
《ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS》| Monge et al:美国以森林为基础的碳汇政策对土地利用和一般均衡的影响



Abstract: A comparative static Computable General Equilibrium model was used to assess the impacts of forest-based carbon payments on sequestration, land use, and agricultural commodity prices in the U.S. A modified 2008 regional Social Accounting Matrix, considering land as a heterogeneous factor, was used as the model's main input. The matrix was projected to its 2050 counterpart using capital and labour growth projections. The forest-generated carbon offset sources considered were afforested set-asides, commercial forestry intensification and harvested wood products. A new dataset on regional afforestation carbon uptake rates and costs was used to include afforested set-asides as latent activities. For a carbon offset price of $20/MT CO2, 12% of U.S. annual emissions could be sequestered in 2050. More than half of the additional carbon sequestered (611 million MT CO2), compared to the 2050 baseline, would be attributed to set-asides and composed mainly of softwood forests. High carbon prices would increase land prices resulting in the diversion of 15% and 8% of pasture and cropland to carbon set-asides, respectively, mainly in the Central Plains. The high agricultural land diversion would force activities to intensify production systems driving the prices of beef up by 14% as well as oilseeds and grains by 3% and 4%, respectively.

Keyword: Carbon sequestration ,Afforestation ,Set-aside ,Land-use change ,Computable General Equilibrium ,Heterogeneous land ,Major land resource areas ,Management intensity

《ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS》,最新影响因子为4.482,刊载方向为环境科学、生态学、资源环境经济学等。该杂志致力于扩展和整合对“自然的家庭”(生态系统)和“人类的家庭”(经济)之间的界面和相互作用的理解。生态经济学是一个跨学科的领域,定义为一系列具体的问题或挑战,这些问题或挑战与管理经济活动有关,以促进人类福祉、可持续性和正义。



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