loose Furniture | Snago (Wuhan) Industrial Co., Ltd
灯具 | 莳光域境照明
Lighting | Shiguangyujing lighting
道具 | 姚灿
The props | Can Yao
项目摄影 | TT空间摄影-谭业成
Photography | TT Space Photography - Tan Yecheng

众舍设计创始人&设计总监 / 王辉



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