
2017 IEEE ICAC 喊你来投稿啦!

The 23rd IEEE  ICAC'17 is coming

Call for Papers!
The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC’17)
7-8 September 2017
University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK
Conference Theme:
Addressing Global Challenges through Automation and Computing
The aims of the conference are to provide a forum for scientists, engineers, scholars and students to exchange ideas and update technical knowledge, as well as to provide a platform where joint research programmes can be formulated for mutual benefit.
The scope of the conference covers a broad spectrum of areas with multi-disciplinary interests in the fields of automation, control engineering, computing and information systems, ranging from fundamental research to real-world applications. Specific areas will be clarified at the end of this article. 
Papers should describe the original work with focused details. The conference details and the paper template for ICAC’17 are available on the conference website.

For more information, please visit: 


IMPORTANT DATES!!Submission deadline: 30 April 2017
Notification of acceptance:31 May 2017

Camera-ready copy due: 30 June 2017
       本次会议的组织单位 The Chinese Automation and Computing Society in the UK (CACSUK),也是 International Journal of Automation and Computing (IJAC) 的主办单位之一,IJAC主编谭铁牛院士担任本次会议的名誉主席。大会还设有ICAC'17和 IJAC 共同赞助的“Best Student Paper Award”,会议论文将被EI收录。
       CACSUK与IJAC诚邀您投稿并参会,您将有更多机会与和来自英国自动化与计算领域的专家进行学术交流与思想的碰撞 !
Honorary ChairProf. Tieniu Tan, Chinese Academy of Sciences
General Chair 
Zhijie Xu, University of Huddersfield, UK
Program ChairProgram ChairJie Zhang, Newcastle University, UK
Conference Co-ChairJiliu Zhou, Chengdu University of Infor-mation Technology, China 
Awards ChairsDongbing Gu, University of Essex, UK 
Daniel Auger, Cranfield University, UK

The Chinese Automation and Computing Society in the UK

Sponsors The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 
The Chinese Automation and Computing Society in the UK (CACSUK)
University of Huddersfield
Chengdu University of Information Technology
Paper scope
The conference welcomes the submission of papers in the nature of original research, technical review and tutorial from following, but not limited to, areas:
• Artificial Intelligence• Autonomous Systems and Sensor                Integration• Big Data and Knowledge Engineering• Communications and Networks• Computer Architecture• Computer Graphics and Visualization• Control Methodologies and   Applications• Digital Manufacturing and Enterprise           Technologies• Flexible Manufacturing and CIM• Human Computer Interaction• Information and Network Security• Information Technology and Cloud              Computing• Intelligent Machine Interface Design• Machine Vision and ImageProcessing • MEMS and micro devices• Metrology and System Reliability• Modelling and Simulation• Multimedia Systems and Applications• Networked Control• Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic        Algorithms, and Machine Learning• Non-destructive testing, evaluation and      condition monitoring• Optimization and Decision Making                 Support• Process Modelling, Control and                    Optimal Design• Robot Control and Intelligent Sensors• Robust and Adaptive Control• Software Testing and Reuse• Supply Chain and Logistics• System Diagnosis and Identification• Systems Engineering• Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality• Wireless Sensor Networks


International Journal of 

Automation and Computing



