知名批评家王南溟获任喜玛拉雅美术馆馆长 组建艺术博物馆领域顶级学术委员会
上海喜玛拉雅美术馆由著名建筑师矶琦新设计,前身为创建于2005年的上海证大现代艺术馆(Zendai MOMA),是证大集团董事长戴志康对社会的文化回馈。创立十多年来,美术馆在当代的社会语境下以开放的姿态和前瞻性的视野探索新模式,重视学术梳理、尝试打通学科壁垒、努力连接当代与传统、推进国际文化艺术交流,致力成为提升专业、走向公众的新型美术馆。
- 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆 -
《后殖民荣誉:艺术的中国性与艺术家的中国身份 》,古桥出版社,2012年。
Wang Nanming Appointed as New Director
at Shanghai Himalayas Museum
Shanghai Himalayas Museum officially appoints Wang Nanming as new director of the museum. He will take on museum’s operation and administrative management. Yongwoo Lee, formal museum director, has stepped down from the position, while he will continue to take his part in Shanghai project till the end of July.
Shanghai Himalayas Museum, formerly known as the Zendai MOMA founded in 2005, is designed by the famous architect Arata Isozaki. It is the founder and chairman of Zendai Group, Mr Dai Zhikang’s cultural repay to the society. Since its establishment more than ten years ago, the museum has explored new patterns for museums in the context of contemporary society using an open pose and a forward-looking vision; it has attached great importance to academic organizing; it has tried to break the boundary between different disciplines and to link the contemporary and the tradition; and it has promoted global cultural and art communication. It is trying to become a new museum close to the public and elevated knowledge.
Since March 2015, Yongwoo Lee’s has executed various projects including Chapter I and Chapter II of Shanghai Project during his two-year directorship, evoking discussions and in global art and cultural field.
On May 9th 2017, the official directorship transition meeting has been held in Shanghai Himalayas Museum. “Wang Nanming has been serving the museum as a consultant for ten years, and has participated in numerous significant museum programs. He deeply fathoms museum’s vision and direction, as well as the internal structure and its staff. With over 10 years’ dedication to the museum, and with the endeavor of promoting social interactive art, multi-disciplinary exhibiting and critiquing, I sincerely wish there will be more wonderful projects to the public under the leadership of the new director Wang Nanming.” Said Yongwoo Lee.
“I’d like to thank formal director Yongwoo Lee for serving the museum over the past two years. Shanghai Himalayas Museum has been known for its diversity, inter-discipline, social art intervention, and public interaction as its core values. Shanghai Project, under Lee, has been carrying museum’s mission and has developed it to the next level.”said Wang Nanming.
Wang Nanming, as a multidisciplinary figure, determines to employ brand-new operational plans to construct museums’ future directions:
1. Re-examining the ideological schemes between the contemporary art and the traditional art.
2. Initiating “Young Thinker Residency Project” to inspire new generations in terms of sparkling forces of critical thinking of themselves.
3. Strengthening museum’s public education, building collaborations with colleges and generating cross-field dialogues.
4. Stressing museum’s role in public serving sector, abolishing museum curator position and opening to exterior curators and experts, constituting more original exhibitions and academic forums.
About Director
Wang Nanming, Independent curator and artist in Shanghai, also regarded as one of the most influential critic in the field of Chinese contemporary art. He is the elucidator and advocator of the Avant-garde, post-avant-garde and Metavant-garde.
In the late 1990s, Wang has actively taken part in HK Commune and Chinese artists’ studios’ constructing, managing and exhibition making. During 2007- 2009, he has been chief editor for the art magazine “Art Focus” and “Art Time”, leading directions of art criticism and evoking various provocative discussions. He has also been professor in “Art System and Law” at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, establishing new subject disciplines for the institute, cultivating young generation of critics.
Breaking artistic boundaries and advocating art of controversy, Wang Nanming extends the definition of an exhibition from a pure aesthetic dimension to a social-interactive level, and transforms the museum space into a forum of heated discussion over social issues. In recent years, his critique has focused primarily on the most provocative and contentious performance art, installation and photography since the beginning of the year 2000, through which he elaborates on the shift of contemporary art in China from the manifestation of aesthetics to sociopolitical commentaries, and the commitment to reinforce a precise understanding of Chinese contemporary art across the globe.
Wang Nanming has authored several books including “Understanding Modern Calligraphy: Artistic Transformation of Modern and Avant-garde”; “Art Must Die: from Chinese Painting to Modern Ink Painting”; “After Concept: Art and Criticism”; “The Rise of Critical Art: Chinese Problem Situations and Theories of Liberal Society”; “Modern Art and Avant-garde: Interface of Clement Greenberg’s Critical Theory”; “Art, System and Legislation: China's International Exchange”; and “A Post-colonial Honour: the Chinese-ness of Art and the Chinese identity of Artists” and “Obstacles of Calligraphy: Neo-classical Calligraphy, Popular Calligraphic Style, Modern Calligraphy and other Issues”.
His major works include “Calligraphy Balls”, “Tayin Drought and Tahui Lake”, which were collected by The British Museum, Annie Wong Art Foundation and National Art Museum of China.
上海喜玛拉雅美术馆馆长王南溟非常荣幸地邀请:鲍昆、车生泉、段煜婷、范迪安、顾铮、何小青、孔祥东、李翔宁、渠敬东、孙惠柱、孙向晨、王林、吴亮、朱大可、朱青生 (按姓氏首字母排列)15位各领域专家学者, 组建新一届“上海喜玛拉雅美术馆学术委员会”。
New Academic Committee of Shanghai Himalayas Museum is Formed
Shanghai Himalayas Museum is pleased to announce the list of members of Shanghai Himalayas Academic Committee: Bao kun, Che Shengquan, Duan Yuting, Fan Di'an, Gu Zheng, He Xiaoqing, Kong Xiangdong, Li Xiangning, Qu Jingdong, Sun Huizhu, Sun Xiangchen, Wang Lin, Wu Liang, Zhu Dake, Zhu Qingsheng. (listed as alphabetical order)
Ever since the conference “Humanistic Nature and Society: General Theory and Related Topics”, Co-organized by Shanghai Himalayas Museum and Institute of Humanistic and Social Science department of Peking University, has been held at the end of year 2016, strengthening collaborations with colleges, institutions, and generating dialogues among cross-field experts becomes primary focus in museum’s future development. Throughout more than ten years and with the endeavor of previous directors, Himalayas Museum has been known for being an active platform that holds up interactive ideas and multi-dimensional communications. With the support of committee, the museum will generate more possibilities with the force of interdisciplinary.
鲍昆 Bao kun
Art critic, Curator
车生泉 Che Shengquan
Professor, Ph.D, Vice Dean, School of Agriculture and Biology, Executive director of Bulgarian Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
段煜婷 Duan Yuting
Founding director of Lianzhou International Photography Festival
范迪安 Fan Di’an
Director, professor, Ph.D supervisor of Central Academy of Fine Arts
顾铮 Gu Zheng
Director of Visual Culture Research Center, Fudan University, Director of Department of Advertising, Fudan Journalism School, Fudan University, Photography critic
何小青 He Xiaoqing
上海大学上海电影学院执行院长, 教授、博士生导师
Executive director, professor, Ph.D supervisor of School of Film and TV Art & Technology, Shanghai University
孔祥东 Kong Xiangdong
李翔宁 Li Xiangning
Curator Executive Deputy Director of Institute of Humanistic and Social Sciences,Professor in Department of Sociology, Peking University, Sociologist
渠敬东 Qu Jingdong
Executive Deputy Director of Institute of Humanistic and Social Sciences, Professor in Department of Sociology, Peking University, Sociologist
孙惠柱 Sun Huizhu
Professor, Ph.D supervisor of Shanghai Theatre Academy, Playwright, Director
孙向晨 Sun Xiangchen
Director, professor, Ph.D supervisor of School of Philosophy, Fudan University
王林 Wang Lin
四川美术学院教授、西安美术学院博士生导师, 策展人、批评家
Professor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Ph.D supervisor of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Curator, Critic
吴亮 Wu Liang
Chief Editor of Shanghai Culture magazine, Cultural critic
朱大可 Zhu Dake
Professor, Ph.D supervisor of Institute of cultural criticism, Tongji University, Cultural critic
朱青生 Zhu Qingsheng
Professor, Ph.D supervisor of Department of history, Peking University, Chairman of the International Society for the History of Art
朱青生:呼吁奔走20多年 现在是建立世界艺术博物馆的好时机
2016年度全国美术馆优秀项目公布 56个项目获奖 含民营馆16个
快讯:央美中法艺术设计学院建设启动 拟培养博物馆管理与教育高级人才
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