
干货|深度学习项目流程(DLSS2016上Andrew Ng讲座摘要)(附Github)

2017-03-06 全球人工智能




This document attempts to summarize Andrew Ng's recommended machine learning workflow from his"Nuts and Bolts of Applying Deep Learning"talk at Deep Learning Summer School 2016. Any errors or misinterpretations are my own.


  1. Measure Human-level performance on your task.

  2. Do your training and test data come from the same distribution?

  • Yes

  • No


The real goal of measuring human-level performance is to estimate theBayes Error Rate. Knowing your Bayes Error Rate helps you figure out if your model is underfitting or overfitting your training data. More specifically, it will let us measure 'Bias' (as Ng defines it), which we use later in the workflow.


1. 把你的数据整理和划分成Train / Dev / Test 集

Ng recommends a Train / Dev / Test split of approximately 70% / 15% / 15%.

2. 衡量你的训练误差和开发设定误差,并计算拜厄斯和方差

Calculate your bias and variance as:

  • Bias = (Training Set Error) - (Human Error)

  • Variance = (Dev Set Error) - (Training Set Error)

3. 出现High Bias了吗?首先修复它

An example of high bias:

Fix high biasbefore going on to the next step.

4. 方差很高吗?修复它。

An example of high variance:

Once youFix Your High Variancethen you're done!


1. 划分你的数据

If your train and test data come from different distributions, make sure at least your dev and test sets are from the same distribution. You can do this by taking your test set and using half as dev and half as test.

Carve out a small portion of your training set (call thisTrain-Dev) and split your Test data intoDevandTest:

2. 测量您的误差,并计算相关指标

Calculate these metrics to help know where to focus your efforts:

3. 有高的Bias?修复它!

An example of high bias:


An example of high variance:

Fix your high variancebefore going on to the next step.


An example of train/test mismatch:

Fix Your Train/Test Mismatchbefore going on to the next step.

5. 你的Dev Set出现过度拟合吗?修复它

An example of overfitting your dev set:

Once youfix your dev set overfitting, you're done!


Ng suggests these ways for fixing a model with high bias:

  • Try a bigger model

  • Try training longer

  • Try a new model architecture (this can be hard)


Ng suggests these ways for fixing a model with high variance:

  • Get more data

    • This includes data synthesis and data augmentation

  • Try adding regularization

  • Try early stopping

  • Try new model architecture (this can be hard)


Ng suggests these ways for fixing a model with high train/test mismatch:

  • Try to get more data similar to your test data

  • Try data synthesis and data augmentation

  • Try new model architecture (this can be hard)

如何解决你Dev Set的过度拟合

Ng suggests only one way of fixing dev set overfitting:

  • Get more dev data

Presumably this would include data synthesis and data augmentation as well.



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